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About SkyTech6

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    Gaming, Reading, Start-Up Businesses, Fishagon.com <3
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  1. Hm... but that is the itemInfo.lua? That's for the Egg only I do believe, which I am about to attempt changing to a Pokeball :3 Anyways, Dastgir notified me of my error in IRC. (Thank you very much Dastgir, and everyone else that helped in thread.) Note for anyone with the same problem that comes across this thread. Always make sure you check your DATA.ini and make sure you're putting the luas/lubs into the FIRST .grf on your read list. If YourRO.grf is read before data.grf, make sure you put everything into YourRO.grf, if it doesn't have those files to begin with, then you can place it in the next grf on data.ini's list. ------------------------------------------------------------------ If anyone knows where the files for Pet Info "No Image" go that'd be appreciated lol
  2. My client is diffed, and as you can see in original post all my ids match up. I'll also post where in the data grf I've posted it.
  3. Opps thought only // was used for commenting... hmmm I added that in there after i got a syntex error. So I put those and I thought it fixed it. Removed comment and recompiled, launched. Get the error again. ---PICTURE DELETED SYNTEX FIXED ---- I can now make the "Egg" but it's showing an apple and the item description is really wrong. Plus the Charmander sprite still is sorting to Dummy Data
  4. (Posted in General because it includes mutlpiles of the other support sections i.e. Graphics, Database,Scripting) I'm having problems implementing a custom pet. I'll include everything I've done up to this point via quotes and pictures. Everything I've done was according to the Custom Pets & Custom Mobs guide on the wiki. pet_db.txt mob_db2.txt item_db2.conf itemInfo.lua NPCIdentity.lub jobname.lub Trying to @makeegg the egg Spawning the Mob spr and act (I've updated this name from "Charmander" to "CHARMANDER" to match the Sprite_ID) If anyone is up to helping me, then I appreciate it
  5. Recruiting for ROCreed

  6. I really resort to posting for help too fast. Found out the problem was caused from me going into the database and making his account for him. Had him remake an account the correct way and it fixed the problem.
  7. Okay, so currently me and my Event GM are testing out everything on our new server we finished setting up... and well... strangest error. We're both running the same Client mind you, I can @allskills or build up in Gil Cross skill tree, but for some strange reason he can't. He has the pre-requirements to do it, but just can't put any skill points into any of them or use @allskills. Anyone else have a similar error?
  8. Thanks to everyone who posted in this. My error was (aside from switching my login ip between 3306 [wrong] and 6900 ) was the fact s1 and p1 were still set in the login table. Thanks to ossi I now have a program to edit tables easily and fixed it. Thanks again everyone.
  9. Well that worked to an extent.... here's my new problem Note I'm on my non-root user "skytech" so I don't understand why the error is saying something about root? UPDATE: I got further haha.... found database and everything but got a really strange error.... UPDATE2: I was able to insert all the other SQLs except for item_db2_re.sql ? I assumed most likely reason is the tutorial being outdated and db2 being put into db? Okay so I edited all the conf files the same way I would to a computer but set it to the server's info... or at least I think so? Getting this error on athena-start UPDATE3: So I changed the inter-server.conf to point DIRECTLY to my server's ip address instead of letting it run as localhost, I think that did some good on it's side but still getting same error for login-server. Also want to point out that in login-server.conf I don't have it aimed at that IP or Port... so yea, really confused haha NOTE PAST THIS UPDATE I HAVE PLACED "//" back before the bind. UPDATE4: Found out my mistake in directing where to connect the login server was from forgetting to change it in char-server.conf, did that. Started up athena. Ended up getting a packet error? UPDATE5: I attempted to launch the login-server by itself to see if I could get anything.... | | | | | | | |_| | ___ _ __ ___ _ _| | ___ ___ | _ |/ _ '__/ __| | | | |/ _ / __| | | | | __/ | | (__| |_| | | __/__ _| |_/___|_| ___|__,_|_|___||___/ http://herc.ws/board/[Info]: Hercules 64-bit for Linux[Info]: Git revision (src): '6b57cb1d876dae9952932bb27759561daefbc938'[Info]: Git revision (scripts): '6b57cb1d876dae9952932bb27759561daefbc938'[Info]: OS version: 'Debian GNU/Linux 7.6 (wheezy) [x86_64]'[Info]: CPU: 'Intel® Xeon® CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz [4]'[Info]: Compiled with GCC v4.7.2[Info]: Compile Flags: -g -O2 -pipe -ffast-math -Wall -Wextra -Wno-sign-compare -flto -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-maybe-uninitialized -Wno-clobbered -Wempty-body -Wno-switch -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-format-security -Wno-format-no nliteral -fPIC -fno-strict-aliasing -DMAXCONN=16384 -I../common -DHAS_TLS -DHAVE _SETRLIMIT -DHAVE_STRNLEN -I/usr/include -DHAVE_MONOTONIC_CLOCK[Info]: Server supports up to '1024' concurrent connections.[Error]: Configuration file (start) not found.[SQL]: Access denied for user 'ragnarok'@'localhost' (using password: YES)[Debug]: at loginlog_sql.c:116$ That's kinda weird... because the sql isn't at "ragnarok"... nor is that the user I put into the configuration files. I don't know what I changed back lol... but I no longer get the 0x0050 packet error, although I'm getting the #5 socket error.
  10. I'm not having much luck getting Hercules to install into Debian... I'm using putty and haven't had success any way I attempt it... and the tutorial I followed step by step.. no results or errors came up in attempts. Perhaps someone wouldn't mind getting on Skype and helping me?
  11. Okay thank you, that was a perfect explanation. Thank you! Imma go ahead and try to patch up the 2014 client you suggested. EDIT: It worked, patched up everything I wanted too. Thanks again. Now all I need to do is wait for my back-end team to finish setting up the server so I can test lol
  12. Wait.... so what's the point of updating Client if you can use new data on older clients?
  13. This was very helpful! So I should run the rsu-kro-rag-lite.exe programs and then update to a newer client? Also I'd like to note my server is Renewal so should I run the rsu-kro-renewal.exe as well? And if I do update my stuff and put a new client, should I delete YourRO.exe?
  14. Indeed I did. EDIT: Those are the patches that NEMO was able to do to the client.
  15. Okay..... so I've downloaded over 10 clients now... I've read like every client related thread on this forum and all I can get from them is more confusion... Is there perhaps 1 download that has everything needed in it to simply open, extract, play? Or at least up to the point I can simply open it in Nemo, apply recommended diffs, done? See the thread that gave me the most results was Judas' about downloading the "latest" kRO client.. the only problem is he made that thread (Like most on this forum) in 2013.... the link no longer gives that download and gives a 2014 client... I cannot for the life of me make that client accept Nemo... nor do I see where to make it connect to my server? Why isn't getting a client simply instructed in the wiki like the server files? or at least an updated, pinned thread that doesn't assume you've been using private server RO for years? (Also as this is my first thread... Hello Hercules RO community ) EDIT: While browsing the other sections of the forum I saw a member's signature that had a link here: http://hercules.endlessro.net/ It's a list of client downloads? I'm going to attempt the last Full Client download he posted. EDIT 2: This one has YourRO.exe? Ehhh tried to Nemo it... and only 5 of the recommended patches apply... Is that bad? >_> This full download has a lot more files than my last few attempts, is the clientinfo.xml where I input the server's IP and port for the client to connect to my server?
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