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Felipe Brasil

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Posts posted by Felipe Brasil

  1. Well, I may say diffs are configurations done in the hexed, so perfect diffs, somehow, should be some good/perfect ( :D ) configurations. There aren't "noob questions", just remember it's better to ask than keep the doubt

  2. If it doesn't turn on, something must be wrong on it, since if compilation is correct and you use the provided script to run it, it should be run. Other issue could be if the map server was launched but an error made it to close (which happens). In that case, you can redirect its output to a file and see what happens:


    Launch both char and login server by separate (or with that script), then launch map server like this:

    ./map-server > map_log.txt

    All output on the map server will then be saved on that file instead of being displayed on the screen. You can see that log and copy it to us if you wanted to further diagnose the problem.

    Thanks! I Will try and give you the feed. In my host i'm using RLCP, so i can't start just one, i need to start everything.  Will ask for SSH plan. Thanks again jaBote!

  3. There's no error in there. Don't you have something that could be related to a debug, warning or an error on any of the 3 consoles?

    No, it's just don't turn on. Heres de compilation log:


    stdin: is not a tty	MAKE	mt19937armake[1]: Entering directory `/home/rlcpxxx/emulador/3rdparty/mt19937ar'	CC	mt19937ar.cmake[1]: Leaving directory `/home/rlcpxxxx/emulador/3rdparty/mt19937ar'	MAKE	libconfigmake[1]: Entering directory `/home/rlcpxxxx/emulador/3rdparty/libconfig'	CC	libconfig.c	CC	grammar.c	CC	scanctx.c	CC	scanner.c	CC	strbuf.cmake[1]: Leaving directory `/home/rlcpxxxx/emulador/3rdparty/libconfig'	MAKE	common_sqlmake[1]: Entering directory `/home/rlcpxxxx/emulador/src/common'	MKDIR	obj_all	CC	conf.c	CC	db.c	CC	des.c	CC	ers.c	CC	grfio.c	CC	HPM.c	CC	mapindex.c	CC	md5calc.c	CC	mutex.c	CC	nullpo.c	CC	random.c	CC	showmsg.c	CC	strlib.c	CC	sysinfo.c	CC	thread.c	CC	timer.c	CC	utils.c	CC	console.c	CC	core.c	CC	malloc.c	CC	socket.c	AR	obj_all/common.a	MKDIR	obj_sql	CC	sql.c	AR	obj_sql/common_sql.a	CC	console.c	CC	core.c	CC	malloc.c	CC	socket.c	AR	obj_all/common_mini.amake[1]: Leaving directory `/home/rlcpxxxx/emulador/src/common'	MAKE	login_sqlmake[1]: Entering directory `/home/rlcpxxxx/emulador/src/login'	MKDIR	obj_sql	CC	account_sql.c	CC	ipban_sql.c	CC	login.c	CC	loginlog_sql.c	LD	login-servermake[1]: Leaving directory `/home/rlcpxxxx/emulador/src/login'	MAKE	char_sqlmake[1]: Entering directory `/home/rlcpxxxx/emulador/src/char'	MKDIR	obj_sql	CC	char.c	CC	inter.c	CC	int_auction.c	CC	int_elemental.c	CC	int_guild.c	CC	int_homun.c	CC	int_mail.c	CC	int_mercenary.c	CC	int_party.c	CC	int_pet.c	CC	int_quest.c	CC	int_storage.c	CC	pincode.c	LD	char-servermake[1]: Leaving directory `/home/rlcpxxx/emulador/src/char'	MAKE	map_sqlmake[1]: Entering directory `/home/rlcpxxxx/emulador/src/map'	MKDIR	obj_sql	CC	atcommand.c	CC	battle.c	CC	battleground.c	CC	buyingstore.c	CC	chat.c	CC	chrif.c	CC	clif.c	CC	date.c	CC	duel.c	CC	elemental.c	CC	guild.c	CC	homunculus.c	CC	HPMmap.c	CC	instance.c	CC	intif.c	CC	irc-bot.c	CC	itemdb.c	CC	log.c	CC	mail.c	CC	map.c	CC	mapreg_sql.c	CC	mercenary.c	CC	mob.c	CC	npc.c	CC	npc_chat.c	CC	party.c	CC	path.c	CC	pc.c	CC	pc_groups.c	CC	pet.c	CC	quest.c	CC	script.c	CC	searchstore.c	CC	skill.c	CC	status.c	CC	storage.c	CC	trade.c	CC	unit.c	CC	vending.c	LD	map-servermake[1]: Leaving directory `/home/rlcpxxxx/emulador/src/map'building conf/import folder...

  4. So just started using Hercules and after all done i got map server down. Any error, so here's the log: *Where XXX.XXX.XXX.XX -> My host IP.

    [Info]: Hercules 64-bit for Linux[Info]: Exported revision (src): ''[Info]: Exported revision (scripts): 'Unknown'[Info]: OS version: 'CentOS release 6.5 (Final) [x86_64]'[Info]: CPU: 'Intel® Xeon® CPU X3440 @ 2.53GHz [8]'[Info]: Compiled with GCC v4.4.7[Info]: Compile Flags: -g -O2 -DMAXCONN=16384 -pipe -ffast-math -Wall -Wextra -Wno-sign-compare -DHAS_TLS -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-clobbered -Wempty-body -Wno-switch -Wno-missing-field-initializers -fPIC -fno-strict-aliasing -DHAVE_SETRLIMIT -DHAVE_STRNLEN -DHAVE_MONOTONIC_CLOCK[Warning]: You are running Hercules with root privileges, it is not necessary.[Info]: Server supports up to '16384' concurrent connections.[Info]: Map Server IP Address : '' -> ''.[Info]: Char Server IP Address : 'XXX.XXX.XXX.XX' -> 'XXX.XXX.XXX.XX'.[Info]: Map Server Bind IP Address : 'XXX.XXX.XXX.XX' -> 'XXX.XXX.XXX.XX'.[Info]: Map Server IP Address : 'XXX.XXX.XXX.XX' -> 'XXX.XXX.XXX.XX'. 

    What could be? 


    *Changed the s1/p1 in the map_server conf as well as in mysql


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