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Everything posted by Snaehild

  1. Interesting project you got here. Keep it up!
  2. May I bump? Added some details on the request.
  3. Thanks again Dastgir. Looks like the problem is in the webhost.
  4. Hi, does anyone have something like this? Saw this one on rathena but doesn't look like it's still working. Doesn't buff at all and makes character stuck at some point. /*lv 50 or lower to buff heal ab kyrie gloria magnificat.lv 51-99 to buff heal ab.Level 90 or higher to pay 1500z.You can pay a one-hour 20000z A delay in the buff for 3 seconds.*/prontera,150,150,4 script load 112,{ if ( @timer >= gettimetick(2) ) { dispbottom "You have to wait for : " + ( @timer - gettimetick(2) ) + " Seconds before another use."; end; } if ( BaseLevel <= 50 ) { ///==================================================================== ///ADD BUFFS AND EFFECTS HERE FOR 50 AND UNDER <------------------- specialeffect2 313; percentheal 100,100; //HEAL } else { if ( BaseLevel >= 90 ) { if ( @allowhealtimer < gettimetick(2) ) { mes "[Buffer]"; mes "The fee is 1,500z to use buffs at your level."; mes ""; mes "You can also pay a fee for one hour of use at 20,000z"; close2; switch(select("Pay the one time fee:Pay the Hour fee:Don't Pay!")) { case 1: if (Zeny < 1500) { dispbottom "You do not have enough zeny!"; close; } else { set Zeny, Zeny - 1500; break; } case 2: if (Zeny < 20000 ) { dispbottom "You do not have enough zeny!"; close; } else { set Zeny, Zeny - 20000; set @allowhealtimer, gettimetick(2) + 3600; break; } case 3: close; } } if ( @allowhealtimer ) { dispbottom "You have : " + ( ( @allowhealtimer - gettimetick(2) ) / 60 ) + " Minutes of Buffs Remaining."; } } ///==================================================================== ///ADD BUFFS AND EFFECTS HERE FOR 50 AND OVER <------------------- specialeffect2 313; percentheal 100,100; //HEAL } if ( @timer >= gettimetick(2) ) { end; } else { dispbottom "You have been blessed!!"; set @timer, gettimetick(2) + .healtimer; close; } OnInit: set .healtimer, 3; // 3 SECOND DELAY.}
  5. Thanks Dastgir. That made me figure out the problem. It has finally connected to mysql but Server Status shows my server as offline? Though it can pull up server info - Am I missing something? all IPs at inside config/servers.php has been changed already.
  6. Error An error occurred while trying to process your request. Please try contacting an administrator: admin@localhost I am already connecting to the mySQL server remotely through workbench.
  7. Hi, Is it really not possible to host FluxCP files remotely from the actual database and server files? I tried hosting my FluxCP in a separate webhost while my database together with my Hercules installation is on a VPS. MySQL port is already open as well as the MySQL privileges are configured. Connecting via Workbench remotely is also possible. Related source: http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?s=&showtopic=259953&view=findpost&p=1422018
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