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Everything posted by AnnieRuru

  1. need a custom script command like *checkguildemblem https://github.com/AnnieRuru/Release/blob/master/plugins/checkguildemblem.c - script woelimit HIDDEN_NPC,{ end; OnPCLoadMapEvent: .@guild_id = getcharid(CHAR_ID_GUILD); if (!.@guild_id || !getmapflag(strcharinfo(PC_MAP), MF_GVG_CASTLE) || !agitcheck()) end; if (checkguildemblem(.@guild_id)) end; message getcharid(CHAR_ID_ACCOUNT), "You must have an emblem to join WOE"; warp "Save", 0,0; end; } btw you should combine this script with this one seems similar stuffs that you want to restrict your players in woe ..... wait .... how to REMOVE the emblem ? once an emblem has been set, the only way is to CHANGE the emblem only if the guild master CHANGE the emblem into fully transparent 0xFF00FF color then this script command will still fail and made a check with emblem data is just like playing cat and mouse, today I deny a full transparent emblem, tomorrow guild master change it with a single dot, it just never ends this idea don't seem to work
  2. 1. .@unique_id$ = get_unique_id(); I thought gepard uses integer ?? 2. if(getd("$ID_" + .@unique_id$) > 0 || #FreebiesReward > 0){ mes "[Freebies NPC]"; mes "You have already claimed your Freebies."; close; } mes "[Freebies NPC]"; mes "Here's your Freebies. Have a nice day!"; setd "$ID_" + .@unique_id$,1; #FreebiesReward = 1; erm, I am holding my laughter right now, but isn't this only 1 player in the whole server can claim this reward ??
  3. before I lock this topic, I'm curious to know what is unique id also yeah, all freebies and attendance script etc uses *getitembound type IBT_CHARACTER to prevent transfer the item to other character
  4. *peek* https://gist.github.com/AnnieRuru/f49d2e09c81c31c9c428e088af558f33 around 30% completion, need to sleep a lot of stuffs not finalize yet, but you can play around first, don't put into live server @Eternity, you are rathena user right ? this one I made been using hercules specific script command, *getcalendartime and *pcre_match just not available in rathena, so some features has to scrap, it won't look the same if these feature taken out
  5. https://gist.github.com/AnnieRuru/aef19ddbaf2bd1f432bd53ea78a32d5d this should work, didn't test though
  6. damn, where the **** is mf_indoors ??? https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/blob/56f8c49f065831c21156dd88bd5397b6ba355813/db/const.txt#L91 <-- 15 years ago -----> it seems to changed between 2006 and 2007 HAHAHAHA my knowledge on `@night` is still when I haven't became scripting moderator on eathena forum HAHAHA prontera mapflag nightenabled yes it works
  7. just tested, `@night` nor *night script command doesn't work on my 20180620e client but this works sc_start SC_SKE, 10000, 1; hmm ............
  8. plugin ... please no source edit, hercules member please don't edit source code by any means necessary https://github.com/AnnieRuru/Release/blob/master/plugins/rare_drop_announce.c try write a plugin yourself ?
  9. update plugin -> https://github.com/AnnieRuru/Release/blob/master/plugins/addrefinedrop/addrefinedrop_0.3.c along with healer script for testing -> https://github.com/AnnieRuru/Release/blob/master/scripts/Utility/healer/healer_1.2.txt nope, but we can just struct item_data of the nameid to get the data of that item 1.4 - https://github.com/AnnieRuru/Release/blob/master/plugins/addrefinedrop/addrefinedrop_0.4.c - if the item is non-refine-able, it doesn't drop refined items
  10. I'm revising this plugin because a member in rathena report that attacking with /nc still cause monster to disappear so this time I hook to battle->check_target function https://github.com/AnnieRuru/Release/blob/master/plugins/deadbranch_timerdelete/deadbranch_timerdelete_0.2.c
  11. Poring has 70% chance to drop a Jellopy if having 100 LUK, this will make Jellopy 80% drop rate (70% +10) // Makes your LUK value affect drop rates on an absolute basis. // Setting to 100 means each LUK adds 0.01% chance to find items // (regardless of item's base drop rate). drops_by_luk: 100000 if having 100 LUK, this will make Jellopy 77% drop rate (70% * 1.1) // Makes your LUK value affect drop rates on a relative basis. // Setting to 100 means each LUK adds 1% chance to find items // (So at 100 luk, everything will have double chance of dropping). drops_by_luk2: 10 600 LUK ... then the value above should divide by 6 10/6 = .... don't want to think about it DIDN'T TEST this isn't a percentage type calculation, but a flag on/off db\re\item_db.conf BuyingStore: true/false (boolean, defaults to false) Delay: Delay to use item (int, defaults to 0) KeepAfterUse: true/false (boolean, defaults to false) DropAnnounce: true/false (boolean, defaults to false) <---- HERE ShowDropEffect: true/false (boolean, defaults to false) DropEffectMode: Effect Type (int, default to 0) .... if this feature isn't renewal only why this isn't include in db\item_db2.conf ?
  12. you mean something like the first 500 players who redeem this code will get freebies !! this reminds me in real life e-wallet the first 100,000 customer who use this coupon code will get a discount when do online purchase terms and conditions apply blah blah once expire ... how ? can't redeem again even for other player ? isn't this feels stupid ... the code only used once ... if the GM advertise the code, everyone sees the code, but the code only use once .... =/
  13. this one ... I don't understand though how to detect multiple times by different accounts ? some server out there has a master account system, can register multiple accounts in-game and bind them under a master account in control panel but this feature is completely custom, and I never seen the code before, so I don't know how to make use of that
  14. well of course it doesn't last through `@reloadscript` because it uses `$@var` type, temporary global variable https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/blob/stable/npc/woe-fe/agit_main.txt#L1263-L1279 so you need to change them into `$var` type variable, and add OnInit: just above OnClock0001: label to spawn treasure box this is script support so assume you know how to do it yourself
  15. https://rathena.org/board/topic/115232-script-doesnt-recognize-spaces/?do=findComment&comment=344440 seriously this is getting on my nerve whenever somebody bring this script up can't everyone just recognize this script is just bug as hell ? and promotion code can always bypass by players no matter how hard you try block by IP is just plain stupid better use getitembound instead of getitem so players will realize the reward item is bound to the account only and when the script made as getitembound, means this VERY OLD script is invalid to use in today's script method ------------------------------- ok enough being grumpy, 1. the SQL table has to be case-sensitive 2. use varchar CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `reward_logs` ( `account_id` int unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `last_ip` varchar(16) NOT NULL, `code` VARCHAR(26) NOT NULL, `redeem_time` DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `claim` INT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`code`) ) ENGINE = MYISAM; and I'm not fixing this script better just write a new one with *getitembound
  16. https://annieruru.blogspot.com/2019/01/how-to-compare-value-within-array.html use 4th method since you are rathena user prontera,150,190,5 script kjsfhkdhf 1_F_MARIA,{ if (inarray(.deny_ip$, getcharip()) >= 0) { mes "You've claim reward with this IP"; close; } .deny_ip$[getarraysize(.deny_ip$)] = getcharip(); getitem 501,1; end; } oh, wait, I thought you want modify reward given from koe script now you want it to give everyone upon the event ends - script sdfsdf FAKE_NPC,{ Onaaa: .@guild_id = .@atcmd_parameters$; // <-- change this to your guild ID, whatever it came from getguildmember .@guild_id, 1; getguildmember .@guild_id, 2; for (.@i = 0; .@i < $@guildmembercount; ++.@i) { if (isloggedin($@guildmemberaid[.@i], $@guildmembercid[.@i])) { if (inarray(.@deny_ip$, getcharip($@guildmemberaid[.@i])) >= 0) { message rid2name($@guildmemberaid[.@i]), "Multiple IP detected."; continue; } .@deny_ip$[getarraysize(.@deny_ip$)] = getcharip($@guildmemberaid[.@i]); getitem 501, 1, $@guildmemberaid; } } end; OnInit: bindatcmd "give", strnpcinfo(3)+"::Onaaa"; end; }
  17. AnnieRuru

    bts quest!

    if(dar_dar >= 1) goto L_taposme; if(hen_hen >= 1) goto L_taposna; if(hen_hen >= 1) goto L_taposbts; if(hen_hen < 1) Hhhhhmmmmmmmmmm............................................................... ok this might be some other language I can't understand, I don't want to comment on that 1. after the Lbts menu selection, it should set a permanent player variable, which I think is dar_dar ? 2. if(hen_hen < 1) mes "[ ^C6A518Guardian of Prontera^000000 ]"; mes "The Guardian of Prontera is looking "; mes "for brave warriors willing to"; mes "defend our world against evil and darkness."; this part is just definitely wrong, it should enclose in curly bracket or for a beginner like you just use goto ... PS: I honestly have no idea how to help a member at this script level ....
  18. so many rathena members here ... at least please put it on your profile so people like us don't have to do convert it again to rathena blah blah so many mistakes on your script 1. the checkweight should check from the variable from the *input, if you put check on goldPoint then if players actually farm high amount they might forever said being overweight 2. the overall ranking you put it this way for (.@i = 0; .@i < .@nb; ++.@i) mes "[ ^C6A518Gold Room Assistant^000000 ]"; mes (.@i +1)+". "+ .@name$[.@i] +" - "+ .@ppk[.@i] +" Kills"; should be this way mes "[ ^C6A518Gold Room Assistant^000000 ]"; for (.@i = 0; .@i < .@nb; ++.@i) mes (.@i +1)+". "+ .@name$[.@i] +" - "+ .@ppk[.@i] +" Kills"; 3. and the "your current rank" can be found on the pinned topic 4. rathena don't support strcharinfo(PC_MAP), it just strcharinfo(3) 5. finally its `Points` not `Kills`, this script gives random 1~3 points per kill, and the SQL table log in points not kills https://gist.github.com/AnnieRuru/88e558b500a6e4afe00b559e7dcacd1b
  19. AnnieRuru

    bts quest!

    hmm ... how to say, yeah there is official break the seal quest in our repo, which is built for low rate server but some server especially high rate server players who only likes get into action doesn't like go to this npc then talk to that npc blah blah blah just like me I don't like low rate I love high rate server as you can tell I love writing event scripts and battleground scripts anyway here's the script, I also made it configurable https://gist.github.com/AnnieRuru/b5177016943db888f8d322f937e97427
  20. { Id: 1001 SpriteName: "SCORPION" Name: "Scorpion" Lv: 16 Hp: 153 Sp: 1 Exp: 108 JExp: 81 AttackRange: 1 Attack: [33, 7] Def: 16 Mdef: 5 Stats: { Str: 12 Agi: 15 Vit: 10 Int: 5 Dex: 19 Luk: 5 } ViewRange: 10 ChaseRange: 12 Size: "Size_Small" Race: "RC_Insect" Element: ("Ele_Fire", 1) Mode: { CanMove: true CastSensorIdle: true CanAttack: true Detector: true ChangeTargetMelee: true ChangeTargetChase: true } MoveSpeed: 200 AttackDelay: 1 AttackMotion: 1 DamageMotion: 1 MvpExp: 0 Drops: { Boody_Red: 70 Scorpions_Tail: 5500 Elunium_Stone: 57 Solid_Shell: 210 Fine_Grit: 100 Yellow_Herb: 200 Lusty_Iron: 20 Scorpion_Card: 1 } }, SCORPION: { NPC_FIREATTACK: { SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK" SkillLevel: 1 Rate: 2000 Delay: 5000 Cancelable: true SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET" CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS" } NPC_POISON: { SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK" SkillLevel: 1 Rate: 500 CastTime: 800 Delay: 5000 SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET" CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS" } NPC_POISONATTACK: { SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK" SkillLevel: 1 Rate: 500 CastTime: 300 Delay: 5000 SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET" CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS" } MO_EXTREMITYFIST: { SkillState: "MSS_ANY" SkillLevel: 5 Rate: 10000 CastTime: 0 Delay: 0 SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET" CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS" } } you also need to lower monster's AttackDelay and AttackMotion for the monster to cast skill faster too
  21. add OnTouch and emotion ... - script Healer -1,{ OnTouch: .@Price = 0; // Zeny required for heal .@Buffs = 1; // Also buff players? (1: yes / 0: no) .@Delay = 1; // Heal delay, in seconds if (@HD > gettimetick(2)) end; if (.@Price) { message strcharinfo(0), "Healing costs " + callfunc("F_InsertComma",.@Price) + " Zeny."; if (Zeny < .@Price) end; if (select("^0055FFHeal^000000:^777777Cancel^000000") == 2) end; Zeny -= .@Price; } specialeffect2 EF_HEAL2; percentheal 100,100; emotion ET_CHUP; if (.@Buffs) { specialeffect2 EF_INCAGILITY; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,620000,10; specialeffect2 EF_BLESSING; sc_start SC_BLESSING,620000,10; repairall; identifyall; } if (.@Delay) @HD = gettimetick(2) + .@Delay; end; } prontera,151,188,5 duplicate(Healer) Healer#prt 909,14,14 honestly rathena still has a few script commands that hercules lacks, like this *identifyall
  22. update to version 1.4, as this one also has nocharms mapflag, similar issue as noitem mapflag https://github.com/AnnieRuru/Release/blob/master/plugins/Charms/charms_1.4.c - fix memory leak when do multiple `@loadnpc` well yes, actually you also can do it on any equipment, not just charms however I don't want to add unnecessary feature on public release version, this could be done if open a new topic on plugin request though EDIT: Eddga_Card { Id: 4123 AegisName: "Eddga_Card" Name: "Eddga Card" Type: "IT_CARD" Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Loc: "EQP_SHOES" Script: <" bonus bMaxHPrate,-25; "> OnEquipScript: <" sc_start4 SC_ENDURE,60000,10,0,0,1; "> OnUnequipScript: <" sc_end SC_ENDURE; "> }, hmm ..............................
  23. AnnieRuru

    bts quest!

    if you mean god item quest creation its in our repo https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/tree/stable/npc/quests/seals rathena also has them in their repo
  24. tested with prontera mapflag noitem 4,5 payon mapflag noitem 4,5 izlude mapflag noitem 4001,4002,4003 izlude mapflag gvg type `@mapexit` [Status]: Terminating... [Status]: Cleaned up 982 maps. [Status]: Close Map DB Connection.... [Status]: Close Log DB Connection.... [Status]: Finished. [Info]: Memory manager: No memory leaks found. no memory leak I can't reproduce your problem let me fix that `@loadnpc` anyway 1.9 - plugin - fix memory leak when do multiple `@loadnpc`
  25. I think I've fixed memory leak issue since version 1.7 but the line shown in screenshot is indeed version 1.8, latest version did you reproduce this with `@loadnpc` gm command ? I tested if use `@loadnpc` only once, there are no memory leak, but `@loadnpc` multiple times on the same file will indeed causes memory leak otherwise you have to tell me how to reproduce this memory leak issue
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