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About PokemonRO

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  1. It is 2013, many scripts that you want or similar to what you want is most likely already made. You just need to edit them, change a few things to suit what you want it to do. That is were script documentation comes in handy
  2. Best to download an existing warper and edit it the way you like
  3. you can give yourself and players cash points using @cash command
  4. Make sure it cant be duplicated when they use it in storage, sitting etc.
  5. PokemonRO

    Weapon Aura

    What you want is in the realm of possibility, however; there may be some limitations to how you do it. 1. Creating an NPC that imbues your weapon with a specific element 2. Attaching a pre-existing specialeffect that can be found in the effect_list.txt So for instance, you imbue your weapon with holy element, find an appropriate effect that could possibly show that they have holy weapon element enchanted. While it does not show right on the weapon itself, the effect on the character can possibly show you are using holy element. For this to work, you would need a custom auraset command that allows you use effects as an aura. Everytime you use the NPC to change your element, it would change the aura around you. This is probably the closest thing you can get to what you are looking for
  6. I use Woe Setter 3.4.5, works well
  7. Looks like you have a custom timer, pvprank timer?
  8. The only way to Hatred reset from what I know is through an NPC. You could use a bindatcmd feature to make it into a command, just note that doing it this way requires a player to log off and back on for it to reset properly
  10. PokemonRO

    MAC IP Address

    MAC Ban NPC Here is a Mac ban NPC. Credits to Goddameit for the original codes and the idea. I altered it to apply for Mac addresses instead. CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `mac_ban` ( `list` varchar(18) NOT NULL, `ban_reason` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `unban_reason` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `status` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0', `ban_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `unban_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', KEY `list` (`list`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; Here is the script http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=rRsaK97t
  11. PokemonRO

    MAC IP Address

    @Tepoo Again, if you have nothing to contribute to this topic for MAC Addresses, take your stuff to off topic and stop spamming this thread. I have figured out how to get the Mac Address check to work for 2013-08-07 clients, with hercules svn 13127 or newer. Please PM me if any of you are having problems getting it to work, I will be more than happy to help you. I will be releasing a get mac address npc script as well in the future.
  12. Are the monsters out of range ? Or still within screen
  13. PokemonRO

    MAC IP Address

    Alright, move to a diff country, run your ro server in peace and for the love of god, stop hindering this topic with your bs, linking us to a Wikipedia page with the definition of privacy law, lmfao. Back on topic, with a 2013-08-07 client, even with sso login diff it does not work, tested on 2 live servers with svn 13127. Anyone with knowledge on the packets they use, are they incorrect? there are reports of the older client versions working with Rolex launcher and login diff. I will try to change the packets it calls for and keep this post updated if I get it to work on the 2013-08-07 client
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