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About Portalcake

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  • Birthday 06/06/1994

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  1. I'm just wondering if I can make a darkish skin for my Ragexe client. But I don't know how to change the color of this white space in this window. Is there any way to do this? Or it's really impossible? Thanks in advance.
  2. Lovable <3 But where I can get the new EXE (2013-12-23)?
  3. You mean the I'll rename the folder - lua files to lub files ? Will try this when I get home after work. Are there other folders or lua files that be needs to be renamed in data folder aside from that? Thanks Shakto! Don't rename the folder, you need to change the file extension. Example: quest_function.lua to quest_function.lub
  4. Yes, I'm running in Windows. I've cleaned the solution and then rebuild. Now, I'll try download Hercules again from Git and re-start with an unaltered copy. [Edit] Strangely solved, I've downloaded again a clean copy from Github. But, thanks for everyone by attention.
  5. Already changed to 175, no effects.
  6. Yes, but the problem still persists
  7. [Warning]: pc_readdb: Specified max level 175 for job 4054 is beyond server's limit (150). I already changed #define MAX_LEVEL 150 to #define MAX_LEVEL 175 in map.h, also changed in exp.txt (db/re) but this problem persists, anyone can help? Thanks in advance.
  8. Like this? Use ROCred or R.O.L.e.x to start your client.
  9. Aura effect isn't visible in Lv.150, is this normal?
  10. Already solved, but, thanks. My problem was here in mmo.h // Comment the following line if your client is NOT ragexeRE (required because of conflicting packets in ragexe vs ragexeRE).#define PACKETVER_RE Commenting the line solves the problem.
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