make it in a less confusing format, please. I've been wanting this for years, but I didn't think I'd have to actually ask. honestly, does anyone know or can explain what all those variables do for a class?
well a quick look in status.c says that one is for hp_coefficient, one is for hp_coefficient2, one is for weight, one is for sp_coefficient and the rest are for ASPD of various weapons (pretty much like the comment in the file says)
that does not help me understand WHAT THE HELL I AM LOOKING AT. @_@; here's a line:
// Novice
0, 20000,0 ,500 ,100 ,440 ,590 ,610 ,2000 ,2000 ,2000 ,540 ,2000 ,540 ,540 ,690 ,2000 ,2000 ,2000 ,2000 ,2000 ,2000 ,2000 ,2000 ,2000 ,2000 ,2000 ,2000 ,690 ,540
novice has 0hp/sp/weight modifier.... so theoretically it should be 0,base weight,0,0,0 ....etc but it's NOT. My point is, what is going on here?