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About glemor123

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  1. May I ask how to change the client title via hex?
  2. Please release a diff for rathena thank you
  3. an npc will show top 10 most mvp killers and the number of mvp kills they made. if a killer have bitten one of the top 10 mvp ranking players.it will be announced like. player a has been moved to ranked 7 due to the higher mvp kills rather than the 8-10th ranked mvp players. The MVP ranking can be reset by the gm.
  4. I guess you didn't got my point sir. I request that a Game Master can bypass the party share level if the game master is the party leader, so even though the game master is level 99 and the player is level 10. the player can still receive exp..Remember. only the game master can bypass the party share level
  5. How to make a party to bypass the party_share_level if a Game Master is the party leader?so the Game Master can boost(exp_share) the players event though the GM and the players have long level gaps.
  6. I got a problem. even though I'm not Idle the message still pop up"You were afk for 5 minutes therefore you have to wait 2 hours again without ideling for more than 5 minutes to get your prize." //======Name========================================// Daily Login Rewards//======Version=====================================// 1.1// Author: Sandbox, Winterfox//======Comments====================================// Updated outdated Syntax-// Made slight optimizations.// Added a delay of 3 hours before the player is// able to claim his reward and only if he has// not been idle longer than 5 minutes in this// time frame.//==================================================- script DailyLoginRewards -1,{ OnInit: //Set to your server name .Serv_Name$ = "Republic"; //Set to desired item prizes setarray( .D_Prize, 11501, 11502, 14533, 12210, 7539 ); //Amount of prize to be given setarray( .D_Amt, 400, 400, 4, 3, 2 ); end; OnPCLoginEvent: if( gettimetick( 2 ) < #ClaimDelay ) { dispbottom( "Daily Login Activated. You allready got your daily login reward. " ); end; } // Show notice about the Daily Login Rewards dispbottom( "Daily Login Activated. Please be Online for 2 hours without being idle for more than 5 minutes to receive daily login reward. " ); // Start a timer after 1 minute to sum up idle time addtimer( 60000, strnpcinfo(3 ) + "::OnIdleCheck" ); // Start a timer to clam the daily reward after 3 hours addtimer( 7200000, strnpcinfo(3) + "::OnStartClaim" ); end; OnIdleCheck: // Add the current idle time to the idle time counter. #overallIdleTime += checkidle(); // Set a new timer to recheck after 1 minute. addtimer( 60000, strnpcinfo( 3 ) + "::OnIdleCheck" ); end; OnStartClaim: // If the idle time was 5 minutes or more in the last 3 hours reset to check if the person is the next 3 hours less idle than 5 minutes. if( #overallIdleTime >= 300 ) { #overallIdleTime = 0; // Start a timer to clam the daily reward after 2 hours addtimer( 7200000, strnpcinfo(3) + "::OnStartClaim" ); dispbottom( "You were afk for 5 minutes therefore you have to wait 2 hours again without ideling for more than 5 minutes to get your prize." ); end; } deltimer( strnpcinfo(3 ) + "::OnIdleCheck" ); // If the streak was broken reset the streak count. if( gettimetick( 2 ) > #StreakDelay ) #LogStreak = 0; // If the rewards reached their end, reset them. if( #RewardStreak > getarraysize( .D_Prize ) ) #RewardStreak = 0; if( #RewardStreak == 0 ) dispbottom( "Welcome to " + .Serv_Name$ + "! You've received " + .D_Amt[ #RewardStreak ] + " " + getitemname( .D_Prize[ #RewardStreak ] )+" for logging in! Visit us daily to get more prize! When you've managed to play with us for 5 consecutive days, you will receive bonus prizes!" );announce "Announcement: " + strcharinfo(0) + " have received the daily reward",0; if( #RewardStreak > 0 ) dispbottom( "Welcome back to " + .Serv_Name$ + "! You've received " + .D_Amt[ #RewardStreak ] + " " + getitemname( .D_Prize[ #RewardStreak ] ) + " for logging in! Visit us daily to get more prize! When you've managed to play with us for 5 consecutive days, you will receive bonus prizes!" ); getitem( .D_Prize[ #RewardStreak ], .D_Amt[ #RewardStreak ]); #RewardStreak += 1; #LogStreak += 1; #ClaimDelay = gettimetick( 2 ) + 86400; #StreakDelay = gettimetick( 2 ) + 172800; if( #LogStreak == 5 ) { for( .@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize( .D_Prize ); set .@i, .@i++ ) getitem( .D_Prize[.@i], .D_Amt[.@i] ); dispbottom( "Congratulations! You've received all the daily rewards for logging in 5 consecutive days!" );announce "Announcement:" + strcharinfo(0) + " have received all the daily rewards for logging in 5 consecutive days!",0; #LogStreak = 0; } end; OnPCLogoutEvent: // Reset idle time on logout. #overallIdleTime = 0; end;}
  7. What's not working? Any errors map-server? There had been no errors in map-server
  8. //======Name========================================// Daily Login Rewards//======Version=====================================// 1.1// Author: Sandbox, Winterfox//======Comments====================================// Updated outdated Syntax-// Made slight optimizations.// Added a delay of 2 hours before the player is// able to claim his reward and only if he has// not been idle longer than 5 minutes in this// time frame.//==================================================- script DailyLoginRewards -1,{ OnInit: //Set to your server name .Serv_Name$ = "Republic"; //Set to desired item prizes setarray( .D_Prize, 11501, 11502, 14533, 12210, 7539 ); //Amount of prize to be given setarray( .D_Amt, 400, 400, 4, 3, 2 ); end; OnPCLoginEvent: if( gettimetick( 2 ) < #ClaimDelay ) { dispbottom( "Daily Login Activated. You allready got your daily login reward. " ); end; } // Show notice about the Daily Login Rewards dispbottom( "Daily Login Activated. Please be Online for 2 hours without being idle for more than 5 minutes to receive daily login reward. " ); // Start a timer after 1 minute to sum up idle time addtimer( 60000, strnpcinfo(3 ) + "::OnIdleCheck" ); // Start a timer to clam the daily reward after 2 hours addtimer( 7200000, strnpcinfo(3) + "::OnStartClaim" ); end; OnIdleCheck: // Add the current idle time to the idle time counter. #overallIdleTime += checkidle(); // Set a new timer to recheck after 1 minute. addtimer( 60000, strnpcinfo( 3 ) + "::OnIdleCheck" ); end; OnStartClaim: // If the idle time was 5 minutes or more in the last 2 hours reset to check if the person is the next 2 hours less idle than 5 minutes. if( #overallIdleTime >= 300 ) { #overallIdleTime = 0; // Start a timer to clam the daily reward after 2 hours addtimer( 7200000, strnpcinfo(3) + "::OnStartClaim" ); dispbottom( "You were afk for 5 minutes therefore you have to wait 2 hours again without ideling for more than 5 minutes to get your prize." ); end; } deltimer( strnpcinfo(3 ) + "::OnIdleCheck" ); // If the streak was broken reset the streak count. if( gettimetick( 2 ) > #StreakDelay ) #LogStreak = 0; // If the rewards reached their end, reset them. if( #RewardStreak > getarraysize( .D_Prize ) ) #RewardStreak = 0; if( #RewardStreak == 0 ) dispbottom( "Welcome to " + .Serv_Name$ + "! You've received " + .D_Amt[ #RewardStreak ] + " " + getitemname( .D_Prize[ #RewardStreak ] )+" for logging in! Visit us daily to get more prize! When you've managed to play with us for 5 consecutive days, you will receive bonus prizes!" ); if( #RewardStreak > 0 ) dispbottom( "Welcome back to " + .Serv_Name$ + "! You've received " + .D_Amt[ #RewardStreak ] + " " + getitemname( .D_Prize[ #RewardStreak ] ) + " for logging in! Visit us daily to get more prize! When you've managed to play with us for 5 consecutive days, you will receive bonus prizes!" ); getitem( .D_Prize[ #RewardStreak ], .D_Amt[ #RewardStreak ]); #RewardStreak += 1; #LogStreak += 1; #ClaimDelay = gettimetick( 2 ) + 86400; #StreakDelay = gettimetick( 2 ) + 172800; if( #LogStreak == 5 ) { for( .@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize( .D_Prize ); set .@i, .@i++ ) getitem( .D_Prize[.@i], .D_Amt[.@i] ); dispbottom( "Congratulations! You've received all the daily rewards for logging in 5 consecutive days!" ); #LogStreak = 0; } end; OnPCLogoutEvent: // Reset idle time on logout. #overallIdleTime = 0; end;} Hi, I've been trying the with my co-players the script didn't work. It doesn't give the daily reward. eventhough we've been playing for 2 hours without Idle time
  9. I do experience client not responding sometimes. I can't look or find a way how to fix it. can anyone give me a hint, not by looking for the map or npc or mob. for example this is the error occurred when I went to prontera field. but when I re-login again. the error didn't pop up again. what do you think is the reason that my client crashed?
  10. - script FloatingRates -1,{OnInit:OnClock0001: if(gettime(4)==5 || gettime(4)==6 ) {setbattleflag("base_exp_rate"), 1400; setbattleflag("job_exp_rate"), 1400; atcommand "@reloadmobdb"; end; } if(gettime(4) == 1) { announce "Weekend Exp Event is finished",bc_all,0xFF6060; atcommand "@reloadbattleconf"; atcommand "@reloadmobdb"; } end;OnMinute02: if( gettime(4)==5 || gettime(4)==6 ) { announce "Weekend Exp Event(Base: 14x, Job: 14x) is active!!",bc_all,0xFF6060; } end;} will this trigger on 00:01am friday? then end on sunday 11:59pm?
  11. @@Nova.. I've got a problem It started by thursday, It should Start by Friday. - script FloatingRates -1,{OnInit:OnClock0001: if(gettime(4)==4 || gettime(4)==5 || gettime(4)==6 ) {setbattleflag("base_exp_rate"), 1400; setbattleflag("job_exp_rate"), 1400; atcommand "@reloadmobdb"; end; } if(gettime(4) == 1) { announce "Weekend Exp Event is finished",bc_all,0xFF6060; atcommand "@reloadbattleconf"; atcommand "@reloadmobdb"; } end;OnMinute02: if(gettime(4)==4 || gettime(4)==5 || gettime(4)==6 ) { announce "Weekend Exp Event(Base: 14x, Job: 14x) is active!!",bc_all,0xFF6060; } end;}
  12. do we have a diff. where in if the client crashes, the Whole crash log will be saved to a notepad? like gepard and harmony?
  13. @@Winterfox I was trying to determine where to add the statement. "You've been Idle for 5 minutes, your timer will again start again when you relogin." then this statement "Daily Login Activated. Please Be Online for 3 hours without being Idle for more than 5 minutes to receive daily login reward." Then last is I want to give 2 or more prizes when the player successfully login for 5 consecutive days. thanks
  14. I wan't to make a small tweak, the player must be online atleast 3 hours no idle(5 minutes idle allowed only) to receive the daily reward //======Name========================================// Daily Login Rewards//======Version=====================================// 1.0// Author: Sandbox//======Comments====================================// //==================================================- script DailyLoginRewards -1,{setarray .@D_Prize[0],501,502,503,607,608; //Set to desired item prizessetarray .@D_Amt[0],1,2,3,2,1; //Amount of prize to be givenset .@Serv_Name$,"Your Server"; //Set to your server nameOnPCLoginEvent: if(gettimetick(2) > #ClaimDelay) { if(gettimetick(2) > #StreakDelay) set #LogStreak,0; if(#RewardStreak == 0) { dispbottom "Welcome to "+.@Serv_Name$+"! You've received "+.@D_Amt[#RewardStreak]+" "+getitemname(.@D_Prize[#RewardStreak])+" for logging in! Visit us daily to get more prize! When you've managed to play with us for 5 consecutive days, you will receive bonus prizes!"; } else { dispbottom "Welcome back to "+.@Serv_Name$+"! You've received "+.@D_Amt[#RewardStreak]+" "+getitemname(.@D_Prize[#RewardStreak])+" for logging in! Visit us daily to get more prize! When you've managed to play with us for 5 consecutive days, you will receive bonus prizes!"; } getitem .@D_prize[#RewardStreak],.@D_Amt[#RewardStreak]; set #RewardStreak,#RewardStreak+1; set #LogStreak,#LogStreak+1; set #ClaimDelay,gettimetick(2)+86400; set #StreakDelay,gettimetick(2)+172800; if(#LogStreak >= 4) { for( set .@i, 0; .@i < 4; set .@i, .@i +1 ) { getitem .@D_prize[.@i],.@D_Amt[.@i]; } dispbottom "Congratulations! You've received all the daily rewards for logging in 5 consecutive days!"; set #LogStreak,0; } }end;}
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