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  1. Original Patch Notes 안녕하세요. (주)그라비티 라그나로크 온라인 운영팀입니다. 2월 5일(수) 정기점검 시간 및 업데이트에 대한 안내입니다. ■ 점검시간 - 전 서버 : 10:00 ~ 16:00(완료) ■ 공통 패치내용 - 2월 스윗츠 축제가 시작됩니다. → 기간: 2020년 2월 5일 정기점검 후 ~ 2020년 2월 19일 정기점검 전 → 프론테라의 축제위원장 쇼콜라(prontera 163 98)를 만나보세요. - 설 맞이 이벤트로 지급된 "설날만두" 아이템이 삭제됩니다. - 이그니션 웨폰 쉐도우, 섀도우스펠 웨폰 쉐도우의 아이템 설명이 변경됩니다. # 이그니션 웨폰 쉐도우 → 변경 전: 일반 근접 물리 공격 시, 낮은 확률로 오토 스펠 이그니션 브레이크 3Lv 발동 → 변경 후: 일반 물리 공격 시, 낮은 확률로 오토 스펠 이그니션 브레이크 3Lv 발동 # 섀도우스펠 웨폰 쉐도우 → 변경 전: 일반 근접 물리 공격 시, 일정 확률로 오토 스펠 사이킥 웨이브 3Lv 발동. → 변경 후: 일반 물리 공격 시, 일정 확률로 오토 스펠 사이킥 웨이브 3Lv 발동. ※ 아이템 옵션은 기존과 동일하나, 설명이 보다 명확하게 변경됩니다. ■ 본 서버 패치내용 - 2월 출석체크 이벤트가 업데이트 됩니다. → 2월 5일 정기점검 후 ~ 3월 3일까지 진행되며, 이벤트 기간 중 20일 출석하면 모든 보상을 수령할 수 있습니다. - 2월 카츄아의 비밀상자가 업데이트됩니다. → 기간: 2월 5일 정기점검 후 ~ 3월 4일 정기점검 전 - 1월 냥다래 한정의상 판매가 종료됩니다. → 판매종료 아이템: 의상 얼음의 날개 - 미케닉이 특정상황에서 마도기어에 탑승하지 않아도 탑승한 것처럼 보이는 현상이 수정됩니다. ■ 사크라이 서버 패치내용 - 일부 상황에서 제련UI 내 제련석 우클릭 시 사과 아이템이 표시되는 현상이 수정됩니다. - 제련 연구가 NPC 대화 내용이 비정상적으로 출력되는 현상이 수정됩니다. 점검 내용을 숙지하시어 이용에 차질 없으시길 바랍니다. 감사합니다. (주) 그라비티 라그나로크 온라인 운영팀 Translated Patch Notes References http://ro.gnjoy.com/news/notice/View.asp?BBSMode=10001&seq=7220&curpage=1 Retrieved from https://ragnarok.gamepedia.com/RO_Patch_(2020_Feb._05).
  2. January Digest 2020 The following digest covers the month of January 1st - January 31st 2020 Team Changes None Added Added/updated packets, encryption keys and message tables for clients up to 2020-01-08. (#2599) Added support for auto exp insurance items. (#2603) Added the script commands resetfeel() and resethate(). (#2285) Added the atcommand @hatereset. (part of #2285) Changed Extracted packet ZC_SE_CASHSHOP_OPEN to a separate function. (part of #2599) Renamed the functions clif_parse_CashShop* into clif_parse_cashShop*. (part of #2599) Converted clif_partytickack() to use the struct version of packet ZC_PARTY_CONFIG. (part of #2599) Extended setpcblock() with a new PCBLOCK_NPC functionality to prevent players interacting with NPCs (e.g. During some npctalk dialogue). (#2606) Extended warpparty() and warpguild() with an option to disregard the nowarp and nowarpto mapflags. (#2604, issue #1861) Updated copyright header for year 2020. Fixed Fixed reading water level from RSW version 2.2 and newer. (part of #2599) Fixed pc_have_item_chain() to retrieve the chain ID from the chain cache. (part of #2603) Fixed an overflow in a zeny check condition in RODEX, causing code to never be executed. (#2266) Fixed a re-definition of HPM related symbols in plugins with multiple compilation units. (#2608) Deprecated None Removed None Special thanks to @Haru, @4144, @Kenpachi, @Asheraf, @Ridley, @bWolfie
  3. Original Patch Notes 안녕하세요. (주)그라비티 라그나로크 온라인 운영팀입니다. 1월 29일(수) 정기점검 시간 및 업데이트에 대한 안내입니다. ■ 점검시간 - 전 서버 : 10:00 ~ 15:00 ■ 공통 패치내용 - 2020년 1월 문어축제가 종료되며, 관련 아이템이 삭제됩니다. → 삭제 아이템 목록: 매끄러운 털 묶음, 초코 강정, 문어 떡국, 복 주머니,갓 끓인 문어 떡국 싱싱한 문어다리, 쫄깃한 가래떡, 먹물볼, 초코떡국 → 의상 넛크랙커의 이벤트 옵션이 삭제됩니다. - 메모리얼 던전 "펜릴과 사라"의 보스몬스터 "사라"의 MVP 보상 아이템이 추가됩니다. - 상급 전투교범의 아이템명이 [비매품] 상급 전투교범으로 변경됩니다. - 오크 히어로의 큐펫 보스 아이콘이 비정상적으로 적용되던 현상이 수정됩니다. ■ 본 서버 패치내용 - 캐릭터 생성 시 도람족 UI의 New 표시가 제거됩니다. - 길드창고 이용 내역 확인 시 아이템명이 Unknown item으로 출력되는 현상이 수정됩니다. 점검 내용을 숙지하시어 이용에 차질 없으시길 바랍니다. 감사합니다. (주) 그라비티 라그나로크 온라인 운영팀 Translated Patch Notes References http://ro.gnjoy.com/news/notice/View.asp?BBSMode=10001&seq=7216&curpage=1 Retrieved from https://ragnarok.gamepedia.com/RO_Patch_(2020_Jan._29).
  4. There is a limit in polygons, I just can't remember the exact amount. You need to split it into smaller parts and then puzzle it together.
  5. Original Patch Notes 안녕하세요. (주)그라비티 라그나로크 온라인 운영팀입니다. 1월 22일(수) 정기점검 시간 및 업데이트에 대한 안내입니다. ■ 점검시간 - 전 서버 : 10:00 ~ 17:00 ※ 점검시간 중 (10:00 ~ 13:00) GNJOY 시스템 점검이 진행되어 일부 서비스 (로그인, 웹몰, 캐시충전)가 중단됩니다. ■ 본 서버 패치내용 - 1월 냥다래 의상이 업데이트 됩니다. → 추가 목록(4종): 의상 얼음의 날개(한정), 의상 언더림 안경(파란색), 의상 모노크롬 캡, 의상 추억의 밤하늘 → 삭제 목록(3종): 의상 모란 머리장식, 의상 고양이 귀 리본, 의상 가넷 티아라 → 신규 의상장비는 "의상 인챈트 스톤 상자 21"로 교환 할 수 있습니다. - [패션스톤] 의상 인챈트에 아래 아이템이 추가됩니다. → 의상 대지의 마스터, 의상 라구엘의 날개, 의상 미라클 플랜트, 의상 지터벅 캡, 의상 그레이트 드라큘라 뿔, 의상 오렌지 토끼, 의상 히멜메즈의 가발(물색), 의상 히멜메즈의 가발(노랑), 의상 히멜메즈의 가발(흰색), 의상 히멜메즈의 가발(연보라), 의상 히멜메즈의 가발(핑크), 의상 히멜메즈의 가발(청록), 의상 히멜메즈의 가발(칠흑), 의상 히멜메즈의 가발(갈색), 의상 얼음의 날개, 의상 언더림 안경(파란색), 의상 모노크롬 캡, 의상 추억의 밤하늘 - 일루전 오브 언더워터가 업데이트됩니다. → 이즈루드의 게인(izlude 132 49)으로부터 친구가 실종된 사연을 들어주세요. → 일루전 오브 언더워터의 장비가 환상의 강화사 NPC의 인챈트 대상으로 적용됩니다. → 아이템 목록: 일루전 세인트 로브, 일루전 바다의 울부짖음, 일루전 메일, 일루전 모리아네의 헬름 일루전 모리아네의 망토, 일루전 모리아네의 벨트, 일루전 모리아네의 펜던트 - 일루전 오브 언더워터 업데이트 기념 이벤트가 진행됩니다. - 설날 맞이 이벤트가 진행됩니다. - 겨울 프로모션 도전하라! GO 이벤트가 종료됩니다. - 애시드 테러 스킬이 팔라딘의 디펜더 스킬에 데미지가 감소되지 않는 현상이 수정됩니다. - SP가 0인 경우 오토스펠로 아도라무스가 발동하지 않던 현상이 수정됩니다. - 리플레이에서 마도기어 외형이 특정상황에서 보이지 않는 현상이 수정됩니다. - 리플레이 재생 시 특정상황에서 클라이언트가 종료되는 현상이 수정됩니다. ■ 사크라이 서버 패치내용 - 캐릭터 생성 시 도람족 UI의 New 표시가 제거됩니다. - 길드창고 이용 내역 확인 시 아이템명이 Unknown item으로 출력되는 현상이 수정됩니다. - 일루전 오브 언더워터의 일부 몬스터의 HP 및 경험치가 조정됩니다. - 일부 일루전 오브 언더워터 몬스터명이 통일됩니다. → 변경 전: 심연의 → 변경 후: 심해의 - 미캐닉이 특정상황에서 마도기어에 탑승하지 않아도 마도기어에 탑승한 것처럼 보이는 현상이 수정됩니다. 점검 내용을 숙지하시어 이용에 차질 없으시길 바랍니다. 감사합니다. (주) 그라비티 라그나로크 온라인 운영팀 Translated Patch Notes References http://ro.gnjoy.com/news/notice/View.asp?BBSMode=10001&seq=7215&curpage=1 Retrieved from https://ragnarok.gamepedia.com/RO_Patch_(2020_Jan._22).
  6. Original Patch Notes 안녕하세요. (주)그라비티 라그나로크 온라인 운영팀입니다. 1월 15일(수) 정기점검 시간 및 업데이트에 대한 안내입니다. ■ 점검시간 - 전 서버 : 10:00 ~ 15:00(완료) ■ 공통 패치내용 - 2020년 1월 문어축제가 시작됩니다. → 말랑도(malangdo 161 139)에서 문어 축제를 즐기고 페이욘(payon 219 111)에서 맛있는 문어 떡국도 맛보세요~ → 기간: 1월 15일 정기점검 후 ~ 1월 29일 정기점검 전 - 카드체인지 이벤트가 종료됩니다. ■ 본 서버 패치내용 - 카츄아 확률증가 이벤트가 종료됩니다. - 타나토스 타워 리뉴얼 기념 이벤트가 종료됩니다. ■ 사크라이 서버 패치내용 - 일루전 오브 언더워터의 장비가 환상의 강화사 NPC의 인챈트 대상으로 적용됩니다. → 아이템 목록: 일루전 세인트 로브, 일루전 바다의 울부짖음, 일루전 메일, 일루전 모리아네의 헬름 일루전 모리아네의 망토, 일루전 모리아네의 벨트, 일루전 모리아네의 펜던트 점검 내용을 숙지하시어 이용에 차질 없으시길 바랍니다. 감사합니다. (주) 그라비티 라그나로크 온라인 운영팀 Translated Patch Notes References http://ro.gnjoy.com/news/notice/View.asp?BBSMode=10001&seq=7212&curpage=1 Retrieved from https://ragnarok.gamepedia.com/RO_Patch_(2020_Jan._15).
  7. The wiki page shows what files you have to edit for each, server and client files. There is also a sample folder for the folder structure.
  8. https://lmgtfy.com/?q=herc.ws+custom+items&iie=1 Sorry but why do people not use google or seach directly here in the forums? There are dozens of topics about this.
  9. Original Patch Notes 안녕하세요. (주)그라비티 라그나로크 온라인 운영팀입니다. 1월 8일(수) 정기점검 시간 및 업데이트에 대한 안내입니다. ■ 점검시간 - 전 서버 : 10:00 ~ 17:00 15:28(완료) ■ 공통 패치내용 - 카드체인지 이벤트가 진행됩니다. → 기간: 1월 8일 정기점검 후 ~ 1월 15일 정기점검 전 → 내용: 교환 가능한 신규 카드리스트가 추가됩니다. - 일부 지역에서 파리의 날개, 텔레포테이션, /기억이 불가능하도록 변경되며, 재접속 시 마지막 저장된 장소로 이동하도록 변경됩니다. → 대상 지역: new_2-4 / auction_02 / alb_ship / new_3-1 / new_3-2 / new_3-3 / new_3-4 / new_4-1 / new_4-2 / new_4-3 / new_4-4 / new_5-1 / new_5-2 / new_5-3 / new_5-4 / in_hunter / nameless_in / job_gun / int_land / int_land01 / int_land02 / int_land03 / int_land04 / job_thief1 / que_san04 / nameless_i / lasa_sea / evt_hello / evt_mobroom / evt_bomb / quiz_00 / quiz_01 / quiz_02 / quiz_test / e_hugel / new_event / iz_int / iz_int01 / iz_int02 / iz_int03 / iz_int04 / new_1-1 / new_1-2 / new_1-3 / new_1-4 / new_2-1 /new_2-2 / new_2-3 / x_prt / x_lhz / x_ra / thief_1-1 / thief_2-1 / thief_3-1 - [카츄아]마일리지 쿠폰 아이템 및 마카롬NPC가 삭제됩니다. - 일부 지역에 적용된 겨울 눈꽃 이벤트 BGM이 원래대로 돌아갑니다. - 일부 지역에 내리던 함박 눈이 그치게 됩니다. - 초보자 수련장에서 좌초된 여객선으로 이동 시 튕김 현상이수정됩니다. ■ 본 서버 패치내용 - 1월 카츄아의 비밀상자가 업데이트됩니다. → 기간: 1월 8일 정기점검 후 ~ 2월 5일 정기점검 전 - 카츄아 확률증가 이벤트가 진행됩니다. → 기간: 1월 8일 정기점검 후 ~ 1월 15일 정기점검 전 → 추가 아이템: [카츄아]뉴웨이브 선글라스 → 삭제 아이템: 거신뱀의 숨결 - 12월 냥다래 한정의상 판매가 종료됩니다. → 판매종료 아이템: 의상 산타의 주머니 - 의상 동그란 눈동자 착용 후, 헤어스타일 변경 시 눈동자가 비정상적으로 표시되는 현상이 수정됩니다. - 장비창의 칭호 탭에서 일반 장비 해제가 가능한 현상이 수정됩니다. - 내비게이션의 현재 위치 공유 기능이 일부 상황에서 비정상적으로 적용되는 현상이 수정됩니다. ■ 사크라이 서버 패치내용 - 일루전 오브 언더워터가 업데이트됩니다. → 이즈루드의 게인(izlude 132 49)으로부터 친구가 실종된 사연을 들어주세요. - 애시드 테러 스킬이 팔라딘의 디펜더 스킬에 데미지가 감소되지 않는 현상이 수정됩니다. - SP가 0인 경우 오토스펠로 아도라무스가 발동하지 않던 현상이 수정됩니다. - 리플레이에서 마도기어 외형이 특정상황에서 보이지 않는 현상이 수정됩니다. - 리플레이 재생 시 특정상황에서 클라이언트가 종료되는 현상이 수정됩니다. 점검 내용을 숙지하시어 이용에 차질 없으시길 바랍니다. 감사합니다. (주) 그라비티 라그나로크 온라인 운영팀 Translated Patch Notes References http://ro.gnjoy.com/news/notice/View.asp?BBSMode=10001&seq=7209&curpage=1 Retrieved from https://ragnarok.gamepedia.com/RO_Patch_(2020_Jan._08).
  10. I answered your question here to have it available if someone is looking for it
  11. As requested here WeeThumbnail.dll is part of the WeeTools and allows Windows to preview a .spr file. Original Author is Shinryo @rAthena In order to make it work in Windows 10 you need to register the .dll Download x86 or x64 based on your OS Copy the .dll to your windows/system32 folder Click the Windows/Start button in the lower left corner Type CMD - then right click it and select "Run as Administrator" Note: If you run it through Win+R you need to confirm with Ctrl+Shift+Enter to run it as administrator Now in CMD Run the following command regsvr32 "C:\Windows\System32\WeeThumbnail.dll" This is how it should look like: Afterwards a PopUp from RegSvr32 appears, saying the .dll was installed successfully. Now Restart your system and Windows should preview .spr files Troubleshooting: Error 0x80070005 means you didn't run CMD as admin.
  12. You can find a list where the patch succeeds here: http://nemo.herc.ws/patches/AlwaysReadKrExtSettings and for langtype russian you should set the value in your clientinfo to 14
  13. Original Patch Notes 안녕하세요. (주)그라비티 라그나로크 온라인 운영팀입니다. 1월 2일(목) 정기점검 시간 및 업데이트에 대한 안내입니다. ■ 점검시간 - 전 서버 : 10:00 ~ 15:00 13:47(완료) ■ 공통 패치내용 - 타나토스 타워 메모리얼 던전의 일부 몬스터가 공격이 불가능한 위치에 소환되던 현상이 수정됩니다. ■ 본 서버 패치내용 - 1월 출석체크 이벤트가 업데이트됩니다. → 1월 2일 정기점검 후 ~ 1월 28일까지 진행되며, 이벤트 기간 중 20일 출석하면 모든 보상을 수령할 수 있습니다. - 골드 PC방 마일리지 300포인트 교환 이벤트가 종료되며 구성품이 변경됩니다. → 변경 아이템: 300포인트 마일리지 의상 6종 > 월드 이동권 50개 - 多DREAM 이벤트 달력 쿠폰의 월별 보상 상자가 삭제됩니다. → 월별 상자를 개봉하여 획득한 아이템은 삭제되지 않습니다. - 일부 지역에 적용된 겨울 눈꽃 이벤트 BGM이 원래대로 돌아갑니다. ※ 1월 카드 체인지 이벤트는 1월 8일 정기점검 이후 진행될 예정이며, 교환 가능한 신규 카드리스트가 추가될 예정입니다. 점검 내용을 숙지하시어 이용에 차질 없으시길 바랍니다. 감사합니다. (주) 그라비티 라그나로크 온라인 운영팀 Translated Patch Notes References http://ro.gnjoy.com/news/notice/View.asp?BBSMode=10001&seq=7206&curpage=1 Retrieved from https://ragnarok.gamepedia.com/RO_Patch_(2020_Jan._02).
  14. since the npc already displays the ladder, it won't work to add another waitingroom to him. See if this suits you: //===== eAthena Script ======================================= //= eAthena PVP-Ladder //===== By: ================================================== //= Terces //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.7.2 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= Any Athena Version that has "for" implemented //===== Credits: ============================================= //= The whole eAthena Board and the eAthena Chat //===== Notes: =============================================== //= Note 1: //= Experience gain works like this formula: //= ($@LadderLength-(<new position>-1))*$@LadderExp //= so if someone gets the first place he'll get //= $@LadderLength*$@LadderExp experience points. //============================================================ //= Fixxed by Dante //= V1.7.2 //= Hosted by Dant3 aka Dante // HAFE FUN! READ THE TOPIC! IT DONT WORKS MAYBE ON OLDER REV // // // LAST UPDATE: 12th,February.2008 // // Main Script - Terces (Main Thanks to Terces ) // V1.7.0 - Dant3 // v1.7.1 - AnnieRuRu // v1.7.2 - Dant3 // THIS SCRIPT WORKS ONLY ON THE NEW EATHENA REVISIONS! ENJOY! - script PVPLADDEROPTIONS -1,{ end; OnInit: // 0 = Disabled (NO) // 1 = Enable (YES) set $@languageselect, 0; //Enable/Disable language selection [English/German] (Default: 1) set $@LadderAnnounce, 1; //Enable/Disable the announcement when a char reaches a new position in the ladder (Default: 1) set $@LadderLength, 30; //Set the length of the Ladder [!Not higher than 128!] (Default: 30) set $@LadderSteps, 10; //Set the views per page (Default: 10) set $@LadderExpGain, 100; //Enable/Disable experience gain when reaching a new position in the ladder (*Note1) set $@LadderExp, 150; //Set Experience gain value (*Note1) // Update v1.7.0 set $@LadderZenyGain, 1; //Enable/Disable zeny gain when reaching a new position in the ladder set $@LadderZeny, 100; //Set Zeny gain value set $@LadderChatRoom, 1; //Enable/Disable an Chat Room over the NPC with the message "PvP Ladder" (Users can not enter the Chat room) // Update v1.7.1 (Thanks to AnnieRuRu) // Added GM PvP Ladder Reset Function // Update v1.7.2 // Thanks to for the Feedback set $@LadderAskLogin, 1; //Enable/Disable that the NPC asks about the Broadcast when a Player logins / or with the Npc Chat (0 = Login Ask , 1 = Npc Chat) Related: 0 } - script PVPLADDERS -1,{ OnPCKillEvent: setarray .@Map$[0],"cell_game"; if (terces_PVP_resets != $terces_PVP_resets) { dispbottom "Please relog your character, in order to get the correct kills for you in the PVP ladder."; dispbottom "Because a GM just reset the ladder."; end; } if ( killedrid == getcharid(3) ) { set PVPDeaths, PVPDeaths +1; set #PVPDeathsAccount, #PVPDeathsAccount +1; set @PVPDeathstoday, @PVPDeathstoday +1; end; } set $@PVPcounter,$@PVPcounter+1; set getd("$@PVPKill"+$@PVPcounter),getcharid(3); //getd to avoid errors when more than 1 people kill someone attachrid(killedrid); set PVPDeaths,PVPDeaths+1; set @PVPDeathstoday,@PVPDeathstoday+1; set #PVPDeathsAccount,#PVPDeathsAccount+1; set getd("$@PVPkilledplayer"+$@PVPcounter+"$"), strcharinfo(0); //again, getd to avoid possible glitches detachrid; attachrid(getd("$@PVPKill"+$@PVPcounter)); CountKills: set PVPKills,PVPKills+1; set @PVPKillstoday,@PVPKillstoday+1; set #PVPKillsAccount,#PVPKillsAccount+1; setarray @playerstats[0],@PVPKillstoday,@PVPDeathstoday,PVPKills,PVPDeaths,#PVPKillsAccount,#PVPDeathsAccount; l_ladder: set @considerdeath,0; for (set @PosinLadder, 0; @PosinLadder < $@LadderLength; set @PosinLadder, @PosinLadder + 1){ if (PVPKills >= $terces_PVP_kills[@PosinLadder]){ //Player deserves to be in the ladder //Check if Death plays a role on the position if ((PVPKills == $terces_PVP_kills[@PosinLadder]) && (PVPDeaths > $terces_PVP_deaths[@PosinLadder])) set @considerdeath,1; //Consider Deaths //Check if the player only topped his own scores if ($terces_PVP_names$[@PosinLadder] == strcharinfo(0)){ set $terces_PVP_kills[@PosinLadder],PVPKills; set $terces_PVP_deaths[@PosinLadder],PVPDeaths; end; } //Moves all characters in the Ladder for (set @beginmoving, $@LadderLength; @beginmoving >= (@PosinLadder+@considerdeath); set @beginmoving, @beginmoving - 1){ if ($terces_PVP_names$[@beginmoving] == strcharinfo(0)){ //If the player already is in the Ladder it only has to move players between characters new position and characters old position callsub L_LadderMove,0; end; } else if (@beginmoving == (@PosinLadder+@considerdeath)){ //Player is not in the Ladder and therefor it has to move all players from characters new position downwards callsub L_LadderMove,1; end; } } end; } } L_LadderMove: if (getarg(0) == 0) set @length,@beginmoving; if (getarg(0) == 1) set @length,$@LadderLength; for (set @movecycle, @length; @movecycle > (@PosinLadder+@considerdeath); set @movecycle, @movecycle - 1){ set $terces_PVP_names$[@movecycle],$terces_PVP_names$[(@movecycle-1)]; set $terces_PVP_kills[@movecycle],$terces_PVP_kills[(@movecycle-1)]; set $terces_PVP_deaths[@movecycle],$terces_PVP_deaths[(@movecycle-1)]; set $terces_PVP_times[@movecycle],$terces_PVP_times[(@movecycle-1)]; } //sets the character's stats in the new position set $terces_PVP_names$[(@PosinLadder+@considerdeath)],strcharinfo(0); set $terces_PVP_kills[(@PosinLadder+@considerdeath)],PVPKills; set $terces_PVP_deaths[(@PosinLadder+@considerdeath)],PVPDeaths; set $terces_PVP_times[(@PosinLadder+@considerdeath)],gettimetick(2); //Experience Gain if ($@LadderExpGain == 1){ set BaseExp,BaseExp+(($@LadderLength-((@PosinLadder+@considerdeath)-1))*$@LadderExp); dispbottom "You have just been rewarded with "+(($@LadderLength-((@PosinLadder+@considerdeath)-1))*$@LadderExp)+" base experience points"; } //Zeny Gain if ($@LadderZenyGain == 1){ set Zeny,Zeny+(($@LadderLength-((@PosinLadder+@considerdeath)-1))*$@LadderZeny); dispbottom "You have just been rewarded with "+(($@LadderLength-((@PosinLadder+@considerdeath)-1))*$@LadderZeny)+" Zeny"; } //Announcement (Setting for Char) if (pvpbroadcast == 2){ announce strcharinfo(0)+" just claimed the "+((@PosinLadder+@considerdeath)+1)+". Position in the Top "+$@LadderLength+" after killing "+getd("$@PVPkilledplayer"+$@PVPcounter+"$")+".",16; } //Announcement (Setting for Account) if (#pvpbroadcast == 2){ announce strcharinfo(0)+" just claimed the "+((@PosinLadder+@considerdeath)+1)+". Position in the Top "+$@LadderLength+" after killing "+getd("$@PVPkilledplayer"+$@PVPcounter+"$")+".",16; } end; OnPCLoginEvent: if (terces_PVP_resets != $terces_PVP_resets){ set PVPDeaths,0; set @PVPDeathstoday,0; set #PVPDeathsAccount,0; set PVPKills,0; set @PVPKillstoday,0; set #PVPKillsAccount,0; set terces_PVP_resets,$terces_PVP_resets; } if ($@LadderAskLogin == 0){ if (#pvpbroadcast == 2) goto L_ignore; if (pvpbroadcast == 2) goto L_ignore; if (#pvpbroadcast == 1) goto L_ignore; if (pvpbroadcast == 1) goto L_ignore; if (pvpbroadcast == 0) mes "Hi, "+strcharinfo(0)+""; mes "Me is the PvP Top Management!"; mes "Let me ask you one Question and i will let you play!"; menu "Later please",L_close,"Okay, fine",L_fine; L_fine: next; mes "Well, do you want read Broadcast Messages when a Player reach a new position on the PvP Ranglist?"; menu "Yeah, why not",L_accept,"No, thanks",L_accept_2,"Wtf is Broadcast?",L_broadcast; L_accept: next; mes "Yay, thank you! ^_^"; mes "Will this Setting work on all your Chars on this account or only this char?"; menu "Account",L_account,"Only this char",L_char; L_account: set #pvpbroadcast,2; next; mes "Okay, "+strcharinfo(0)+""; mes "Thank you for your time and have fun!"; close; L_char: set pvpbroadcast,2; next; mes "Okay, "+strcharinfo(0)+""; mes "Thank you for your time and have fun!"; goto access_eng; close; L_accept_2: next; mes "Yay, thank you! ^_^"; mes "Will this Setting work on all your Chars on this account or only this char?"; menu "Account",L_account_2,"Only this char",L_char_2; L_close: close; L_account_2: set #pvpbroadcast,1; next; mes "Okay, "+strcharinfo(0)+""; mes "Thank you for your time and have fun!"; close; L_char_2: set pvpbroadcast,1; next; mes "Okay, "+strcharinfo(0)+""; mes "Thank you for your time and have fun!"; goto access_eng; close; L_broadcast: mes "Broadcasts are this yellow messages from the GMs"; goto L_fine; } } rune,104,50,1 script PvP Users 4_M_ROYALGUARD,{ donpcevent "PvP Ladder#join::OnTalk"; end; OnInit: while (true) { delwaitingroom; waitingroom getmapusers( .map$ ) + "Player(s) in PvP",0; sleep 5000; } end; } rune,102,48,1 script PvP Ladder#join 57,{ if ($@LadderChatRoom == 1) { waitingroom "PvP Top "+$@LadderLength+"",0; // Look on the configuration! } set @name$,"[PvP-Ladder]"; //Colour of: Position Name Kills Deaths Time setarray @colour$[0], "^996600", "^006699", "^00AA00", "^FF0000", "^EE8800"; if ($@LadderAskLogin == 1){ if (#pvpbroadcast == 2) goto access_eng; if (pvpbroadcast == 2) goto access_eng; if (#pvpbroadcast == 1) goto access_eng; if (pvpbroadcast == 1) goto access_eng; if (pvpbroadcast == 0) OnTalk: mes "Hi, "+strcharinfo(0)+""; mes "Me is the PvP Top Management!"; mes "Let me ask you one Question and i will let you play!"; menu "Later please",L_close,"Okay, fine",L_fine; L_fine: next; mes "Well, do you want read Broadcast Messages when a Player reach a new position on the PvP Ranglist?"; menu "Yeah, why not",L_accept,"No, thanks",L_accept_2,"Wtf is Broadcast?",L_broadcast; L_accept: next; mes "Yay, thank you! ^_^"; mes "Will this Setting work on all your Chars on this account or only this char?"; menu "Account",L_account,"Only this char",L_char; L_account: set #pvpbroadcast,2; next; mes "Okay, "+strcharinfo(0)+""; mes "Thank you for your time and have fun!"; close; L_char: set pvpbroadcast,2; next; mes "Okay, "+strcharinfo(0)+""; mes "Thank you for your time and have fun!"; goto access_eng; close; L_accept_2: next; mes "Yay, thank you! ^_^"; mes "Will this Setting work on all your Chars on this account or only this char?"; menu "Account",L_account_2,"Only this char",L_char_2; L_close: close; L_account_2: set #pvpbroadcast,1; next; mes "Okay, "+strcharinfo(0)+""; mes "Thank you for your time and have fun!"; close; L_char_2: set pvpbroadcast,1; next; mes "Okay, "+strcharinfo(0)+""; mes "Thank you for your time and have fun!"; goto access_eng; close; L_broadcast: mes "Broadcasts are this yellow messages from the GMs"; goto L_fine; } access_eng: mes @name$; mes "Hello "+strcharinfo(0)+"..."; mes "If you want to I can show you your PVP stats."; next; M_selection_eng: if ( getgmlevel () < 99 ) menu "Show me the PVP Ladder",M_Ladder_eng,"PvP stats since my login",M_seitLogin_eng,"PvP stats of this Char",M_dieserChar_eng,"Stats of the whole account",M_vomAccount_eng,"Cancel",M_abbrechen_eng; else menu "Show me the PVP Ladder",M_Ladder_eng,"PvP stats since my login",M_seitLogin_eng,"PvP stats of this Char",M_dieserChar_eng,"Stats of the whole account",M_vomAccount_eng,"Reset Ladder",L_reset,"Cancel",M_abbrechen_eng; M_Ladder_eng: mes "Alright...I'll show you the Top "+ $@LadderLength +" with "+$@LadderSteps+" entries per page."; mes "It'll be viewed like this:"; mes @colour$[0]+"Place^000000: "+@colour$[1]+"<name>^000000 :"+@colour$[2]+"<kills>^000000:"+@colour$[3]+"<deaths>^000000 "+@colour$[4]+"<time>"; next; callsub L_Ladder; goto M_selection_eng; M_seitLogin_eng: mes @name$; mes "Your stats since your login:"; mes @PVPKillstoday+"/"+@PVPDeathstoday+"(Kills/Deaths)"; next; goto M_selection_eng; M_dieserChar_eng: mes @name$; mes "Your stats of this Char:"; mes PVPKills+"/"+PVPDeaths+"(Kills/Deaths)"; next; goto M_selection_eng; M_vomAccount_eng: mes @name$; mes "Your stats of the whole account:"; mes #PVPKillsAccount+"/"+#PVPDeathsAccount+"(Kills/Deaths)"; next; goto M_selection_eng; M_abbrechen_eng: mes @name$; mes "OK. You can come back to me and see your stats whenever you want."; close; L_reset: if (getgmlevel() < 99) end; mes "Do you want to reset the ladder?"; if (select ("Yes","No") == 2) goto L_end; mes "Are you really really sure you want to reset it?"; menu "Yes, ffs!!",-,"No",L_end; deletearray $terces_PVP_kills,128; deletearray $terces_PVP_deaths,128; deletearray $terces_PVP_names$,128; deletearray $terces_PVP_times,128; set $terces_PVP_resets,$terces_PVP_resets +1; L_end: mes "Okay...cya"; close; L_Ladder: for (set @y,0; @y < $@LadderLength; set @y,@y+$@LadderSteps){ for (set @x,@y; (@x < (@y+$@LadderSteps)) && (@x < ($@LadderLength)); set @x,@x+1){ if ($terces_PVP_names$[@x] != ""){ mes @colour$[0]+(@x+1)+"^000000: "+@colour$[1]+$terces_PVP_names$[@x]+"^000000 "+@colour$[2]+$terces_PVP_kills[@x]+"^000000:"+@colour$[3]+$terces_PVP_deaths[@x]+"^000000 ~ "+@colour$[4]+callfunc ("Gettime",$terces_PVP_times[@x])+"^000000"; } else { mes "^DD0000"+(@x+1)+": ^006699None^000000 "; } } next; } return; } function script Gettime { if (getarg(0)==0) return; set @difftimedays,(gettimetick(2) - getarg(0)); set @difftimehours,@difftimedays%86400; set @difftimeminutes,@difftimehours%3600; set @difftimeseconds,@difftimeminutes%60; set @days,@difftimedays/86400; set @hours,@difftimehours/3600; set @minutes,@difftimeminutes/60; set @seconds,@difftimeseconds; set @result$,""; if(@days != 0) set @result$,@result$+@days+"d "; if(@hours != 0) set @result$,@result$+@hours+"h "; if(@minutes != 0) set @result$,@result$+@minutes+"m "; if(@seconds != 0) set @result$,@result$+@seconds+"s"; return (@result$); } Note: Most of these PvP scripts are very old... another alternative would be the dota pvp ladder:
  15. Right now the _boss drops are determined by the Boss: true statement in mob_db.conf You would have to add a whole new type, give it to all minibosses and then add a setting for it.
  16. From a first glance, I wouldn't use this script at all since it is abuseable. If you want an simple ladder i'd rather use Annie's old script and translate this few strings of text to your language. //===== eAthena Script ======================================= //= eAthena PVP-Ladder //===== By: ================================================== //= Terces //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.7.2 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= Any Athena Version that has "for" implemented //===== Credits: ============================================= //= The whole eAthena Board and the eAthena Chat //===== Notes: =============================================== //= Note 1: //= Experience gain works like this formula: //= ($@LadderLength-(<new position>-1))*$@LadderExp //= so if someone gets the first place he'll get //= $@LadderLength*$@LadderExp experience points. //============================================================ //= Fixxed by Dante //= V1.7.2 //= Hosted by Dant3 aka Dante // HAFE FUN! READ THE TOPIC! IT DONT WORKS MAYBE ON OLDER REV // // // LAST UPDATE: 12th,February.2008 // // Main Script - Terces (Main Thanks to Terces ) // V1.7.0 - Dant3 // v1.7.1 - AnnieRuRu // v1.7.2 - Dant3 // THIS SCRIPT WORKS ONLY ON THE NEW EATHENA REVISIONS! ENJOY! - script PVPLADDEROPTIONS -1,{ end; OnInit: // 0 = Disabled (NO) // 1 = Enable (YES) set $@languageselect, 0; //Enable/Disable language selection [English/German] (Default: 1) set $@LadderAnnounce, 1; //Enable/Disable the announcement when a char reaches a new position in the ladder (Default: 1) set $@LadderLength, 30; //Set the length of the Ladder [!Not higher than 128!] (Default: 30) set $@LadderSteps, 10; //Set the views per page (Default: 10) set $@LadderExpGain, 100; //Enable/Disable experience gain when reaching a new position in the ladder (*Note1) set $@LadderExp, 150; //Set Experience gain value (*Note1) // Update v1.7.0 set $@LadderZenyGain, 1; //Enable/Disable zeny gain when reaching a new position in the ladder set $@LadderZeny, 100; //Set Zeny gain value set $@LadderChatRoom, 1; //Enable/Disable an Chat Room over the NPC with the message "PvP Ladder" (Users can not enter the Chat room) // Update v1.7.1 (Thanks to AnnieRuRu) // Added GM PvP Ladder Reset Function // Update v1.7.2 // Thanks to for the Feedback set $@LadderAskLogin, 1; //Enable/Disable that the NPC asks about the Broadcast when a Player logins / or with the Npc Chat (0 = Login Ask , 1 = Npc Chat) Related: 0 } - script PVPLADDERS -1,{ OnPCKillEvent: setarray .@Map$[0],"cell_game"; if (terces_PVP_resets != $terces_PVP_resets) { dispbottom "Please relog your character, in order to get the correct kills for you in the PVP ladder."; dispbottom "Because a GM just reset the ladder."; end; } if ( killedrid == getcharid(3) ) { set PVPDeaths, PVPDeaths +1; set #PVPDeathsAccount, #PVPDeathsAccount +1; set @PVPDeathstoday, @PVPDeathstoday +1; end; } set $@PVPcounter,$@PVPcounter+1; set getd("$@PVPKill"+$@PVPcounter),getcharid(3); //getd to avoid errors when more than 1 people kill someone attachrid(killedrid); set PVPDeaths,PVPDeaths+1; set @PVPDeathstoday,@PVPDeathstoday+1; set #PVPDeathsAccount,#PVPDeathsAccount+1; set getd("$@PVPkilledplayer"+$@PVPcounter+"$"), strcharinfo(0); //again, getd to avoid possible glitches detachrid; attachrid(getd("$@PVPKill"+$@PVPcounter)); CountKills: set PVPKills,PVPKills+1; set @PVPKillstoday,@PVPKillstoday+1; set #PVPKillsAccount,#PVPKillsAccount+1; setarray @playerstats[0],@PVPKillstoday,@PVPDeathstoday,PVPKills,PVPDeaths,#PVPKillsAccount,#PVPDeathsAccount; l_ladder: set @considerdeath,0; for (set @PosinLadder, 0; @PosinLadder < $@LadderLength; set @PosinLadder, @PosinLadder + 1){ if (PVPKills >= $terces_PVP_kills[@PosinLadder]){ //Player deserves to be in the ladder //Check if Death plays a role on the position if ((PVPKills == $terces_PVP_kills[@PosinLadder]) && (PVPDeaths > $terces_PVP_deaths[@PosinLadder])) set @considerdeath,1; //Consider Deaths //Check if the player only topped his own scores if ($terces_PVP_names$[@PosinLadder] == strcharinfo(0)){ set $terces_PVP_kills[@PosinLadder],PVPKills; set $terces_PVP_deaths[@PosinLadder],PVPDeaths; end; } //Moves all characters in the Ladder for (set @beginmoving, $@LadderLength; @beginmoving >= (@PosinLadder+@considerdeath); set @beginmoving, @beginmoving - 1){ if ($terces_PVP_names$[@beginmoving] == strcharinfo(0)){ //If the player already is in the Ladder it only has to move players between characters new position and characters old position callsub L_LadderMove,0; end; } else if (@beginmoving == (@PosinLadder+@considerdeath)){ //Player is not in the Ladder and therefor it has to move all players from characters new position downwards callsub L_LadderMove,1; end; } } end; } } L_LadderMove: if (getarg(0) == 0) set @length,@beginmoving; if (getarg(0) == 1) set @length,$@LadderLength; for (set @movecycle, @length; @movecycle > (@PosinLadder+@considerdeath); set @movecycle, @movecycle - 1){ set $terces_PVP_names$[@movecycle],$terces_PVP_names$[(@movecycle-1)]; set $terces_PVP_kills[@movecycle],$terces_PVP_kills[(@movecycle-1)]; set $terces_PVP_deaths[@movecycle],$terces_PVP_deaths[(@movecycle-1)]; set $terces_PVP_times[@movecycle],$terces_PVP_times[(@movecycle-1)]; } //sets the character's stats in the new position set $terces_PVP_names$[(@PosinLadder+@considerdeath)],strcharinfo(0); set $terces_PVP_kills[(@PosinLadder+@considerdeath)],PVPKills; set $terces_PVP_deaths[(@PosinLadder+@considerdeath)],PVPDeaths; set $terces_PVP_times[(@PosinLadder+@considerdeath)],gettimetick(2); //Experience Gain if ($@LadderExpGain == 1){ set BaseExp,BaseExp+(($@LadderLength-((@PosinLadder+@considerdeath)-1))*$@LadderExp); dispbottom "You have just been rewarded with "+(($@LadderLength-((@PosinLadder+@considerdeath)-1))*$@LadderExp)+" base experience points"; } //Zeny Gain if ($@LadderZenyGain == 1){ set Zeny,Zeny+(($@LadderLength-((@PosinLadder+@considerdeath)-1))*$@LadderZeny); dispbottom "You have just been rewarded with "+(($@LadderLength-((@PosinLadder+@considerdeath)-1))*$@LadderZeny)+" Zeny"; } //Announcement (Setting for Char) if (pvpbroadcast == 2){ announce strcharinfo(0)+" just claimed the "+((@PosinLadder+@considerdeath)+1)+". Position in the Top "+$@LadderLength+" after killing "+getd("$@PVPkilledplayer"+$@PVPcounter+"$")+".",16; } //Announcement (Setting for Account) if (#pvpbroadcast == 2){ announce strcharinfo(0)+" just claimed the "+((@PosinLadder+@considerdeath)+1)+". Position in the Top "+$@LadderLength+" after killing "+getd("$@PVPkilledplayer"+$@PVPcounter+"$")+".",16; } end; OnPCLoginEvent: if (terces_PVP_resets != $terces_PVP_resets){ set PVPDeaths,0; set @PVPDeathstoday,0; set #PVPDeathsAccount,0; set PVPKills,0; set @PVPKillstoday,0; set #PVPKillsAccount,0; set terces_PVP_resets,$terces_PVP_resets; } if ($@LadderAskLogin == 0){ if (#pvpbroadcast == 2) goto L_ignore; if (pvpbroadcast == 2) goto L_ignore; if (#pvpbroadcast == 1) goto L_ignore; if (pvpbroadcast == 1) goto L_ignore; if (pvpbroadcast == 0) mes "Hi, "+strcharinfo(0)+""; mes "Me is the PvP Top Management!"; mes "Let me ask you one Question and i will let you play!"; menu "Later please",L_close,"Okay, fine",L_fine; L_fine: next; mes "Well, do you want read Broadcast Messages when a Player reach a new position on the PvP Ranglist?"; menu "Yeah, why not",L_accept,"No, thanks",L_accept_2,"Wtf is Broadcast?",L_broadcast; L_accept: next; mes "Yay, thank you! ^_^"; mes "Will this Setting work on all your Chars on this account or only this char?"; menu "Account",L_account,"Only this char",L_char; L_account: set #pvpbroadcast,2; next; mes "Okay, "+strcharinfo(0)+""; mes "Thank you for your time and have fun!"; close; L_char: set pvpbroadcast,2; next; mes "Okay, "+strcharinfo(0)+""; mes "Thank you for your time and have fun!"; goto access_eng; close; L_accept_2: next; mes "Yay, thank you! ^_^"; mes "Will this Setting work on all your Chars on this account or only this char?"; menu "Account",L_account_2,"Only this char",L_char_2; L_close: close; L_account_2: set #pvpbroadcast,1; next; mes "Okay, "+strcharinfo(0)+""; mes "Thank you for your time and have fun!"; close; L_char_2: set pvpbroadcast,1; next; mes "Okay, "+strcharinfo(0)+""; mes "Thank you for your time and have fun!"; goto access_eng; close; L_broadcast: mes "Broadcasts are this yellow messages from the GMs"; goto L_fine; } } rune,102,48,1 script PvP Ladder 57,{ if ($@LadderChatRoom == 1) { waitingroom "PvP Top "+$@LadderLength+"",0; // Look on the configuration! } set @name$,"[PvP-Ladder]"; //Colour of: Position Name Kills Deaths Time setarray @colour$[0], "^996600", "^006699", "^00AA00", "^FF0000", "^EE8800"; if ($@LadderAskLogin == 1){ if (#pvpbroadcast == 2) goto access_eng; if (pvpbroadcast == 2) goto access_eng; if (#pvpbroadcast == 1) goto access_eng; if (pvpbroadcast == 1) goto access_eng; if (pvpbroadcast == 0) mes "Hi, "+strcharinfo(0)+""; mes "Me is the PvP Top Management!"; mes "Let me ask you one Question and i will let you play!"; menu "Later please",L_close,"Okay, fine",L_fine; L_fine: next; mes "Well, do you want read Broadcast Messages when a Player reach a new position on the PvP Ranglist?"; menu "Yeah, why not",L_accept,"No, thanks",L_accept_2,"Wtf is Broadcast?",L_broadcast; L_accept: next; mes "Yay, thank you! ^_^"; mes "Will this Setting work on all your Chars on this account or only this char?"; menu "Account",L_account,"Only this char",L_char; L_account: set #pvpbroadcast,2; next; mes "Okay, "+strcharinfo(0)+""; mes "Thank you for your time and have fun!"; close; L_char: set pvpbroadcast,2; next; mes "Okay, "+strcharinfo(0)+""; mes "Thank you for your time and have fun!"; goto access_eng; close; L_accept_2: next; mes "Yay, thank you! ^_^"; mes "Will this Setting work on all your Chars on this account or only this char?"; menu "Account",L_account_2,"Only this char",L_char_2; L_close: close; L_account_2: set #pvpbroadcast,1; next; mes "Okay, "+strcharinfo(0)+""; mes "Thank you for your time and have fun!"; close; L_char_2: set pvpbroadcast,1; next; mes "Okay, "+strcharinfo(0)+""; mes "Thank you for your time and have fun!"; goto access_eng; close; L_broadcast: mes "Broadcasts are this yellow messages from the GMs"; goto L_fine; } access_eng: mes @name$; mes "Hello "+strcharinfo(0)+"..."; mes "If you want to I can show you your PVP stats."; next; M_selection_eng: if ( getgmlevel () < 99 ) menu "Show me the PVP Ladder",M_Ladder_eng,"PvP stats since my login",M_seitLogin_eng,"PvP stats of this Char",M_dieserChar_eng,"Stats of the whole account",M_vomAccount_eng,"Cancel",M_abbrechen_eng; else menu "Show me the PVP Ladder",M_Ladder_eng,"PvP stats since my login",M_seitLogin_eng,"PvP stats of this Char",M_dieserChar_eng,"Stats of the whole account",M_vomAccount_eng,"Reset Ladder",L_reset,"Cancel",M_abbrechen_eng; M_Ladder_eng: mes "Alright...I'll show you the Top "+ $@LadderLength +" with "+$@LadderSteps+" entries per page."; mes "It'll be viewed like this:"; mes @colour$[0]+"Place^000000: "+@colour$[1]+"<name>^000000 :"+@colour$[2]+"<kills>^000000:"+@colour$[3]+"<deaths>^000000 "+@colour$[4]+"<time>"; next; callsub L_Ladder; goto M_selection_eng; M_seitLogin_eng: mes @name$; mes "Your stats since your login:"; mes @PVPKillstoday+"/"+@PVPDeathstoday+"(Kills/Deaths)"; next; goto M_selection_eng; M_dieserChar_eng: mes @name$; mes "Your stats of this Char:"; mes PVPKills+"/"+PVPDeaths+"(Kills/Deaths)"; next; goto M_selection_eng; M_vomAccount_eng: mes @name$; mes "Your stats of the whole account:"; mes #PVPKillsAccount+"/"+#PVPDeathsAccount+"(Kills/Deaths)"; next; goto M_selection_eng; M_abbrechen_eng: mes @name$; mes "OK. You can come back to me and see your stats whenever you want."; close; L_reset: if (getgmlevel() < 99) end; mes "Do you want to reset the ladder?"; if (select ("Yes","No") == 2) goto L_end; mes "Are you really really sure you want to reset it?"; menu "Yes, ffs!!",-,"No",L_end; deletearray $terces_PVP_kills,128; deletearray $terces_PVP_deaths,128; deletearray $terces_PVP_names$,128; deletearray $terces_PVP_times,128; set $terces_PVP_resets,$terces_PVP_resets +1; L_end: mes "Okay...cya"; close; L_Ladder: for (set @y,0; @y < $@LadderLength; set @y,@y+$@LadderSteps){ for (set @x,@y; (@x < (@y+$@LadderSteps)) && (@x < ($@LadderLength)); set @x,@x+1){ if ($terces_PVP_names$[@x] != ""){ mes @colour$[0]+(@x+1)+"^000000: "+@colour$[1]+$terces_PVP_names$[@x]+"^000000 "+@colour$[2]+$terces_PVP_kills[@x]+"^000000:"+@colour$[3]+$terces_PVP_deaths[@x]+"^000000 ~ "+@colour$[4]+callfunc ("Gettime",$terces_PVP_times[@x])+"^000000"; } else { mes "^DD0000"+(@x+1)+": ^006699None^000000 "; } } next; } return; } function script Gettime { if (getarg(0)==0) return; set @difftimedays,(gettimetick(2) - getarg(0)); set @difftimehours,@difftimedays%86400; set @difftimeminutes,@difftimehours%3600; set @difftimeseconds,@difftimeminutes%60; set @days,@difftimedays/86400; set @hours,@difftimehours/3600; set @minutes,@difftimeminutes/60; set @seconds,@difftimeseconds; set @result$,""; if(@days != 0) set @result$,@result$+@days+"d "; if(@hours != 0) set @result$,@result$+@hours+"h "; if(@minutes != 0) set @result$,@result$+@minutes+"m "; if(@seconds != 0) set @result$,@result$+@seconds+"s"; return (@result$); } Soundpack: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2BM920mmHQgcThaQl9ETllVQlU
  17. Are you on a game char? However, you probably added view_hpmeter as permission to the group. Check your groups.conf
  18. https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/blob/stable/doc/constants.md there wasn't changed any ID, and the ID should still work. But using the ID is deprecated and you should use the constant, HIDDEN_WARP_NPC instead
  19. Paid Services and Jobs Available were cleaned out Paid Services without a post within 1 year has been moved to Archive. Feel free to open an issue on your topic if you need it active again. Jobs Available older than 45 days has been moved to Archive.
  20. December Digest 2019 The following digest covers the month of December 1st - December 31st 2019 Team Changes @hemagx has joined as Core Developer Added Added/updated packets, encryption keys and message tables for clients up to 2019-12-11. (#2585) Added new version of packet ZC_NOTIFY_EFFECT3. (part of #2583) Added script function specialeffectnum(). (part of #2583) Changed Reduced the IP ban column length to 13 characters, matching the length of the inserted data. A database migration is required. (#2583, issue #2349) Converted packet CZ_SE_CASHSHOP_OPEN into a struct. (part of #2583) Replaced the old MySQL Connector with MariaDB C Connector 3.1.5 / Client Lib 10.4.3, for the Windows VS builds. (#2580) Moved the functionalities of mob_avail.txt to the mob database, expanding it with more fields (see the mob_db documentation for details). (#2572) Fixed Fixed incompatibilities with MySQL 8. (part of #2580) Fixed errors when guild_skill_relog_delay is set to 1 (reset on relog). (#2592, issue #2591) Fixed Tarot Card equipment breaking behavior to match the official, targeting only Left Hand (Shield), Armor and Helm. (#2589) Fixed racial crit bonuses not being affected by katar crit bonus. (#2588) Fixed interaction between Lex Aetherna and Stone/Freezing, now mutually exclusive. (#2598, issue #2559) Deprecated None Removed Removed mob_avail.txt, since its functionality has been moved to the mob database. (part of #2572) Special thanks to @Haru, @4144, @hemagx, @Kenpachi, @skyleo, @Asheraf
  21. I love your reworks. They feel new while keeping the original feeling.
  22. Related commit: https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/pull/2398 This command will return the currently active pet information of the invoking character. getpetinfo(<type>) petstat(<flag>) Types: PETINFO_ID - Pet Database ID, stored in `pet` table to distinguish from other pets. PETINFO_CLASS - Pet class ID. (Id field) PETINFO_NAME - Pet Name, return "null" if there's no active pet. PETINFO_INTIMACY - Pet Intimacy level. 1000 is full loyalty. PETINFO_HUNGRY - Pet hungry level. 100 is completely full. PETINFO_RENAME - Pet rename flag. 0 means this pet has not been named yet. PETINFO_GID - Pet Game ID PETINFO_EGGITEM - Pet EggItem PETINFO_FOODITEM - Pet FoodItem PETINFO_ACCESSORYITEM - Pet AccessoryItem PETINFO_ACCESSORYFLAG - return 1 if the pet currently equipping accessory, return 0 otherwise. PETINFO_EVO_EGGID - Pet Evolve EggID PETINFO_AUTOFEED - Pet AutoFeed flag.
  23. Related commit: https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/pull/2440 consolemes() debugmes() Format and Values: consolemes("<type>", "<format string>"{,<param>{, ...}}) List of available <type> are: CONSOLEMES_DEBUG = 0 CONSOLEMES_ERROR = 1 CONSOLEMES_WARNING = 2 CONSOLEMES_INFO = 3 CONSOLEMES_STATUS = 4 CONSOLEMES_NOTICE = 5 Example: Old: debugmes("Please check your special warp menu settings on the Warpra."); New: consolemes(CONSOLEMES_WARNING, "Please check your special warp menu settings on the Warpra."); consolemes(CONSOLEMES_DEBUG, "%s has clicked me!", strcharinfo(PC_NAME)); consolemes(CONSOLEMES_DEBUG, "\033[0;32mHello World"); // supports ANSI escape sequences
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