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Everything posted by Squishyyy

  1. just...fyi if it helps with dates...I started ragnarok (iRO CHAOS) right before Hugel patch...when gunslinger and ninja where on sakray. It was around mid-late december. I remember because there was a christmas event and the flying crystals were there and I was like WTF.
  2. It's about time someone made a list like this...We've been split so much recently we forget to stop and appreciate how we got here ^^.
  3. Squishyyy

    Mob Behaviour

    a long, long time ago...there was a release on eathena forums with some devs mob modification thingie...that was taken out of eathena before my time. I'd like to see some of that action again and then some.
  4. Squishyyy

    hi :)

    I don't see much difference between any of them, honestly. (*glances left and right before going into hiding from angry mob*). - but yea, I mean...Aegis is still around and THAT's different and then there's other stuff like ... well I've been in plethora of modding communities for various games like torchlight borderlands and unity unreal etc....so i been around. that said, between the actual athenas, see little difference except for time and age...With age people leave and those people know things the new people don't know and new person comes in trying to see what old person did and is like wat the eff.It sounds like I'm rambling, but I'm not honestly :3
  5. holy tehshizl that map...so detailed. *dies*
  6. Squishyyy

    hi :)

    glad to help o_O;
  7. Squishyyy

    hi :)

    not much to it. if <-boolean yes or no (strcharinfo(0) <--- the character's name is the 0 option see script_commands.txt i blieve == <---boolean equals if these are in fact equal "icabit" <--you)) mes <---script command for a message similar to printf or something like that followed by what you are printing ---> "sup" ;<---don't forget the semicolon. super paranoid scripting logic.
  8. this may be a side question, but what are the limits for like hardcoded things that the client can handle ie levels, stats, hp,etc...Because I know a lot of 999 servers had issues with matk caps when I played them and atk caps too...so is there a way to not 'fix' but 'increase these limits?
  9. yea, i've seen them over the years in iRO with their hacked translation items. They all mean the same thing. I do believe it actually is referring to after cast delay for some of the weird ones but for the the aspd based ones yea it's aspd. You just have to log on a real server and equip it. We need more spys.
  10. ^+sideways eight. oh and welcome. o_o;
  11. yo entiendo solo un poco espanol pero muchas gracias con todos.
  12. Squishyyy

    hi :)

    if(strcharinfo(0) == "icabit")) mes "sup.";
  13. I, too, would have use for such a system.
  14. Squishyyy


    internet,0,0,0 script Squishyyy 45,{ mes "[^FF0000Squishyyy^000000]"; setarray(.@names$[0],"Jezu","dastgirpojee","JayPee","nanakiwurtz","hemagx","malfuett","pr3p","nndsl","Zopokx","Vali","Virtue","M45T3R","Michieru","Judas","Beret","Yommy"; if(strcharinfo(0) == getarraysize(.@names$[0])) { mes "Hello World"; close; }else { mes "Hello." end; }} been a while since I scripted...anyone want to fix that XD;;?
  15. @LCD *included in diff* @Mstream *also included in diff* as for the HP/SP see my other post about job_db1.txt and yea it's in the diff too. http://herc.ws/board/topic/333-job-db1txt/ @Malfuett I thought so too, but like I said it was working when I used to the mage skill tree...and now that I switched it back to acolyte high skill tree and added 2 custom skills it does not work...Maybe it's something else in the diff file or client ._. ...i honestly don't know. Thanks for the replies . Another thing to note is that @useskill does make the skill name go above my head, but no desired effect is achieved (although one of the skills is passive and nothing should happen the other is like an adrenaline rush and no effect occurs). This might be useful info...dunno. I do know i have not edited the appropriate client/server/db files for any visual effect to occur, but that's not what I'm looking for. I'm looking for a change in aspd which has not occured. .
  16. here's a working Cleric (high acolyte) custom class with mage skills as dummy skill tree added. https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/46617_585387774804690_661590854_n.jpg I added 2 custom class skills correctly with their lua files, spr, act, and bmp files and all the associated client, db, server edits and now I can't use any skills. Any clue? https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/536251_585387641471370_421140367_n.jpg I am using hercules latest SVN and client and lua files514 or whatever's latest in the Clientside svn. thank you. I've attached a diff with all my changes server side and posted in spoiler tags all my client-side changes. Server side diff had a few modifications for personal security (we don't want you knowing all my IPs and server passwords and shit eh?). Anything edited in the conf files was changed to a "-". TestRO.diff
  17. Squishyyy


    Also, is there a command like @reloadjobdb (couldn't find it I thought there used to be one) that reloaded job_db1 & 2 so I don't have to restart the server or something every time I adjust the file.
  18. free mindless zombie drone npc players that don't complain? DO WANT!
  19. modification projects by definition use all three. At least by the definition I remember. Still, I understand your reasoning. Ok, I'll ask and you can move it wherever you want. here's a working Cleric (high acolyte) custom class with mage skills as dummy skill tree added. All happy, no? https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/46617_585387774804690_661590854_n.jpg I added 2 custom class skills correctly with their lua files, spr, act, and bmp files and all the associated client, db, server edits and now I can't use any skills. Any clue? https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/536251_585387641471370_421140367_n.jpg I am using hercules latest SVN and client and lua files514 or whatever's latest in the Clientside svn. thank you.
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