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Everything posted by Dastgir

  1. Nah, bindatcmd have gm level specification.Just changing to bindatcmd("buff",strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnBuff",99,99); Would do the job.
  2. Remove set .br,getbattleflag("base_exp_rate")*2; set .jr,getbattleflag("job_exp_rate")*2;Change setbattleflag("base_exp_rate"), .br; setbattleflag("job_exp_rate"), .jr;To setbattleflag("base_exp_rate"), 1400; setbattleflag("job_exp_rate"), 1400;
  3. @@Winterfox You can't direct cast string to int. E.g .@mobIds[.@i] = .@mobIdList$[.@i]; Should be .@mobIds[.@i] = atoi(.@mobIdList$[.@i]); (There's other place too, which needs to be changed)
  4. It's having job bonuses + some stats bonuses too
  5. mapannounce strcharinfo(PC_MAP), strcharinfo(PC_NAME) + " killed " + rid2name(killedrid) + " and earned " + .pvpRewardPoints +" Cash Point" + ((.pvpRewardPoints > 1)? "s" : "") + "."; To mapannounce strcharinfo(PC_MAP), strcharinfo(PC_NAME) + " killed " + rid2name(killedrid) + " and earned " + .pvpRewardPoints +" Cash Point" + ((.pvpRewardPoints > 1)? "s" : "") + ".",bc_map;
  6. Dastgir


    mapannounce ^ use that command
  7. Dastgir

    not compile

    http://herc.ws/wiki/Building_HPM_Plugin_for_gcc Though I don't understand what you are trying to do... make sql Would do all required things.(even would compile plugins)
  8. Dastgir

    not compile

    This error is OK.You are doing make plugin But correct is make plugins
  9. Change select statement to .@select = select( implode( .warps$, ":" ) )-1; Since select() returns from 1 and array index starts from 0
  10. Dastgir

    not compile

    make clean make sql ^ Above will compile plugins too.
  11. Hmm.. Then you have to store account Id of each player into npc variable, and remove them as they die off, when one player is remaining , his account Id is in npc variable, just use attachrid, give item, and continue.(AFAIK, there's no area item commands)
  12. Count users with getareausers.If its 1, enable the npc on that location and announce on area, to talk to npc to get Prize. So , once prize is taken, warp all of them out of map.
  13. Try doingmake sql And post the logs(maybe there's some error you are missing to see)
  14. Name coloring requires doing some reverse engineering with exe. Its not about the sources only. So, its not possible with this modification. correrct only possibel with Client Reverse Enging Share it
  15. not work.. still error.. In which folder you are putting these wav files?Also screenshot of error please(maybe some different issue)
  16. still it was pointing to other sites, you just edited title xD. Post edited and changed to example.com, please use example.com or any good dummy domain if you don't wish to reveal your domain. Have a nice day
  17. Those are bitwise, so adding all of them and putting that will result in disabling all. +1 for this.
  18. Those are script command 12548(Buy_Market_Permit2) uses that command. Buying store will open a store in which you can state what you are buying, and other can view and sell it to you(opposite of vending) Similarly, search store will open a interface, in which you put item name, and it returns the vendors selling it.
  19. What error on login/char/map server?
  20. Get new data: https://github.com/ROClientSide/Translation
  21. HackShield takes long to launch and maybe some protection issues?
  22. apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev Also did you install MySQL?
  23. You need to say item_id's for jobs, we of course would not have that time to dig item for every job.
  24. Dastgir

    PMing NPC

    https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/blob/master/doc/whisper_sys.txt This should explain it. You can pm npc by NPC:Nancy And on that npc code, You need to have OnWhisperGlobal: label with dispbottom, and it will display message.
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