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Posts posted by Snaehild

  1. I tried this VIP system from Diconfrost VaNz. Is it possible to make it stack with the default item modifiers like bubble gum and field manuals?


    function	script	getPremium	{	set .@ticks, getarg(0);	if (.@ticks <= 0)	{		debugmes "getPremium - tried to set a timer in the past";		end;	}	set prmm, ((prmm > gettimetick(2)) ? prmm : gettimetick(2)) + .@ticks;	doevent "login::OnPCLoginEvent";	return;}-	script	login	-1,{OnPCLoginEvent:	if (prmm > gettimetick(2)) {		dispbottom "Your Premium Service will expire after " + callfunc("Time2Str",premium);		sc_start SC_CASH_PLUSEXP,(( prmm - gettimetick(2) ) * 1000 ),150;		sc_start SC_CASH_PLUSONLYJOBEXP,(( prmm - gettimetick(2) ) * 1000 ),150;		sc_start SC_CASH_RECEIVEITEM,(( prmm - gettimetick(2) ) * 1000 ),150;		atcommand "@adjgroup 1 "+strcharinfo(0);		deltimer strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnPCLoginEvent";		if ((prmm - gettimetick(2)) < 2147483)		{			addtimer (prmm - gettimetick(2)) *1000, strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnPCLoginEvent";		}		else		{			addtimer 2147483000, strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnPCLoginEvent";		}	} else if (prmm) {		atcommand "@adjgroup 0 "+strcharinfo(0);		sc_end SC_CASH_PLUSEXP;		sc_end SC_CASH_PLUSONLYJOBEXP;		sc_end SC_CASH_RECEIVEITEM;		set prmm, 0;		dispbottom "Premium Services has ended.";	}end;


  2. Hi, I have this NPC walking around the center of Prontera but I often have this error and will end up crashing.

    [Warning]: npc_scriptcont: failed npc->checknear test.
    prontera,156,225,5	script	NPCWalking	811,{	mes "GM list : "+( .admincount + .gmcount );	mes "-----------------------------";	for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .admincount; .@i++ ) {		mes "^ff0000GM "+ .admin$[.@i]+ "^000000 ["+( ( isloggedin( getcharid( 3, .admin$[.@i] ) ) )? ( ( checkidle( .admin$[.@i] ) > .idletime )? "^eb43edIdle^000000" : "^2dd50cOnline^000000" ) : "^b5b5b5Offline^000000" )+ "]";		mes "-----------------------------";	}	for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .gmcount; .@i++ ) {		mes "^ff8c00GM "+ .gm$[.@i]+ "^000000 ["+( ( isloggedin( getcharid( 3, .gm$[.@i] ) ) )? ( ( checkidle( .gm$[.@i] ) > .idletime )? "^eb43edIdle^000000" : "^2dd50cOnline^000000" ) : "^b5b5b5Offline^000000" )+ "]";		mes "-----------------------------";	}	mes gettimestr("%I:%M%p ",10) + gettime(5) + gettimestr(" %B ",15) + gettime(7);	close;OnInit:	setarray .Message$," <3 ",				"Msg1",				"Msg2",				"Msg4",				" . . . ";	.idletime = 120; // idle for 60 seconds = idle status	setarray .admin$, "Snaehild";	setarray .gm$, "Boom", "Panes";	.admincount = getarraysize( .admin$ );	.gmcount = getarraysize( .gm$ );	startnpctimer;	npcspeed 200;	end; 	OnTimer15000:	npcwalkto 138+rand(5),208;	npctalk .Message$[ rand( getarraysize( .Message$ ) ) ];	end; 	OnTimer30000:	npcwalkto 127+rand(5),199;	end; 	OnTimer45000:	npcwalkto 150,185+rand(5);	end; 	OnTimer60000:	npcwalkto 156+rand(5),176;	end;	OnTimer75000:	npcwalkto 175,201+rand(5);	npctalk .Message$[ rand( getarraysize( .Message$ ) ) ];	end;	OnTimer90000:	npcwalkto 156+rand(5),225;	end; 	OnTimer105000:	stopnpctimer;	initnpctimer;	end;}


  3. I'm having this error

    [Error]: run_script: infinity loop !
    -	script	Sample	-1,{	OnInit:		set .amount, 10; // amount of item to shower		set .item_id, 7227; // item id to shower		setarray .Maps$[0],"izlude","geffen","morocc","prontera"; // Possible maps		end;					OnMinute31:		set .map$,.Maps$[rand(getarraysize(.Maps$))];		announce ""+.amount+" [" +getitemname(.item_id)+ "] has been dropped from the sky in [" +.map$+ "]. Lets get it before it's gone!",0;		while ( .count < .amount ) {			do {				.@x = rand(1,500);				.@y = rand(1,500);			} while (!checkcell(.map$,.@x,.@y,cell_chkpass));			makeitem .item_id,1,.map$,.@x,.@y;			set .count, 0;		}		set .count, 0;		end;}

  4. Hi, can anyone enlighten me on how battlegrounds que really works? I tried to change all the minimum players to start to 1 & 2, tried to enter with 2 players on each side but can't make it start


    //====================================================//=       _   _                     _           //=      | | | |                   | |          //=      | |_| | ___ _ __ ___ _   _| | ___  ___ //=      |  _  |/ _  '__/ __| | | | |/ _ / __|//=      | | | |  __/ | | (__| |_| | |  __/__ //=      _| |_/___|_|  ___|__,_|_|___||___///=                                                  //=            http://herc.ws/board/                        //====================================================//= Link~u! <description> <link to wiki/topic>//= http://herc.ws/board/topic/928-memory-slasher-may-30-patch///====================================================//= Fields (TODO/INCOMPLETE)//= arenas: ({//=		//- allowedTypes defines what kind of applications the arena will accept, setting is not case-sensitive and is ok with whitespaces//= 		allowedTypes: "Solo | Party" //Arena Accepts solo and party-type joins//=     	allowedTypes: "guild|party" //Arena Accepts solo and guild-type joins//=			allowedTypes: "All" //Arena Accepts solo, party and guild-type joins//=		//- fillAnnounce (optional arena param)//= })battlegrounds: ({	/* feature is not complete */	feature_off:false	/* character variable for global bg delay */	global_delay_var: "BG_Delay_Tick"	/* how many seconds to consider a player "afk" and kick him out? */	maximum_afk_seconds: 30			/* one can add as many as he wishes */	/* for custom ones, need to edit "lua files/entryqueue/entryqueuelist.lua" [Ind/Hercules] */	arenas: ({		name: "Tierra Gorge" //must match the name in client files		event: "Tierra_BG2::OnPlayerListReady"		allowedTypes: "All" /* Solo, Party and Guild */		minLevel: 80		maxLevel: 99		reward: {/* amount of badges awarded on each case */			win: 3			loss: 1			draw: 1		}		minPlayers: 1 /* minimum amount of players to start */		maxPlayers: 60 /* maximum amount of players */		minTeamPlayers: 2 /* minimum amount of team members required for a team (party or guild) to join */		delay_var: "Tierra_BG_Tick" /* char variable name that will store the delay for this match */		maxDuration: 30 /* maximum duration in minutes, if reached game ends and highest score wins (or calls a draw if scores are equal) */		fillDuration: 20 /* time in seconds to wait for more applications when minimum has been reached */		pGameDuration: 20 /* time to wait for players to confirm their attendence after queueing process has finished */	},{		name: "Flavius" //must match the name in client files		event: "start#bat_b01::OnPlayerListReady"		allowedTypes: "All" /* Solo, Party and Guild */		minLevel: 80		maxLevel: 99		reward: {/* amount of badges awarded on each case */			win: 9			loss: 3			draw: 3		}		minPlayers: 1 /* minimum amount of players to start (DEBUG VALUE, CHANGE BACK) */		maxPlayers: 60 /* maximum amount of players */		minTeamPlayers: 2 /* minimum amount of team members required for a team (party or guild) to join */		delay_var: "Flavius_BG_Tick" /* char variable name that will store the delay for this match */		maxDuration: 30 /* maximum duration in minutes, if reached game ends and highest score wins (or calls a draw if scores are equal) */		fillDuration: 20 /* time in seconds to wait for more applications when minimum has been reached */		pGameDuration: 20 /* time to wait for players to confirm their attendence after queueing process has finished */	},{		name: "KVM (Level 80 and up)" //must match the name in client files		event: "KvM03_BG::OnPlayerListReady"		allowedTypes: "All" /* Solo, Party and Guild */		minLevel: 80		maxLevel: 99		reward: {/* amount of badges awarded on each case */			win: 5			loss: 1			draw: 1		}		minPlayers: 1 /* minimum amount of players to start */		maxPlayers: 60 /* maximum amount of players */		minTeamPlayers: 2 /* minimum amount of team members required for a team (party or guild) to join */		delay_var: "KVM_BG_Tick" /* char variable name that will store the delay for this match */		maxDuration: 30 /* maximum duration in minutes, if reached game ends and highest score wins (or calls a draw if scores are equal) */		fillDuration: 20 /* time in seconds to wait for more applications when minimum has been reached */		pGameDuration: 20 /* time to wait for players to confirm their attendence after queueing process has finished */	},{		name: "KVM (Level 60~79)" //must match the name in client files		event: "KvM03_BG::OnPlayerListReady"		allowedTypes: "All" /* Solo, Party and Guild */		minLevel: 60		maxLevel: 79		reward: {/* amount of badges awarded on each case */			win: 2			loss: 0			draw: 1		}		minPlayers: 1 /* minimum amount of players to start */		maxPlayers: 60 /* maximum amount of players */		minTeamPlayers: 2 /* minimum amount of team members required for a team (party or guild) to join */		delay_var: "KVM_BG_Tick" /* char variable name that will store the delay for this match */		maxDuration: 30 /* maximum duration in minutes, if reached game ends and highest score wins (or calls a draw if scores are equal) */		fillDuration: 20 /* time in seconds to wait for more applications when minimum has been reached */		pGameDuration: 20 /* time to wait for players to confirm their attendence after queueing process has finished */	},{		name: "KVM (Level 59 and below)" //must match the name in client files		event: "KvM03_BG::OnPlayerListReady"		allowedTypes: "All" /* Solo, Party and Guild */		minLevel: 1		maxLevel: 59		reward: {/* amount of badges awarded on each case */			win: 1			loss: 0			draw: 0		}		minPlayers: 1 /* minimum amount of players to start */		maxPlayers: 60 /* maximum amount of players */		minTeamPlayers: 2 /* minimum amount of team members required for a team (party or guild) to join */		delay_var: "KVM_BG_Tick" /* char variable name that will store the delay for this match */		maxDuration: 30 /* maximum duration in minutes, if reached game ends and highest score wins (or calls a draw if scores are equal) */		fillDuration: 20 /* time in seconds to wait for more applications when minimum has been reached */		pGameDuration: 20 /* time to wait for players to confirm their attendence after queueing process has finished */	}	)})


  5. Hi,


    I would just like to consult my revised script from JayPee Mateo from his Vote For Points NPC Script. Though this is tested working, I just wanna check if i'm doing it right and if there are further optimizations that can be done. Thanks!


    prontera,108,183,3	script	Donation Test	564,{//Function Prototypesfunction garbagecol;//Garbage collection for the Character variablesgarbagecol();function getPoints;//This will return the points of the player stored in the databasefunction updatePoints;//This will updates the points of the player stored in the database//NPC Nameset .npcname$,"[ Donation Test ]";	//Script Start		mes .npcname$;	mes "Hi! Do you want to exchange your vote points?:";	switch(select("Yes, I want to exchange my points:See my points"))	{		case 1:		next;			mes .npcname$;									set .@ritemid,7179;			set .@rquantity,1;			set .@rpoints,1;			mes "Item ID:"+.@ritemid;			mes "Item Name: "+getitemname(.@ritemid);			mes "Item Quantity: "+.@rquantity+" pc(s).";			mes "Required Points: "+.@rpoints+" pt(s).";			mes "n";			mes "Do you want to this item?";			if(select("Yes:No")==1)			{				set .@points,getPoints(getcharid(3));				if(.@points>=.@rpoints)				{					next;					mes .npcname$;								updatePoints(getcharid(3),.@rpoints);					getitem .@ritemid,.@rquantity;					mes "Here you go!. Thank you for voting. Don't forget to vote again. :D";				}				else					mes "Sorry, you do not have enough points for this item.";							}			else			{				next;				mes .npcname$;							mes "Okay bye!";			}						garbagecol();		close;		case 2:			next;			mes .npcname$;						set .@points,getPoints(getcharid(3));						mes "You currently have "+.@points+" pt(s).";			garbagecol();		close;	}end;//Functions Bodies	function updatePoints {		set .@account_id,getarg(0);		set .@usedPoints,getarg(1);		query_sql("UPDATE `cp_credits` SET balance=(balance-"+.@usedPoints+") WHERE account_id='"+.@account_id+"'");		return;	}	function getPoints {		set .@account_id,getarg(0);		query_sql("SELECT `balance` FROM `cp_credits` WHERE account_id="+.@account_id+" LIMIT 1",.@points);		if(getarraysize(.@points)==0)			return 0;				return .@points[0];	}	function garbagecol{		deletearray @itemID[0],128;		deletearray @itemQ[0],128;		deletearray @points[0],128;			return;	}}

  6. Got this error using the included costume.txt


    [Error]: script error in file 'npc/custom/costume.txt' line 96 column 4    parse_line: expect command, missing function name or calling undeclared function    93:                                 emotion e_wah;    94:                                 close;    95:                         }*   96:                         costume .@Part; // Convert the Headgear        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^    97:                         mes "[Clown]";    98:                         mes "Done, enjoy your costume headgear.";    99:                         close;


    Plugins.conf already updated and recompiled.


    */plugins_list: [	/* Enable HPMHooking when plugins in use rely on Hooking */	"HPMHooking",	"costumeitem",	//"sample",	//"other",]
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