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Everything posted by CaioVictor

  1. Hello Neo ^^' Thank you so much, it's working now! Att, CaioVictor.
  2. Hello all ^^' Well, I am creating a SH file that will run the athena-start and the this SH file will be located in the parent directory of emulator! Emulator:/home/emulator/athena-startSH File:/home/file.sh And the script line responsible for executing the server-athena: #!/bin/shPATH=./:$PATHEMULATOR="/home/emulator/"exec ${EMULATOR}athena-start stop However, when the code run athena-start it returns that files(login/char/map-server) do not exist. How can i fix it? I appreciate any help intention! Att, CaioVictor.
  3. Hello Frost ^^' Thanks for answering. But when the char is not equipped with any weapon, should be displayed an SPR of standard weapon for attack, right? Att, CaioVictor.
  4. Boa tarde! Usui: Poderia me passar por favor a lua files corretos? xD sevenzz23: Using these ViewID where? In lua files? ^^' Att, CaioVictor.
  5. Olá JulioCF ^^' sim sim, brAthena xD Att, CaioVictor.
  6. Hello all ^^' I'm using hexed2013-08-07 and everything is configured correctly, without any error! However, the new class Rebellion when attack does not show the weapon sprite, as you can see in the picture below: This problem is related to the lack of a file or problema in lua files? Can anyone help me solve this problem? I notice that my server uses the data.grf of bRO(Brazilian Ragnarok Online) and still does not have Rebellion class. So I'm adding the necessary files manually. I appreciate any intention to help! Att, CaioVictor.
  7. Hello ^^' Firstly sorry me english! I would earnestly ask someone to send me the files that operate the items comparison in hexed 2013. My server does not use kRO, then client crash on this system. If you can help me by sending me the files needed to items comparison, I'll be very grateful! Thank you in advance any attention! Att, CaioVictor.
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