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Everything posted by Aeomin

  1. Oh, are you talking about the new configuration format? That's not implemented yet.
  2. Didn't RO picks color too? Many spr are using color other than that. I'm planning to support 8-bit png though, that should help with this and reduce file size.
  3. Well, it doesn't have standard windows title buttons, obviously need something on that. They can make a button look like X if they wish.Maybe I should rename it to closeButton.. yea that shall do. I haven't decided on declare those events yet though.
  4. Hey guys, here is what I have in mind with next major update. I know I have made few incompatible changes in the past, but I hope every change serves its purpose. So let me introduce another incompatible change: the new old configuration file. It is new as not compatible with old one, it is old as already widely used: JSON. Why? Because I find it to be more flexible than my current proprietary solution, no to mention it.. sucks, filled with bugs that I never bothered to look at, poorly defined value type. It worked though... Anyways, here is the draft for you all get familiarize and for me to get feedback (probably not). Note: For those who are wonder where is cancel button go, I would like let it go literally. I mean close is cancel right?.. right?? without further ado: { "General": { "Title": "Thor Patcher", "RootURL": "", "RemoteConfigFile": "main.ini", "TimeOut": 0, "StatusFile": "server.dat", "DefaultGRF": "server.grf", "ClientEXE": "server.exe", "ClientParameter": "-1sak1", "FinishOnConnectionFailure": false, "HideProgressBarWhenFinish": true, "BGM": { "File": "", "Loop": "", "Volume": 20, "Directory": "" } }, "GUI": { "MainWindow": { "Style": "none", "Width": "", "Height": "", "HandleDrag": true, "Background": "images/bg.bmp", "FadeOnDrag": false, "Components": { "progressBar": { "Type": "ProgressBar", "Width": 342, "Height": 10, "Left": 23, "Top": 486 }, "statusLabel": { "Type": "Label", "AutoResize": false, "Width": 369, "Height": "", "Left": 15, "Top": 498, "Alignment": "center", "FontColor": 0, "FontName": "", "FontSize": "", "Text": "" }, "news": { "Type": "NoticeBox", "Width": 347, "Height": 250, "Left": 21, "Top": 217, "URL": "http://google.com" }, "startButton": { "Type": "Button", "Left": 383, "Top": 211, "Images": { "Default": "images/start1.png", "Hover": "images/start2.png", "HoldDown": "images/start3.png" } }, "exitButton": { "Type": "Button", "Left": 383, "Top": 244, "Images": { "Default": "images/Exit1.png", "Hover": "images/Exit2.png", "HoldDown": "images/Exit3.png" } } } } }}
  5. What's the format for the charset? BTW, I'm not sure whether the langtype you are basing of clientinfo. If was basing on clientinfo, then japan would be 2 and china would be 3, there is no sakray.
  6. You can try https://github.com/inexorabletash/text-encoding
  7. The current implementation is a mistake... Hex is fine as css uses it, but I didn't realize it wasn't in RGB.. it was in ABGR.. or was it AGRB? BGRA RBGA...geesh I don't even remember.. 'A'? hell, that's alpha, but it never worked anyways. I'm planning completely change config format due in 2.7. Likely use standard format like json. In combination of script, might as well able to do something like Color:'RGB(random()%256,random()%256,random()%256)' I disagree with the hex to rgb thing, hex is so fucking easy lol, just use any tool to get the color code, even photoshop itself can do it btw latest version is I suggest you to follow the link file here in hercules board You also can use any tool to get RGB color in an easy way, even Paint of Windows has RGB options . It is just the fact that most of things related to web design and graphic design do not use hex color. I'm telling you this because im studying this at university. My third sugestion: 3. Transparency. It happened a lot of times in the version, I dont even know if it was fixed already in the newest versions but a lot of colors had transparency when the background was an bmp extention. I would suggest an official and unique transparency to #FF00FF. I'll take a look at image quality, never noticed anything about it myself.The transparent color in bmp is the pixel in top-left corner, if you set that to ff00ff, then it shall be the chosen one. png isn't supported! I have been something with it recently, guess forgot to disable it. A lot more code refactor is needed to even start experiment with this. The performance would be.. well... suck..use opengl? maybe..
  8. Interesting, it shows for me. Which OS version are you using? I tried to do it again and yeah, it is working good the "Vote4Points" right now. But it doesnt show "Set Up Botton". [Button:Setup]Default='images/setup1.png'OnHover='images/setup1.png'OnDown='images/setup1.png'Left=33Top=360 Can you confirm this please? W7 ultimate 64bits SP1 lol odd, I can still see. Can you try and .2?
  9. Interesting, it shows for me. Which OS version are you using?
  10. new skins? can you elaborate on that? I'm hardening on stability for next release, but mostly on its core.
  11. yes I use gbk, which is what client uses. big5 is for traditional chinese, I'm not sure whether Taiwan RO or so uses it but gbk includes both simplified chinese and traditional chinese. jp and kr is Japanese and Korean.By charset I assume you are using it in webgl render text? I guess what you are trying is convert to unicode and render using freetype. If that's the case, I'll try find something.
  12. So here I sent 测试test123Hex: B2 E2 CA D4 74 65 73 74 31 32 33 Data sent to server: f3 00 17 00 53 61 6b 61 20 3a 20 b2 e2 ca d4 74 65 73 74 31 32 33 00
  13. Ok I see, so I guess I just need an option to parse string as uint16 instead of uint8 to make it work.Just to be sure, it means the max length of your character's name in chinese is 12 ? (24/2) As packet specification, yes it would be 12.But I'm not sure use uint16 would solve the problem though, because a string can also mixed with numbers and English alphabets, those are still single byte.
  14. That's the first thing I tried, apparently it truncates multi-byte character into single byte.
  15. Would it be possible to add some kind langtype support, such as chinese? Seems changing encoding on browser is not enough to display those characters.
  16. File Name: Thor Patcher File Submitter: Aeomin File Submitted: 05 Apr 2014 File Category: Client Resources Please do not send me private message as my response would be in lowest priority. UPDATE IMPORTANT NOTICE: Not only this release is beta, there are few important changes need to note of: You now may modify the icon, code sign after pack configuration data. Some configuration entries are deprecated. Additionally, as you can tell, script support is coming... System Requirement: Windows 2000 or higher. Features Pack into single/multi grf file(s) [0x200] Automatically generates GRF if not exist RGZ support Customizable skin & language entries Background music No extra dll, not even config file is needed when distribute. Embed config file and resource data (images for background/buttons) Custom Button Remote config file Self update and client update [supports multi client exe update(Up to 255)] Tools ConfigGenerator - Packs configuration and resources into the patcher or generate as a binary config pack. ThorMaker - make patch files into thor file, there two options file & grf, when choose file, the patcher will extract file into disk, and grf simply put in GRF. [Please do not pack GRF, instead you should pack the actual data.] CheckSum - Simply a crc32 tool, used to make sure patcher & client/game exe is up to date ======================== Internal Config and Remote Config: Internal config is simply the one embed inside patcher, store basic information required to run Remote config, is on web server (of course), it used configure extended features. Click here to download this file
  17. Version


    Please do not send me private message as my response would be in lowest priority. UPDATE IMPORTANT NOTICE: Not only this release is beta, there are few important changes need to note of: You now may modify the icon, code sign after pack configuration data. Some configuration entries are deprecated. Additionally, as you can tell, script support is coming... System Requirement: Windows 2000 or higher. Features Pack into single/multi grf file(s) [0x200] Automatically generates GRF if not exist RGZ support Customizable skin & language entries Background music No extra dll, not even config file is needed when distribute. Embed config file and resource data (images for background/buttons) Custom Button Remote config file Self update and client update [supports multi client exe update(Up to 255)] Tools ConfigGenerator - Packs configuration and resources into the patcher or generate as a binary config pack. ThorMaker - make patch files into thor file, there two options file & grf, when choose file, the patcher will extract file into disk, and grf simply put in GRF. [Please do not pack GRF, instead you should pack the actual data.] CheckSum - Simply a crc32 tool, used to make sure patcher & client/game exe is up to date ======================== Internal Config and Remote Config: Internal config is simply the one embed inside patcher, store basic information required to run Remote config, is on web server (of course), it used configure extended features.
  18. cool, now just need modify server to support websocket to make it a true webgame.
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