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Posts posted by SyncMaster

  1. Hi, my "name" is SyncMaster. I'm part of a Naruto Project,

    what I usually do is related to Map Edition, 3D Models, 

    NPC Scripts and some minnor sprite editions.


    What can I do for you?


    ACT Changes (>3$)
    Sprite Recolor (>3$)
    Palletes (>3$)



    3D Models Conversion (>5$)
    3D Models (>10$)
    3D Animation (>40$)
    Maps Minnor Changes (>5$)
    Small Size Map (>10$)
    Medium Size Map (>20$)
    Big Size Map (>40$)


    *Due to my work on a project, I prefer quick jobs.

    3D Mobs






















  2. On 7/21/2020 at 3:44 PM, Naruto said:

    can we really only have like the 3-4 of these sky maps?

    You have to "take" the sky effect from another map that has it. Since there's no patch to change it to lua files. It's something about 50 maps, including que_qaru01-05 and que_qsch01-05.

  3.   The tailed beasts (尾獣, bijū), sometimes referred to as "Chakra Monsters" (チャクラのバケモノ, Chakura no Bakemono),

     are the nine titanic living forms of chakra created by the Sage of Six Paths out of the chakra from the Ten-Tails.

    They are differentiated by the number of tails they have, ranging from one to nine.
    Shukaku, Matatabi, Isobu, Son Gokū, Kokuō, Saiken, Chōmei, Gyūki, Kurama.


    See More https://streamable.com/mm0icb    https://streamable.com/t1b2rr



  4. Byakugan


    The player can move his field of vision around the map during the skill time.

    Players and mobs are shown in red and blue, respectively, on the minimap.

    Stronger enemies are shown with a darker shade (based on HP).

    Created by: @Lucas [Nett] e @SyncMaster

    Special Participation : @Falker, @Frost , @rapalooza, @Zell


  5. 10 hours ago, Yoh Asakura said:

    You take "i did not receive the prize" as spam and insult?

    Don't try to make any other giveaway if you don't do as you say.


    I have a little feeling that with this post you lost your chances to negotiate instead of force it. If was with a different person, you had lost your prize when you said "don't try to do a giveawat if you don't even have time available to do it".

    It's 22 to reclaim, 29 justified waiting days + 16 waiting days. Without counting the days she warn that was off, you didn't even wait what she waited for the winner.

    And, for life, depending on the draw or contest/tender, you have 5 to 7 business days to claim the prize or the vacancy.

  6. My suggestion, as someone that make a custom project and learned how to program due this need, if you don't want to learn a bit of C+, is get the coding and programming from the hired developer and add yourself them in the source. Even without knowledge in programming, you get a control of what have been changed and there are some things that are intuitive, you may suspect if you see something out of the pattern and get a third opinion.

    Even though, I agree with Dastgir, there are risks.

  7. I'm using NEMO patcher on  2015-09-16a. I already try to remake the client, but since the error it's not working. I was using this client for 4 months. I'll try get the client from somewhere different. Sometimes the client start to work normal, but when I close and reopen, it don't open or I can't click. I was trying to find any driver issue.

    @edit: I already fixed the model testing when the client work, and the model was the only change. I tryed change all setup config. I don't know why but I discover now that when I open the game with sandboxie it work all the times, normal.

    @edit²: Solved, was caused by the bank security module.

  8.    I was adding some custom models in my server when one of them make the game close showing a gravity error, after that any client in my pc isn't working properly. Usually, after reboot the computer it work normal one time, after close (alt+f4 or in task manager) and open the game again nothing appears, or the game start without sound and can't click, or the game start with song but still can't click. I've test on clients before 2016. The game work on 2017 client, but i'm using an old emulator and It'll be hard to update, and still i'm using some features from olders hexeds.



  9. 7 hours ago, Shiro said:

    So... I'm a beginner at graphics designing. Please let me know what you think

    I used Hyvraine's designs as references

    also... if someone can code this please help me. message me here!

    So real that for one second I thought the load bar moved.

  10. A skill that invokes the single version or the double version of the Rashomon Shield. Works exactly like icewall, except that there is just one point to hit and kill to disable the way blocking.

    Beside our differences, some customization like that could not be done without the amazing content that @Olrox provided for custom area. So, big part of the credit is his.









    You might have some big value for MAPID_SHINOBI

    I just realize now that I end in Hercules. This problem is in my Rathena emulator. I don't want a complete class, I just need the job to use as costumes with sc_start ou changebase. There are something that I can do? Since it's just for costume I can skip that step?

    Where I can find the luafiles? PCID.lua??.

    @edit again : forget, I found.. 


    @edit again : forget, didn't work.

    hexed info : Hexed 2014-10-22b



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