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Hi Dastgir, I sent you a PM 7 days ago, are you still available? att
Frey started following MuriloStrike
MuriloStrike started following Frey
im agreed with Angelmelody, 64 K was enough space for its dont you think so?? @@Frey since im using txt db for mob_db then is there adition to add?? NOP, this patch should work both for sql and txt dbs
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- itemdb range
- range of itemdb
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Hi there, I've tried to cover all the places in the source code where the increase of the item_id could cause some trouble, because of that i've changed the size of some variables in another places. About the differences in pc.c and pc.h My one makes "native" the limit to 64k and gives you the option to go beyond, if you activate the ITEMDB_OVER65K, the limit becomes virtualy around 2kkk, but im pretty sure that there will be some client-side issues with high number ids. The another differences are just conventions, i've used int instead unsigned short in some places just to keep the convention of positive and negative numbers that some of those parameters could receive. The patch order is the following: Aplly this one: https://github.com/ragnaBR/Hercules/commit/c7a9ce03fddef370bec96f9d137051a4932ae00c.patch Then this one: https://github.com/ragnaBR/Hercules/commit/2050606df697456074d0592768dad66daa43c006.patch Run this sql: /sql-files/upgrades/2014-04-19-14-21.sql If you wanna active the ITEMDB_OVER65K you must run this sql too: /sql-files/patch_itemdb_over65k.sql That is it, its pretty straight foward, i havent time yet to test it, but everything looks fine besides some optimizations that could be made.
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- itemdb range
- range of itemdb
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One important thing: i've used mediumint instead unsigned smallint on the cardX fields because they can receive negative values in some cases.
- 28 replies
- itemdb range
- range of itemdb
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percentage chance doesn't need to be changed into mediumint since we are changing only itemIDs, not their drop chance also there is no need to manually edit the HPM hooks since they will be updated automatically once it goes into main src Thanks evil, i've made this in a little hurry, i missed the sql detail. About the HPM, i didin't know about it.. anyway, soon as possible i ll fix those small issues. Thx!
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- itemdb range
- range of itemdb
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Hi guys, I made a modification to increase the native limit to 64k and added the possibility to increase the limit over 65k.. I haven't tested yet, so please, fell free to indicate any bug or improvement https://github.com/ragnaBR/Hercules/commit/c7a9ce03fddef370bec96f9d137051a4932ae00c
- 28 replies
- itemdb range
- range of itemdb
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Thanks @pan and @Michi, i'm moving on with the project and i would be happy to have you guys helping with the emulator-side. This weekend i'm going to PM you the informations about the project, etc...
This website isn't part of ragnaBR
Thanks for the support guys, i really hope we join people enough to make it happen.
First of all, i'm posting two versions of the same text, one in english (following the rules of the forum) and another version in portuguese (my mother language). I'm doing that just because the root of this ideia is globalization and show it to my community (which nowadays is purely brazilian). Open Source ragnaBR WTF is ragnaBR? ragnaBR is a 8 year old community, it was the biggest Brazilian private server and has had many moments of glory. We are one of a few communities that has a server online without any wipe for that long. The server Odin(30/30/15) was opened with the ragnaBR foundation in 2006 and it is online until nowadays without any wipe, cause of the age, we have a lot revitalization projects on it. The second one, is the server Vili(1k/1k/100/MVP:50/MVP-Card:25), it is online since 2012, and unfortunately is empty nowadays. The Problem I’m the community founder and administrator, I’ve always put focus on quality, honesty and of course, the game Ragnarok Online. My administration method was the cause of the success. However, this method helped to put the ragnaBR where it is now, I’ve always had problems to share duties and always preferred to do the things by my own. Today, im 8 years older, my life is really busy and its being hard to keep the community cause I have too many duties, I’m the core dev, web dev and front end dev. It is very hard to find trustworthy people, the ragnaBR has been never a company, we do not follow the pattern of “private server oriented as a money machine”. The community’s actual situation is critical, it would be easier close the doors and move on, but I have a huge respect within the community and the history of many people that played in server on these last 8 years. The Revitalization and Open Source Server I’m writing this in English and Portuguese because i saw the opportunity to turn this in a bigger thing and save my beloved community, the goal is change the way it works and maybe even change the way of another private servers work. My intention is to set up a dev team to work on improvements projects and open all of them to the private server’s community. I am putting myself in the front, maybe I am being ingenuous, but I believe when you love something, it worth the criticism. Few of our projects that are on hold: - Web Portal - Multi-language NPCs. - WOE Improvements - BG Improvements - PVM Improvements - Tools and systems to rebalance an old server The intention is not to destroy, it’s to rebuild it and create a new type of private server and at the same type contribute with the emulator community What we do need: - Administrador - Core Devs - Scripters - PHP Devs - Front End Devs The Result People who participate, will have a compromise with us and in case of the server make profit, this profit would be shared between the fixed collaborators. But the main ideia is far away of making profits! My goal with this is keep ragnaBR community alive creating a new way to maintain a server, building a global server, without commercial things. I cannot maintain the ragnaBR community by myself anymore, I think this could be a win-win situation and out of this, we can turn the server in one of the best and biggest private server ever made and at the same time keep the development process open. For those are asking, why not create a new server instead of trying to resuscitate one? It is simple, 8 years of existence is the biggest differential and it cannot be bought. I see many innovations here in Hercules board, there are many talented people here, i believe when we get united for something truly and honest, without the “money” complication, we can do wonderful things. I just thrown this idea, I would like to receive feedbacks about it, could be here or via MPs In case of enough number of people shown interest, I ll move on with the idea. Cheers! Gustavo / [Adm]Frey Portuguese Version: Quem é ragnaBR? A comunidade ragnaBR tem 8 anos de vida, já foi o maior servidor privado do Brasil e teve seus dias de glória. Somos uns dos únicos servidores privados a possui um servidor que está online e SEM WIPE desde o início. O Servidor Odin(30/30/15) foi aberto com o ragnaBR em 2006 e está online até hoje sem sofrer nenhum WIPE, devido à idade, temos vários projetos de revitalização nele. O Segundo servidor é o Vili(1k/1k/100/MVP:50/MVP-Card:25), online desde 2012, está infelizmente vazio. O Problema Sou administrador e fundador da comunidade, sempre foquei em qualidade, honestidade e principalmente no ragnarok online em si, minha forma de administrar foi um dos grandes problemas, sempre apresentei resistência em dividir as tarefas, esse é o motivo do sucesso, porém também do decline que a comunidade está atualmente. Hoje sou 8 anos mais velho, estou com minha rotina muito ocupada e está muito difícil de tomar frente como core dev, web developer, front end developer. É muito difícil encontrar pessoas de confiança, o ragnaBR nunca foi uma empresa, nós não seguimos o formato de ragnarok é uma máquina de dinheiro. A situação do servidor é crítica, seria mais fácil fechar e dar adeus aos players, porém eu preservo um imenso respeito a comunidade e a história de muita gente que passou pelo servidor nos últimos 8 anos. A Revitalização e Servidor Open Source Estou postando isso em inglês e português porque eu vi uma oportunidade de transformar isso em algo maior e salvar a comunidade, mudando a forma que ele funciona e talvez até mudando a forma que outros privates funcionam. Minha intenção é montar uma equipe de devs para trabalhar em projetos de melhorias e abrir isso para comunidade de servidores privados usar. Estou colocando minha cara a tapa, talvez esteja sendo ingênuo, mas acredito que quando gostamos de algo, vai valer as criticas. Alguns de nossos projetos que estão parados: - Portal Web - NPCs multi linguagem - Melhorias na WOE - Melhorias na BG - Melhorias no PVM - Ferramentas e sistemas para rebalancear servidores antigos O foco principal não é destruir e sim reconstruir e aproveitar os produtos dessa reconstrução para melhorar a comunidade.. O que nós precisamos: - Administradores - Developers de Core - Scripters - Desenvolvedores PHP - Desenvolvedores de Front End O Resultado Quem participar, terá um compromisso conosco e caso o servidor seja lucrativo receberá uma parte dos mesmos, porém a ideia aqui não é monetizar e sim inovar. Minha meta é manter a comunidade ragnaBR viva criando uma nova maneira de manter o servidor, construindo um servidor global sem influencia comercial. Eu não posso manter o ragnaBR sozinho mais, eu acho isso pode ser uma situação onde todos saem ganhando, nós podemos transformar o servidor em um dos maiores já criado e ao mesmo tempo manter o processo de desenvolvimento aberto. Para aqueles que estão questionando, porque não criar um servidor novo ao invés de ressuscitar esse? É simples, temos 8 anos online, esse é um diferenciar que não pode ser comprado. Eu vejo inovação no próprio Hercules, existe muita gente talentosa aqui, acredito que quando nos unimos por alguma coisa honesta e verdadeira, sem influencias comerciais, podemos fazer coisas maravilhosas. Abri a idéia, gostaria de receber feedbacks via PM (português ou inglês) ou aqui no tópico mesmo (inglês). Caso um número suficiente de pessoas apresentarem interesse, darei continuidade a essa ideia. Obrigado pela atenção ^^ [Adm]Frey / Gustavo