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Everything posted by Danzon

  1. very nice , thank you sir Question : Percentage Changes:AgitCount= 20%Emp Break = 50%Active Participants = 20%KDR = 10% Can i change this to : Percentage Changes:AgitCount= 20%Emp Break = 50%Active Participants = 10%KDR = 20% From OnInit ?
  2. can anyone actually help ? bump!
  3. Can you just put successrefitem EQI_HAND_R; in skill.c for refine blacksmith ? lol i'm dying trying to fix this *and the upgrade safe refine error
  4. @AnnieRuru I was waiting you to come here , please help
  5. Hi herules , so I have a problem with my refine blacksmith skills When i refine it , my skills not showing update + , for example , ice pick , if i success upgrade , usually in ragnarok in the top screen ice pick picture showed up like " +1 Ice Pick " , but its not showing in my server , i have the screenshot below , and when i tried to refine , +1 ice pick can destroyed , my server refine_db +4 safe , I don't know what happen , I tried everything and still can't fix this problem , please someone help my refine_db // Armors0,66,0,0,100:0,100:0,100:0,100:0,60:0,40:0,40:0,20:0,20:0,10:0// Level 1 weapons1,200,8,300,100:0,100:0,100:0,100:0,100:0,100:0,100:0,60:0,40:0,20:0// Level 2 weapons2,300,7,500,100:0,100:0,100:0,100:0,100:0,100:0,60:0,40:0,20:0,20:0// Level 3 weapons3,500,6,800,100:0,100:0,100:0,100:0,100:0,60:0,50:0,20:0,20:0,20:0// Level 4 weapons4,700,5,1300,100:0,100:0,100:0,100:0,60:0,40:0,40:0,20:0,20:0,10:0 Screenshot :
  6. lol ty Annie for telling me yeah thats my fault :/ edited
  7. Hello so my sql flux getting this error "Table 'ragnarok.char_reg_num_db' doesn't exist'" anyone can share char_reg_num_db.sql to me ? the new one , I can't find it at flux folder.
  8. haha ty , already done too. this script is used for my server , so far no buggy.
  9. Custom Script : PvP Room Description : This is the real pvp you can't stop being alive here , if you kill someone they will be alive again and fast movement speed. This script originally from Ultimate PvP Warper ( I don't know the author is ). Download : pvp_master.txt
  10. Hello hercules , I have a problem with quest shop "[Warning]: clif_parse: Received unsupported packet (pakcet 0x09d4 (0x344a), 2 bytes received), disconnecting session #7. Any help ? When I buy at cash shop / cancel it , this error will show and my character disconnected from server. oh yeah im using : "/hercules/npc/custom/quests/quest_shop.txt" Client : 2014-01-15 the original script , and still error , without editing , please help
  11. what is your client version ? :s is this the client problem or the rid2name not supported or I got bug ? im using the latest server hercules fixed thanks
  12. Hello hercules , I need some help from you guys this is my problem : when I killed other player , the pvp drop and if I take it , I will be dc'ed from server I don't know why , but I found the problem after I took the skull drop from player , my client dc'ed and if I login again look at inventory and move my cursor to the skull , I will be dc'ed again this is the preview screenshot and this is for the error in putty [Warning]: clif_parse: Received unsupported packet (packet 0x0923 (0x0923), 6 bytes received), disconnecting session #8. please kindly help me , thanks --------------- and I think its a packet db error , im using 2013-08-14 client , when i add this to the packet db " packet(0x0923,7,clif->pActionRequest,2,6); " new error appeared : " [Warning]: clif_parse: Received unsupported packet (packet 0xf409 (0xf409), 6 bytes received), disconnecting session #7. " FIXED USING 2014 NEW CLIENT
  13. //####################################################//# ™ #//# ####### ###### ### ### ### ### ### ### #//# ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### #//# ##### ### ### #### #### ##### #//# ## ### ### ### ### ### ### ### #//# ## ###### ### ### ### ### ### #//# #//####################################################//v1.0: Allows changing suits to 3rd classes; #//v1.1: Added Xmas and Summer suits; #//v1.2: Added support to baby 3rd class suits. #//####################################################mellina,63,72,5 script Class Suits 485,{ mes "[Suit Provider]"; mes "So, wanna change your appearance?"; menu "Change to baby suit",babyclass,"Reset appearance",reset;babyclass: if(class == Job_Lord_Knight) { changebase 4030; close; end; } if(class == Job_Assassin_Cross) { changebase 4035; close; end; } if(class == Job_Paladin) { changebase 4037; close; end; } if(class == Job_Whitesmith) { changebase 4033; close; end; } if(class == Job_Creator) { changebase 4041; close; end; } if(class == Job_Stalker) { changebase 4040; close; end; } if(class == Job_Professor) { changebase 4039; close; end; } if(class == Job_Gypsy) { changebase 4043; close; end; } if(class == Job_Champion) { changebase 4038; close; end; } if(class == Job_Sniper) { changebase 4034; close; end; } if(class == Job_Clown) { changebase 4042; close; end; } if(class == Job_High_Wizard) { changebase 4032; close; end; } if(class == Job_High_Priest) { changebase 4031; close; end; } close; end;reset: changebase Class; close; end;} This is the problem , when I use champion , the job cannot change to anything , it's like bug , and if i change the Job_Champion to job_champion , it will work , but if I use clown and set Job_Clown to job_clown , clown will be baby knight , how to fix this problem ? Nevermind , fixed , class change to Class and the problem clear .
  14. { Id: 2220 AegisName: "Hat" Name: "Hat" Type: 5 Buy: 1000 Weight: 200 Def: 2 Loc: 256 View: 16 OnEquipScript: <" set #vip,1; "> OnUnequipScript: <" set #vip,0; ">}, make rental box hat for 5 days , or change the hat to anything you like , example : custom items for donator so if the player using the hat he will be vip. if the item removed , the vip effect will gone. if you dont know how to make a rental item : { Id: 12936 AegisName: "Muramasa_Box" Name: "Muramasa Box" Type: 18 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: <" rentitem 1173,604800; "> //1 week},
  15. i edited the card removal npc try this , but all parts not only weapon on your item db weapon use call func example : { Id: 18000 AegisName: "Removal_Card_Scroll" Name: "Removal Card Scroll" Type: 11 Buy: 2000 Weight: 10 Script: <" callfunc "Remover"; ">}, and the function script : function<tab>script<tab>Remover<tab>{ set .zenycost,0; // Set base cost in zeny of the card remover services set .percardcost,0; // set cost per card of the card remover services set .faildestroy,0; // Should the card remover have a chance of failure that destroys items? 1 = Yes, 0 = No. set .@iwep,607; // the voucher / scroll item id. setarray .@position$[1], "Head","Body","Left hand","Right hand","Robe","Shoes","Accessory 1","Accessory 2","Head 2","Head 3"; set .@menu$,""; for( set .@i,1; .@i <= 10; set .@i,.@i+1 ) { if( getequipisequiped(.@i) ) set .@menu$, .@menu$ + .@position$[.@i] + "-" + "[" + getequipname(.@i) + "]"; set .@menu$, .@menu$ + ":"; } set .@part,select(.@menu$); if(!getequipisequiped(.@part)) { mes "Young one... Your not wearing anything there that I can remove cards from."; getitem .@iwep,1; close; } if(getequipcardcnt(.@part) == 0) { mes "[Wise Old Woman]"; mes "Young one... There are no cards compounded on this item. I can do nothing with it, I'm afraid."; getitem .@iwep,1; close; } set .@cardcount,getequipcardcnt(.@part); if (!checkweight(1202,(.@cardcount+1))) { mes "Check your weight"; mes "Come Back Later"; getitem .@iwep,1; close; } successremovecards .@part; close;}
  16. from renewal to pre-renewal ? you need to remove the renewal script or add the items from renewal to pre-re about the 750 just change the price higher i think , cmiiw
  17. go make a rental item for 5 days with function like this set #vip,1; and for the healer prontera,150,150,4<tab>script<tab>healer<tab>899,{set .@delay,3; // With Heal delay in secs if (@HD > gettimetick(2)) end; percentheal 100,100; if (#vip) { sc_start SC_BLESSING,360000,10;// add extra buffs here } if (.@Delay) set @HD, gettimetick(2)+.@Delay; dispbottom "wait 3 seconds until buff again"; close;}
  18. +1 i was looking for this too , following bump
  19. Hello hercules , so i having a problem with Chat Room This is the problem I hope you guys can help me fix this problem , so if I chat in the Chat Room , other player will see my chat as Public Chat , but i can see my chat in the Room Chat Please help me guys , thanks
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