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Posts posted by Jezu

  1. I-disable mo nalang bro yung RENEWAL_ASPD sa src/config/renewal.h then RECOMPILE!!



    /// renewal ASPD [malufett]/// (disable by commenting the line)////// leave this line to enable renewal ASPD/// - shield penalty is applied/// - AGI has a greater factor in ASPD increase/// - there is a change in how skills/items give ASPD/// - some skill/item ASPD bonuses won't stack//#define RENEWAL_ASPD 

  2. In my opinion, the ASPD on iRO/pRO and bRO is based on +1 fix in every AGI you have.


    in kRO, the Aspd is based as %. So the more AGI you have, the more percentage you will get on Aspd.


    The difference is pRO/iRO and bRO is using fixed aspd, making a bit of imbalance in terms of speed gaining.

  3. Sir @Ind,


    Can you try to open Yggdrasil Box(10) #14232 and Elite Siege Supply #14003. It seems some of the packageitem(); is not fully working to me.


    On screenshot below, after clicking 'Ok' button, nothing happen. 


    NOTE: I'm using fresh Hercules SVN latest.




    And here's the console errors I got when I open some of the items that has packageitem(); on item_db.



  4. and please NOTE, the package contains Data and System folder only. The EXE is not included on the package. 



    - Data| -- book/| -- sprite/| -- luafiles514/| -- texture/| -- bafrostjoke.txt| -- cardpostfixnametable.txt| -- cardprefixnametable.txt| -- dc_scream.txt| -- GuildTip.txt| -- mapnametable.txt| -- metalprocessitemlist.txt| -- msgstringtable.txt| -- questid2display.txt| -- tipoftheday.txt| -- pettalktable.xml- System| -- Font/| -- ItemInfo.lua| -- monster_size_effect.lua| -- MsgString.lua| -- optioninfo.lua| -- ShadowTable.lua| -- Towninfo.lua 

  5. No, @maintenance will make the server unable to join normal players with group id: 0 


    Only 99 group id can enter on the server. The reason why it is important is to avoid people entering the server while the server is online so you can test your npc or any scripts freely.


    File Name: Customized Shop-Needs Item

    File Submitter: dastgirpojee

    File Submitted: 15 May 2013

    File Category: Source Modifications


    I made this script from request : http://herc.ws/board/topic/631-customize-npc-shop/

    Example of usage:



    <map name>,<x>,<y>,<facing>,<item_id>    ishop    <npc name>    <spriteid>,<itemid>:<amount>,.....
    This shop will use item id mentioned in the NPC.



    Please Do Not Share without Credit.Please Do not Share this as Paid Service.

    Click here to download this file



    Thank you for this very useful diff addon Sir dastgir! This is really helpful, however, how to make the NPC will tell the required itemid even the character has no ItemID on the inventory of a character. 


    If the character has no ItemID required, the NPC will tell 'You don't have enough Kafra Points' shown on the screenshot below, then  I summon TCG Card (7227), afterwards, the NPC is showing what is required ItemID. 


    In short.


    How to do to make this npc that will show the <item_ID> when you click even the character has no required ItemID. 


    Thank you!!! /heh



  7. I made this, Just Wait for some minute for me to upload this patch.

    File : attachicon.gifItemShop-May15.diff



    <map name>,<x>,<y>,<facing>,<item_id>    ishop    <npc name>    <spriteid>,<itemid>:<amount>,..... 

    Once download gets approved by mods, http://herc.ws/board/files/file/6-customized-shop-needs-item/

    Tested And Working.



    Wow! This is great! :3 What a nice response from dastgir :3 Thanks a lot for this patch! It will be easier now to create customize shops.

  8. Hello guys!


    As you can see, customize NPC shops like Euphy's script is a bit hard but it is understand-able when you read it throughly. Why don't we make it simple. 



    Just like 'cashshop' and 'shop' on ordinary NPC. This is an example and it comes the idea from eAmod.






    the <itemid> will be the currency of the said NPC. It will be much easier and can be more customizable. 


    Helpful with rewards, main currencies, etc etc.

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