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Posts posted by SlashGeeGee




    no, all you need to do is to move line 1863 to 1864. vice versa,...


    If you delete 1. the other strings will be affected.



    Thanks , I just need to make sure. :DSlashGeeGee

    But according to official server I.e kro it was moved from 1863 to 1864.(atleast in 20130807, it is moved, I dont know exact date, when itwas moved.)

    So you can also change pc.c


    clif->msgtable_num(sd->fd, 0x746, e_tick + 1); // [%d] seconds left until you can use

    Change to

    clif->msgtable_num(sd->fd, 0x747, e_tick + 1); // [%d] seconds left until you can use

    Thats why if you see https://subversion.assembla.com/svn/client-side-translation/Data/ we have kept latest msgstring at data folder and older msgstring are seperated in msgstring folder.



    Oh i see thanks i'll use this solution :)




  2. Hi Herc,


    Just wondering i've spammed using the "Halter Lead" and the message say's "Content has been saved in [saveData_ExMacro%d]#" is this correct ? I found this message in line 1863 of my msgstringtable. and on the next line the correct message has it "%d seconds left until you can use#" .



    So is it okay to remove line 1863 of my msgstringtable ? I'm using sir ossi's client side files by the way.




  3. if there is conflicts

    why not after pull(git) or update(svn) why not use resolved

    and do manual resolving the conflicts.


    not that kind of conflict . I mean program conflict. but JoWei already said that there's no harm when installing tortoisesvn and tortoisegit in one pc.

  4. I'm currently using TortoiseGIT and TortoiseSVN on the same computer right now and it doesn't seem to have any issues having them both on.

    But you should be able to checkout Hercule using https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules for SVN since it's a link provided by GitHub when selecting a clone.


    That is my repo as of the moment. but when i try to do SVN Update. all the branches are being added like bcrypt,rathena and others. How can i update the master branch only ? follow up . If i use TortoiseGit will it checkout only the master branch ? :D




  5. Hi Herc.

    1st. ) I just relocated my repo in here "https:://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules" because this repository is no longer available anymore "http://svn.github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules.git" and when I update my Hercules using TortoiseSVN. all the branches are checked out. then i tried to relocate again to here " https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/commits/master " it say's it's not the root of the repository.

    2nd. ) I'm using TortoiseSVN to checkout the emulator and for the updates. but the problem is I get this problem. http://herc.ws/board/topic/130-notepad-format/ . so my question is. 


    So how do I get to update my Hercules using TortoiseSVN ? Is it okay for me to install TortoiseGit on my pc to resolve problem no 2.. since I have TortoiseSVN already will that be a conflict ?




    Best Regards,


  6. It does not require any server modification

    just make an npc show the text, like


    mes "go to <NAVI>[Hat Maker]<INFO>izlude,131,148,</INFO></NAVI> to make hats";


    the [Hat Maker] will be clickable in the client and make a navigation to the npc.


    also it works with the browser too


    mes "You can <URL>Google<INFO>http://www.google.com/</INFO></URL> anything";

    clicking Google will open the browser




    A quick scan shows this <URL> and <NAVI> first appeared in 2011-10-10aRagexe.exe.

    so any clients after that should work :)


    AWEESOOOOME !!!! thanks for this Yommy ! :D




    your attachment only have item drop sprite&act, item inventory image and item collection image. You also need a sprite which is used when headgear is equipped which is missing from your attachment. If this is an official accessory (by the look of things it does) then you shouldn't need to worry about those files provided your RO folder is updated.

    Honestly, that's the only file I saw in pRO's Data and my data is also updated. I still don't know why I can't get it to work


    That's why I cannot find it, in my data and rdata.grf even when I updated. Can I have a copy of pRO grf ? 




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