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Everything posted by AnnieRuru

  1. so its not compatible with newest client ? no result topic starter beats me by a minute =/
  2. I think he wants 2 things 1. he wants to show the [0] yes most item already can show [1] [2] [3], but if the item has no slot, he still wants to show the [0] 2. Alt+Q equipment doesn't show [0], [1], [2], [3] old item file can do that no.2 ? interesting newer one that use itemInfo_Sak.lub has these function main() for ItemID, DESC in pairs(tbl) do result, msg = pcall(AddItem, ItemID, DESC.unidentifiedDisplayName, DESC.unidentifiedResourceName, DESC.identifiedDisplayName, DESC.identifiedResourceName, DESC.slotCount, DESC.ClassNum) if not msg then result, msg = pcall(AddItem, ItemID, DESC.unidentifiedDisplayName, DESC.unidentifiedResourceName, DESC.identifiedDisplayName, DESC.identifiedResourceName, DESC.slotCount, DESC.ClassNum, DESC.costume) end if not result then return false, msg end for k, v in pairs(DESC.unidentifiedDescriptionName) do result, msg = AddItemUnidentifiedDesc(ItemID, v) if not result then return false, msg end end for k, v in pairs(DESC.identifiedDescriptionName) do result, msg = AddItemIdentifiedDesc(ItemID, v) if not result then return false, msg end end if nil ~= DESC.EffectID and nil ~= AddItemEffectInfo then result, msg = AddItemEffectInfo(ItemID, DESC.EffectID) if not result then return false, msg end end if nil ~= DESC.costume and nil ~= AddItemIsCostume then result, msg = AddItemIsCostume(ItemID, DESC.costume) if not result then return false, msg end end end return true, "good" end function main_server() for ItemID, DESC in pairs(tbl) do result, msg = AddItem(ItemID, DESC.identifiedDisplayName, DESC.slotCount) if not result then return false, msg end end return true, "good" end DESC.slotCount .... but doesn't seem to have anything to do here
  3. 1.3 - plugin - add respawn behavior and allow/disallow skill configuration - add announcement when GM use `@cell_pvp` atcommand 1.3a - fix pk server doesn't calculate the pvp points correctly
  4. 1.2 - plugin - rewrite this damn thing with addToMAPD/removeFromMAPD instead of using VECTOR_ - fix can't re-enable `@cell_pvp` at the expense of overwrite `@pvpoff` atcommand and `*pvpoff` script command how old is your emulator ? https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/pull/2699 at least 5 months old ?
  5. that's why I said the condition below doesn't work already .... https://gist.github.com/AnnieRuru/d0e99d26f560f6622350ee8b82d70aec
  6. HAHAHAHA !! why I missed that part of the video hmm ... how to fix this ... priest outside the zone can cast santuary just 1 cell away of pvp zone to heal people standing at the edge of the zone ... hmm, maybe only the placement skill make it can only cast battle_config.area_size away from the pvp zone I think just disable skill casting outside the zone 1.1a - plugin - disable any skill casting outside pvp zone except GM that has PC_PERM_SKILL_UNCONDITIONAL - FIX A FUCKING BUG THAT NOBODY CAN HIT ANYTHING I think I'm going to rewrite this as addToMAPD/removeFromMAPD instead of using VECTOR_ ....
  7. set .rewardCount, getmapusers(strnpcinfo(4)) - 1; change strnpcinfo(4) into $lastPopMap$ by the way the condition down below might not work, we don't have *getfreecell script command to search for a free cell to drop items while(checkcell ... trick might work, but might take a lot goto_count .... though
  8. I've actually done this once when I was just started learn source coding of course over time I've become better, but decided use this 'cell_pvp' name because of popular search result ... this isn't setcell type modification, but a script/at command that can only set only in a square/rectangle shape this modification has some resemblance based on this patch Download: 1.7 plugin this should work just like in this video - script jdhsjkfh FAKE_NPC,{ OnInit: cell_pvp "prontera", 150, 180, 160, 190, CELL_PVP_RESPAWN_DISABLE, CELL_PVP_SKILL_ALLOW, CELL_PVP_BONEDROP_NONE; end; } Create a PvP zone using script command, *cell_pvp "<mapname>", <x1>, <y1>, <x2>, <y2>, <respawn>, <skillallow>, <bonedrop>; <respawn> flag are: CELL_PVP_RESPAWN_DISABLE CELL_PVP_RESPAWN_INSTANT CELL_PVP_RESPAWN_NORMAL <skillallow> : disallow skill usage outside pvp zone. This will disallow receiving buffs from players outside PvP Zone CELL_PVP_SKILL_DISALLOW CELL_PVP_SKILL_ALLOW <bonedrop> : drop player's name bone inside pvp zone when dead. -> This will always overwrite the `battle_config.bone_drop` value from conf\map\battle\player.conf CELL_PVP_BONEDROP_NONE CELL_PVP_BONEDROP_ALWAYS GM can also create a PvP zone on the map @cell_pvp 150 180 160 190 1 0 0 create a specific pvp zone on the map, with instant respawn and disallow skill outside PvP zone use `@pvpoff` or script command `*pvpoff` to turn off the pvp zone after version 1.2 the weird bug has been fix, now you can let your players create a simple pvp zone in guild house or player's custom house by using `*cell_pvp` script command enable by using `*cell_pvp` script command, disable by `*pvpoff` ... rinse and repeat Remember as a GM you can enable the MF_PVP_NOPARTY and MF_PVP_NOGUILD mapflag by @mapflag pvp_noparty 1 @mapflag pvp_noguild 1
  9. 2.0 - script - completely revamp the formula, now each bodystyle can have its own cloth color range and you dummy baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baka
  10. AnnieRuru

    Skill Nerf

    I just noticed the latest ... songs ... are different from my memory .....WTF (20190530 client) ok so go back to 20180620 client case BA_APPLEIDUN: #ifdef RENEWAL hp = 100+2*skill_lv+5*(status_get_vit(src)/10); // HP recovery #else // not RENEWAL hp = 30+5*skill_lv+5*(status_get_vit(src)/10); // HP recovery #endif // RENEWAL if( sd ) hp += 5*pc->checkskill(sd,BA_MUSICALLESSON); break; case BA_APPLEIDUN: val1 = 5+1000*skill_lv+st->vit/10; // MaxHP percent increase if(sd) val1 += pc->checkskill(sd,BA_MUSICALLESSON); break; max level modification need to done both client side and server side
  11. AnnieRuru

    Skill Nerf

    be more specific nerf the healing rate ? nerf the timer in between heal ? or just nerf the bard skill level to 3 max ...
  12. this has nothing to do with hercules =/ in fact you post in correct location ... client support indeed, what you are asking for is client hexing there are only very small amount of people understand the code behind hex editor ... unfortunately, I'm not one of them have you tried download a hex editor and change the hex value yourself ? I don't even know where to start either
  13. - script kjhfkshdf FAKE_NPC,{ OnNPCKillEvent: if (killedrid == PORING && strcharinfo(PC_MAP) == "prt_fild08") { if (++.poringkill == 100) { monster "prt_fild08", 0,0, "--ja--", MASTERING, 1, strnpcinfo(NPC_NAME_UNIQUE)+"::OnMobKill"; // mapannounce "prt_fild08", "Mastering has been spawn", bc_map; } } end; OnMobKill: // mapannounce "prt_fild08", "Mastering has been killed", bc_map; initnpctimer; end; //OnTimer5000: OnTimer86400000: .poringkill = 0; end; } prt_fild08,0,0,0,0 monster Poring 1002,1000,0,0 tested with https://annieruru.blogspot.com/2019/01/mapmoblist-script-version.html
  14. https://github.com/AnnieRuru/Release/blob/master/scripts/Utility/vip_system/vip_system_sql.txt
  15. script support side, ok no spoon feed Create a table with the field that store `account_id`, `start_time`, `end_time` the ``start_time`, `end_time` field use DATETIME field use addtimer on the `end_time` field -> because you said want to make it configurable the method is posted on the script above which said made by BrianL, but BrianL also made that based on my old script hahaha stupid eathena forum down I can't show you the proof then yeah, the only thing that changed is #VIP_expire, which this value store in SQL table the rest like timer method should use in-game engine, use addtimer script command PS: the promotional code script that I recently made actually has the same exact system ... but that script isn't newbie friendly to read https://github.com/AnnieRuru/Release/blob/master/scripts/Utility/promotion code/promotion_code_1.3.txt#L23-L24 this script, is much easier than you think honestly if you want a direct answer I can write this out within 10 minutes ....
  16. no idea why that script doesn't work, it works fine in my test server but if you want a punching bag that can never be kill, then use setunitdata and make it crazy high hp - script Punching Bag FAKE_NPC,{ OnInit: .mobid = monster("prontera",158,183, "Punching Bag", BARRICADE, 1, "Punching Bag::OnInit"); setunitdata .mobid, UDT_MAXHP, 2000000000; OnTimer10000: setunitdata .mobid, UDT_HP, 2000000000; initnpctimer; end; }
  17. 1.4a - script - fix a bug when there is no text line and insert an empty space, causes Complete Setup doesn't work - fix a missing sprite change from LOOK_ROBE
  18. select * from item_db where type = 5 and equip_locations & 4 and view_sprite > 0; yeah my RO knowledge is again outdated, never thought robes can show sprite change 3.6 - script - fix a missing sprite change from LOOK_ROBE PS: why the wings on my character is being chop off but the statue is display correctly ? WTF ??
  19. 1.3 - script - fix if the server has custom animation sprite, reset the view sprite back to 0 - allow to disguise as another NPC - add log to know which GM setup this statue/NPC - add friendly reminder tricks for how to setup the text message
  20. another server from rathena side told me his server has animated sprite overlapping on the statue so again its YOUR problem that having animated sprite ... but at least this one can be fix easily by resetting the UDT_HEADTOP|UDT_HEADMIDDLE|UDT_HEADBOTTOM back to 0 3.5 - script - add .fix_custom_sprite setting to fix your server having custom animation equipment simple script conversion https://github.com/AnnieRuru/Release/blob/master/scripts/PvP %26 GvG/Dota PVP ladder/dota_sql_ladder_3.5r.txt at least I don't find anything hassle to convert this script into rathena ... unlike promotion code ... already 3 rathena members ask me to do that, and I turn down every time
  21. HAHAHA !! my reputation is spoiled now !! damn, I didn't make this mistake in a very long time just rip from `char` table ? fine ... I used OnInit to persist the data so it survive server restart (or `@reloadscript`) using function means ... needs to have at least 3, better do this as duplicate npc 1.2 - script - fix a bug that server throw rid2name not found error - add more name limitation such as npc name can't have # symbol - allow to add more than one statue - allow to search for offline player
  22. ok so I have been annoyed by some people claiming that statue doesn't work so I tackle this topic instead -> https://rathena.org/board/topic/125602-statue-npc-not-pvp-rankings/ let GM do whatever they want with this npc, let it disguise as a player to reward them as a champion in an event, or just to shame a player for doing wrong things whatever Download: 1.4 script Remember the color code remember Navigation link and Item Link
  23. 3.4 - script - fix the missing body style not display correctly thanks to this unknown member but AHHHHH HE REALLY BOTHER ME A LOT IN DISCORD for telling me that IT'S YOUR PROBLEM that YOUR SERVER HAS CUSTOM COSTUME ITEM OK ?? this script HAS to show offline players' data, that's why can't show if the player is actually wearing 3rd job or 4th job costume its your custom item fault OK ??? OnEquipScript: <" changebase roclass(eaclass()|EAJL_THIRD); "> OnUnequipScript: <" changebase Class; ">
  24. yeah of course, those in the repo are in public and free to use anyway you like
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