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Everything posted by jaBote

  1. It does. Or, at least, should do.
  2. If you have them enabled, they are the same as the regular logs in your database.
  3. Quick fix that I can think of: give them by script Or if your MvP item rates are lower, make the treasure box give 1 MvP exp and put the godlike items drop at the MvP rate. Sorry for the rushed reply.
  4. jaBote


    Hello. rAmod is closed source distributed under a non-disclosure agreement, so here on Hercules we can't really help you unless some other member is a legitimate rAmod user. You could try luck on the official rAmod boards at http://www.zephysoft.com/eamod/
  5. jaBote


    What kind of database do you mean? Databases inside the db folder? Or databases in which you must use SQL to make them work? BTW my rAthena to Hercules upgrade is quite outdated. I should redo it whenever I have time. I'll try tomorrow, but cannot guarantee.
  6. This can't be achieved on scripting, but you can do it by editing source code. However, an example of what you can do with scripting is making a custom atcommand available to your mounting users that, if they have fly wings or butterfly wings, will delete one of these from their inventory and run their script.
  7. I would keep the numbers as integer because this would lead to misunderstanding, and cash points are all integer values because they are stored as player variables. This is the best advice I can give you ATM, but you could hex your client to make it show a ",00" at the end of the prices (which I don't know).
  8. Done. You can now download a GRF version if you want.
  9. I don't know if it makes some warnings scream on your map console. I could try to help you fix them if you want.
  10. Hello. By default, WoE castles have an Emperium when unoccupied. For disabling this behavior, you can comment lines 150 and 152 of npc/guild/agit_main.txt and also edit line 173 to: if (0) { This may arise you some warnings but it should work fine. Sorry for the rushed reply, I'm supposed to be somewhere else right now.
  11. I think you can compare folders with regular comparison programs such as WinMerge.
  12. Hello IUSHI, I just wanted to inform that clients later than 20120410 use a much different data folder compared to their older counterparts.
  13. Nice one! Problem is that it breaks when displayed on a mobile UI.
  14. No entiendo muy bien el problema, más que nada porque no logro figurármelo del todo. ¿Serías tan amable de subir un vídeo o tratar de explicarte un poco más a fondo? ¡Gracias!
  15. I agree with you. I've been countless times in need of not counting autotrade or AFK players. Most of all because I didn't want to show an inflated list to the rest of the users.
  16. Ziu has them translated to Spanish on his blog (except the cash shop discounts part, it doesn't usually interest anybody that isn0t playing kRO). Will try translating them over to English whenever I have the time after the exams (around the start of February). Link: http://ziu-ro.blogspot.com.es/2014/01/08012014-mantenimiento-kro.html
  17. Open your database manager program (usually PHPMyAdmin or MySQL Workbench) and load them on your database.
  18. I don't know myself. Try if that works. Backup your file and roll it back if it doesn't work.
  19. Then right–click it, select properties and unmark the read only checkmark
  20. Hola. No puedo ver la captura de pantalla. ¿Has tenido esto en cuenta? src/common/mmo.h#L54: Si NO usas ragexeRE sino ragexe u otros tipos de clientes, deberías comentar la línea 56. Comentar se trata de poner un // al inicio del código que quieras hacer que el compilador ignore hasta el final de la línea, tal como así: //#define PACKETVER_RE Recuerda compilar de nuevo tras hacer esta operación, si aún no la habías hecho. Por otro lado, ¿aparece algún warning, error u otro aviso relevante en las consolas del juego mientras intentas aparecer en el mapa? Edit: Oh, vaya. Veo que lo que está tachado ya lo has intentado en el otro tema.
  21. Not unless enough people request it. It's a totally custom addition so you can add it as a plugin and it'll indeed work without any problems.
  22. ¿Puedes moverte, usar el chat, etcétera cuando entras al juego? ¿Podrías comentarnos si la ventana de que el programa dejó de funcionar tiene alguna información extra o mostrarnos alguna captura de pantalla? ¿Tienes src/common/mmo.h bien modificado para que tu compilación soporte el cliente que estás usando?
  23. By the way, I don't know if you guys have realised yet, but this means you won't ever need an external plugin to make a vending database work!
  24. jaBote

    H>drop rates

    I'm not understanding what you wrote. Could you please elaborate? If you want to set all drop rates to 1, you should go to conf/battle/drops.conf and set all the item_drop_XXXX_max configurations to 1, or just the ones in which you're interested to make them 0.
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