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Posts posted by Rynbef

  1. Im currently in a hospital thereforce it will takes a little bit time to show the progress. I'm sorry.


    If someone want to help: U can designs a layout web-based with html and Javascript and other frameworks based on JS. The Patcher use a system with "Onclick Javascript Functions" to call events like Start Game and else.



  2. The patch files can be encrypted with the same encryption the client use and able to read. No one can steal files from the patch files. And at the configuration program u can enable or disable this function. It's only make sense if the client has the encryption of the GRF enabled.


    To create a patch file u need a separate program. It's not a gpf, rgz or thor patch file! It's a new format.


    Currently u need to encrypt the files at the Thor patch file to patch the encrypted files into an encrypted grf.I will make it easier.



  3. Thank u very much. I've a great idea to make the Patcher and all Buttons customizable. And u will be able to use animations and much much more. In the configuration window u can create the Config file and use a login field or use the Ingame login field.


    And I will make the patches encrypted. They will decrypted and the patched to the GRF or Folder.


    U can create a patch where u can select files and instead of "patch file into grf" u can choose "delete files from grf" or "delete files from RO folder" and if u don't want select the files u can write it in a textsrea with path instead.



  4. Dear community,


    the voting is over and the community decides that I should create a new patcher.


    I will use this topic for suggestions. I've planned a lot of features but I don't want to share it yet but u can do this. I whould be rly happy if u write suggestions for the new patcher. Which features should the patcher have?



  5. OK it seems no more votings placed. The community voted for "a new patcher". And I will create it. I'm rly happy to create a new patcher. I'll start a new topic after I've created the mainly functionality.


    But don't be worried about the voting. The other ideas are great too and maybe I'll create the other tools too. 



  6. I've often thinked about a new Patcher like the Thor patcher. And the src of other Patcher make its easier to understand the formats of the files. That my favorite suggestion currently.


    My other idea was a new weethumbnail. U can see the sprite as preview as thumbnail in ur folder structure.

    And I want add more great features:

    - if there is a act file in the same folder with same name the thumbnail will animated like the act file says in the idle animation

    - if there is no act file in the same folder the thumbnail will show the images animated with 200ms delay

    - U can right click on the file to extract the images and u can select images and right click on them to make a sprite

    - and maybe a configuration program

    - and another maybe: u can extract act files to json file and backwards


    Any meanings?



  7. Hey guys,

    I'm wanna create a new programm for the community but I don't know what. Its can be an old programm which needs remaked or a new programm which isn't exists yet. Please leave an idea and if u mean a programm should remaked. Please make a list of all features the programm has, which things a good or bad and which things whould nice to have  Of course its can be a web application too. 

    Ps: I don't create a Str editor.


    Best regards,


  8. OnMinute10:

    query_sql( "SELECT `account_id` from `char` where `online` = '1'", .@account_id);

    for(set .@i,0; .@i<getarraysize(.@account_id); .@i++){

    attachrid .@account_id[.@i];

    If(strcharinfo(3)=="amatsu")mes "Hello and welcome in amatsu";






    It's should work. I have wrote it on my mobile phone.



  9. It will not working cause no player is attached. Strcharinfo needs a player attached. The same is the "mes" and "close" script command.


    If u want to message player every 10 minutes in amatsu u have to attach every player and check then the map per strcharinfo(3) and message them. 



  10. But now the connection to the MySQL server works and it don't getting refused. U need to create a user and allow connection from any host (remote/external too) and it should works fine.


    The src code error will removed after the connection is correct.



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