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About Natandrummer16

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  • Birthday 03/04/1995

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    Aprender Mas Sobre Emulador de Ragnarok e Desenvolver.!

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  1. resolved sorry was bad configuration in the emulator
  2. not the other errors and the client ta Normal <servicetype>brazil</servicetype> <servertype>primary</servertype> <extendedslot /> <passwordencrypt /> <passwordencrypt2 /> <connection> <display>RagnaObscure</display> <desc>40k/40k/10%/5%</desc> <balloon>40k/40k/10%/5%</balloon> <address>ragnaobscure.virtushost.com.br</address> <port>6900</port> <version>20</version> <langtype>1</langtype> <aid> <admin>2000000</admin> <admin>2000001</admin> <admin>2000002</admin> </aid> <loading> <image>loading00.jpg</image> </loading> </connection> </clientinfo>
  3. do not understand 'cause I can not log in then x.x
  4. does not work I can not log into my server says it was not posivel connect to served but everything is configured
  5. [Warning]: setsocketopts: Unable to set SO_REUSEPORT mode for connection #7! [Warning]: setsocketopts: Unable to set TCP_THIN_LINEAR_TIMEOUTS mode for connection #7! [Warning]: setsocketopts: Unable to set TCP_THIN_DUPACK mode for connection #7! how to resolve this error? already set up all the emulator to the host but is giving this error, and I can not log into the server logs but not passes to the creation screen x.x
  6. as solves guys put on my host and recompiled and gave this error here someone plz help and when starto also the error that T> T
  7. como resolve galera coloquei no meu host e recompilei e deu esse erro aqui alguem ajuda plz e quando starto tbm da esse erro T>T
  8. deve se hexed mal difado pq alinhado com o mmo ta =x vc poderia me ajudar a difar um hexed 20120410
  9. bom galera to tendo um problema com uma pasta grf que eu fiz @>@ ta dando ums erro de lua e quando eu aperto ok em todas abre normal o hexed e quando abre eu crio ex: dexter_m senha 12345 quando aperto logar da desconectado do servido @>@ nao sei o que faço queria que vcs me ajuda sem pois sou leigo @.@ desde ja sou grato !
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