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Posts posted by deviruzy

  1.  Good day.


     I wanted to use 'Buying store' in pre-re but it didn't work. Both the skill and the usable item that opens buying store. When using the skill, PC only shouts the name but nothing happens, When using the item nothing happens either. I checked Hercules Wiki and according to them I need a client version 2010-04-27a or newer. My current client version is 2014-02-03(build: Aug 6 2013).


     Is there anything I can do to make 'Buying store' work? I hope it has nothing to do with me using pre-re version of Hercules.


     Would you please teach me if you know?


     Thank you.

  2.  Good day.


     I was trying to work with 'buyingstore' but it didn't work. According to Hercules Wiki, They said I need a client version 2010-04-27aRagexeRE or newer. For this reason I want to know my client version so I can figure out whether it's client or source problem.

     Would you please Teach me if you know?


     Thank you.

  3. I did it! I made the 'Cash Shop' Button disappear!

    I searched for "NC_CashShop" instead of just searching for "cash" and found the code you told me in the first place:


    4E 43 5F 43 61 73 68 53 68 6F 70


    Then like you said I changed them all to:


    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00


    Wen I started my RO client after saving HxD job The Cash Shop button wasn't there anymore.


    Thank you so much quesoph.


    Thank you all.


    p.s. I didn't forget to backup my client before changing the code like you said, haha :D.

  4. Thank you, Angelmelody. I was able to do below easily.



    { "show_mob_info",     &battle_config.show_mob_info,   0,    0,   1|2|4|8, }
    // Display some mob info next to their name? (add as needed)
    // (does not works on guardian or Emperium)
    // 1: Display mob HP (Hp/MaxHp format)
    // 2: Display mob HP (Percent of full life format)
    // 4: Display mob's level
    // 8:Display mob's HP bar
    show_mob_info: 1



    but there are 3 place that starts with 'if (battle_config.show_mob_info&'all of them were actually this:




    if (battle_config.show_mob_info&3)

    clif->charnameack (0, &md->bl);



    all 3 of them.


     Just to make sure, Do you want me to change all 3 if (battle_config.show_mob_info&3) to &8) and then recompile?


    if (battle_config.show_mob_info&8) 

  5. evilpucker, Thank you. This is what I did in mob.c.



    //#if PACKETVER >= 20120404
    // if( !(md->status.mode&MD_BOSS) ){
    // int i;
    // for(i = 0; i < DAMAGELOG_SIZE; i++){ // must show .....
    // if( md->dmglog.id ) {
    //   struct map_session_data *sd = map->charid2sd(md->dmglog.id);
    //   if( sd && check_distance_bl(&md->bl, &sd->bl, AREA_SIZE) ) // check if in range
    // clif->monster_hp_bar(md,sd);
    //   }
    // }
    //   }


    and then recompiled it. It surely didn't show any bars from monsters. However I'm afraid monsters' hp wasn't showing in numbers even though monster.conf was set to 'show_mob_info: 1'. am I missing something?

  6.  Hello, Good day.

     I was trying to use monster.conf in battle folder to change the way that we see monster's hp in the game - From red bar to numbers. However even though I do this:



     // in monster.conf

     show_mob_info: 1


    my monsters' hp was all bars not numbers. I kind of got a sense that this could be client matter but I was just giving a shot here. Please teach me if you know. Thank you.

  7.  Good day.


     Is there a way to gain 100% exp while in a party?

    Normally if you are in a party a pc will receive lower exp but I was wondering if it's possible to receive 100% exp no matter how many people are in a party.


     Would you be kind and teach me please?


     Thank you.

  8.  Good day.

     I was wondering if it's possible to announce certain mvp mob's death and making an NPC that tells you if certain MVP mob is dead or alive. I was thinking of NPCkillevent but I didn't know how to go on with it. So, I must be little off manner and ask, would you please give me a sample? just one mvp mob will do. I can work with the rest of them and I should, I cannot ask more than that. I was thinking of something like this:


     1. Announcing part

    if(getmonsterid(1038)) in map "moc_pryd04" announce "" + strcharinfo(0) + " has killed "+getmonsterid(1038)+",0;


    2. NPC that gives MVP info

    map,x,y script mvp brifing npc#,{

     mes ""mvp name","map name","show X if dead / show O if alive"";

     mes "Osiris,pyramid 4th floor,O";





    I really don't know how to do this. If you can give me a sample I can add all the other mvps by myself, so please. Thank you.

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