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Everything posted by thrakmarr

  1. It worked... I must have had something wrong. Thanks Hirist.
  2. I'm new to this and am having a lot of trouble. I tried adding Foodbuffs and a berzerking potion to the buff list but it just freezes the character in place and doesn't even add the buffs. //Author Goddameit//Version 2014/02/27//Web___ http://bit.ly/MDuQ9F- script DedicatedNPCTimer -1,{ function Endd ;OnInit: sleep2 1; .Hprecover_delay = 59; .scbuffer_delay = 59; setarray .npc_name$[0],"Dedicated Poring AAA","Dedicated Poring BBB","Dedicated Poring CCC"; .npc_total = getarraysize(.npc_name$); for(.@i=0;.@i<.npc_total;.@i++) { .npc_gid[.@i] = getnpcid(0,.npc_name$[.@i]); getmapxy(.npc_om$[.@i],.npc_ox[.@i],.npc_oy[.@i],1,.npc_name$[.@i]); } initnpctimer; end;OnTimer1000: for(.@i=0;.@i<.npc_total;.@i++) { if(!.npc_status[.@i]) { Endd(.@i); continue; } if(!isloggedin(.npc_status[.@i]) || gettimetick(2)-.npc_time[.@i]>0) { Endd(.@i); continue; } getmapxy(.@npc_pm$,.@npc_px,.@npc_py,0,rid2name(.npc_status[.@i])); getmapxy(.@npc_nm$,.@npc_nx,.@npc_ny,1,.npc_name$[.@i]); if(.@npc_pm$!=.@npc_nm$ || distance(.@npc_px,.@npc_py,.@npc_nx,.@npc_ny) > 15) unitwarp .npc_gid[.@i],.@npc_pm$,.@npc_px,.@npc_py; else unitwalk .npc_gid[.@i],.@npc_px+rand(-3,3),.@npc_py+rand(-3,3); if(.npc_Hprecover[.@i]>=.Hprecover_delay) { if(attachrid(.npc_status[.@i])) { if(Hp<0) { detachrid; continue; } if(MaxHp/4>=Hp) { percentheal 15,15; specialeffect2 312; } } else { Endd(.@i); continue; } .npc_Hprecover[.@i] = 0; } if(.npc_scbuffer[.@i]>=.scbuffer_delay) { if(attachrid(.npc_status[.@i])) { if(Hp<0) { detachrid; continue; } sc_start SC_BLESSING,360000,10; specialeffect2 42; sc_start SC_INC_AGI,360000,10; specialeffect2 37; sc_start SC_IMPOSITIO,360000,10; specialeffect2 84; sc_start SC_MAGNIFICAT,360000,10; specialeffect2 76; sc_start SC_GLORIA,360000,10; specialeffect2 75; sc_start SC_SUFFRAGIUM,360000,10; specialeffect2 88; sc_start SC_ASSUMPTIO,360000,10; specialeffect2 375; } else { Endd(.@i); continue; } .npc_scbuffer[.@i] = 0; } else .npc_scbuffer[.@i]++; } initnpctimer; end;OnPCLogoutEvent: if(@ddnpc_id) Endd(@ddnpc_id-1); end; function Endd { .@id = getarg(0); .npc_status[.@id] = 0; .npc_time[.@id] = 0; unitwarp .npc_gid[.@id],.npc_om$[.@id],.npc_ox[.@id],.npc_oy[.@id]; return; }}- script DedicatedNPCMain -1,{ .@npc_total = getvariableofnpc(.npc_total,"DedicatedNPCTimer"); copyarray .@npc_name$,getvariableofnpc(.npc_name$,"DedicatedNPCTimer"),.@npc_total; .@npc_name_use$ = strnpcinfo(0); @id_use = -1; for(.@i=0;.@i<.@npc_total;.@i++) if(.@npc_name$[.@i]==.@npc_name_use$) { @id_use = .@i; break; } if(@id_use == -1) end; if(getvariableofnpc(.npc_status[@id_use],"DedicatedNPCTimer")==getcharid(3)) { mes "Hi, any problem?"; switch(select("Storage","Repair all","Dismissal")) { case 1: openstorage; break; case 2: repairall; break; case 3: set getvariableofnpc(.npc_status[@id_use],"DedicatedNPCTimer"),0; break; } close2; }else { if(!getvariableofnpc(.npc_status[@id_use],"DedicatedNPCTimer")) { mes "Hi, do you want to hire me?"; if(select("No","Yes")==2) { .@bool = 0; for(.@i=0;.@i<.@npc_total;.@i++) if(getvariableofnpc(.npc_status[.@i],"DedicatedNPCTimer")==getcharid(3)) { .@bool = 1; break; } if(.@bool) mes "Sorry, you already got one."; else { set getvariableofnpc(.npc_status[@id_use],"DedicatedNPCTimer"),getcharid(3); set getvariableofnpc(.npc_time[@id_use],"DedicatedNPCTimer"),gettimetick(2)+60; set getvariableofnpc(.npc_scbuffer[@id_use],"DedicatedNPCTimer"),60; set getvariableofnpc(.npc_Hprecover[@id_use],"DedicatedNPCTimer"),60; mes "Done"; @ddnpc_id = @id_use+1; } } close2; } } @id_use = 0; end;}prontera,155,180,4 duplicate(DedicatedNPCMain) Dedicated Poring AAA 1002prontera,157,180,4 duplicate(DedicatedNPCMain) Dedicated Poring BBB 1002prontera,159,180,4 duplicate(DedicatedNPCMain) Dedicated Poring CCC 1002 Not sure what the deal is.
  3. Is there a way to add foodbuffs to this? I'm having a hard time with it. When I click on the npc it freezes me in place and does not add the food buffs.
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