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Posts posted by Critica

  1. Im suggesting, can you guys implement Epoque's bonus pack?

    its properly working in rathena, coz i was using it on my server,,, but since rathena is dead.... i need to move on >.>

    ugh this sucks, when u have so much custom source on your server, then suddenly, boom, the source is gone

  2. Is there a way to force these items to be slotted on any other slot except on the 1st?

    so for example, i have a amor with 1slot, if i use this Armor Enchat Items, it wont be used on this armor,

    but if i have a 2slot amor, it can be used and it will slot on the 2nd slot,

    the Armor Enchantments im talking about is this items ,4730 4739 4736 and so on..


  3. Thanks for helping!

    problem: everytime i relog, the GM level is back to 0, and it doesnt seem to update the group_id on the database

    plus this


    [SQL]: DB error - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''' at line 1[Debug]: at script.c:14594 - UPDATE `login` SET `group_id`=1 WHERE `account_id`=2000001' 



  4. Where do i add it?

    ok i got it, but im getting this on my map server


    [SQL]: DB error - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''' at line 1[Debug]: at script.c:14594 - UPDATE `login` SET `group_id`=1 WHERE `account_id`=2000001' 


    will this cause bad on my server?


  5. thanks the help,

    but it didnt work as i expected.




    is there a way to make a normal player permanently changed to higher gm level

    when they received an item or by via npc?


    my idea is to create something that can make a player choose if they want to be a GM

    for testing purpose, so they can use Gm commands like @item

    but restricted to drop/trade/storage, pvp or woE

  6. This is a old script, its all working fine
    except the part where the refine and cards thing.

    just try the script, so you would know what im talking about.


    ok. to make it clear,

    this script works like a leveling equip

    each time you killed a monster, your equip gain experience, and then if you reached 100%
    it will evolved or level up, change into new equip (depends on what you put on d script) 

    but the problem here is that, for ex.  when you have cards and refine on your 1st weapon (not evolved)
    when it evolved or changes into new wep, the cards and refine are not carried over, which is it supposed
    too, coz i see its written in the script., its just not working properly iguess?

    /*    ||======================================================||    ||======================================================||    ||					   NPC:						   ||    ||======================================================||    ||				  Evolution Wings					 ||    ||======================================================||    ||					Version 1.3					   ||    ||======================================================||    ||				   Made by Streiker				   ||    ||======================================================||    ||					  Updates:						||    ||					(5 latests)					   ||    || Version 1.1:										 ||    ||			 Fixed: The npc didn't work.			  ||    ||			 Added new configs.					   ||    ||			 Changed the exp rates system.			||    ||													  ||    || Version 1.1.1:									   ||    ||			  Fixed: Mistakes.						||    ||													  ||    || Version 1.2:										 ||    ||			 Added rahuldev345 suggestion (spec. mobs)||    ||			 Added AnnieRuru suggestion (refine)	  ||    ||													  ||    || Version 1.3:										 ||    ||			Added new mode, new confs, new vars.	  ||    ||======================================================||    ||					 Description:					 ||    ||													  ||    || Make easily "evolution wings" with this.			 ||    ||======================================================||    ||			   Additional Comments:				   ||    ||													  ||    || At the moment none.								  ||    ||======================================================||    ||======================================================|| */ -	script	Wings_Conf	-1,{  OnInit:  /* Evolution modes:  1 = Every X numer of mobs (1%). 2 = Experience (1%). 3 = Every X number of mobs (100%).  */  	set .rates, 100;	// % (Only for Mode 2).  /* ID[...], evolution mode[...], mob id[...], neccesary to advance 1%[...]. (Configured for the 1st mode). If  you want any monster, use 111. // Use callsub for add more wings. */ 	callsub Ids, 1101, 3, 111, 100, 1107, 3, 111, 100, 1113, 3, 111, 100, 1116, 3, 111, 0 ;/* 0 = Won't evolved automatically. 1 = Will be evolved automatically */ 	set .auto, 1;  // Delay of evolution (miliseconds). 	set .time, 3000;  // Announces color. 	setarray .c$[0],"4db557",	// % of evolution. 					"d43438",	// Wings evolving. 					"4da5b5";	// Wings evolved. 	set .w1, 0;  	end ;  Ids:  	set .w1, .w1 + 1; 	for ( set .@a, 0; getarg ( .@a, 0 ) != 0 ; set .@a, .@a + 4 ) { 		set .w2[.w1 - 1], .w2[.w1 - 1] + 1; 		setd ".a1"+ .w1 +"_"+ .w2[.w1 - 1], getarg ( .@a );	  // id. 		setd ".a2"+ .w1 +"_"+ .w2[.w1 - 1], getarg ( .@a + 1 );	// mode. 		setd ".a3"+ .w1 +"_"+ .w2[.w1 - 1], getarg ( .@a + 2 );	// mob id. 		setd ".a4"+ .w1 +"_"+ .w2[.w1 - 1], getarg ( .@a + 3 );	// amount. 	} 	return ;  OnNPCKillEvent:  	setarray .@slots[0], 1, 3, 4, 9, 10; // put here your slots.	for ( set .@a, 0; .@a < 3 && ! .@c ; set .@a, .@a + 1 ) {		if ( set ( .@e, getequipid ( .@slots[.@a] ) ) < 0 )			continue ;		set .@id, 0;		set .@w, 1;		while ( set ( .@id, .@id + 1 ) <= .w2[.@w - 1] && ! .@c ) {			if ( .@e == getd ( ".a1"+ .@w +"_"+ .@id ) ) {				set .@c, ( getd ( ".a4"+ .@w +"_"+ .@id ) > 0 ) * ( killedrid == getd ( ".a3"+ .@w +"_"+ .@id ) || getd ( ".a3"+ .@w +"_"+ .@id ) < 1001 );				if ( .@c )					break ;			}			if ( .@id >= .w2[.@w - 1] ) {				set .@id, 0;				set .@w, .@w + 1;			}		}	}	if ( ! ( .@c ) ) end ; 	set .@e2, getd ( "evo"+ .@e ); 	if ( getd ( ".a2"+ .@w +"_"+ .@id ) == 1 ) { 		setd "$Mobs_"+ getcharid ( 0 ) +"_"+ .@e, getd("$Mobs_"+ getcharid( 0 ) +"_"+ .@e ) + 1; 		if ( ( getd ( "$Mobs_"+getcharid ( 0 ) ) % getd ( ".a4"+ .@w +"_"+ .@id ) ) ) end ; 		setd "evo"+ .@e, getd ( "evo"+ .@e ) + 1; 		setd "$Mobs_"+ getcharid ( 0 ) +"_"+ .@e, 0; 	} 	else if ( getd ( ".a2"+ .@w +"_"+ .@id ) == 2 ) { 		setd "$Exp_"+ getcharid ( 0 ) +"_"+ .@e, getd ("$Exp_"+ getcharid ( 0 ) +"_"+ .@e ) + ( strmobinfo ( 6, killedrid ) * .rates / 100 ); 		if ( getd ( "$Exp_"+getcharid ( 0 ) +"_"+ .@e ) < getd ( ".a4"+ .@w +"_"+ .@id ) ) end ; 		setd "evo"+ .@e, getd ( "evo"+ .@e ) + 1; 		setd "$Exp_"+ getcharid ( 0 ), 0; 	} 	else if ( getd ( ".a2"+ .@w +"_"+ .@id ) == 3 ) { 		setd "$Mobs_"+ getcharid ( 0 ), getd ("$Mobs_"+ getcharid( 0 ) +"_"+ .@e ) + 1; 		if ( ( getd ( "$Mobs_"+ getcharid ( 0 ) +"_"+ .@e ) % getd ( ".a4"+ .@w +"_"+ .@id ) ) ) end ; 		setd "evo"+ .@e, getd ( "evo"+ .@e ) + 100; 		setd "$Mobs_"+ getcharid ( 0 ) +"_"+ .@e, 0; 	} 	else debugmes "Script Wings_Evo, error: wrong mode configuration."; 	if ( .@e2 != getd ( "evo"+ .@e ) ) { 		announce getd ( "evo"+ .@e ) +"% "+ getitemname ( .@e ) , bc_self, "0x"+ .c$[0] ; 		specialeffect2 58 ; 		sleep2 200 ; 		specialeffect2 383 ; 	} 	if ( getd ( "evo"+ .@e ) >= 100 && .auto ) { 		specialeffect2 263 ; 		sleep2 500 ; 		specialeffect2 377 ; 		sleep2 300 ; 		specialeffect2 542 ; 		sleep2 300 ; 		announce getitemname ( .@e ) +" evolving..." , bc_self, "0x"+ .c$[1] ; 		if ( .time ) sleep2 .time ; 		specialeffect2 463 ; 		sleep2 200; 		specialeffect2 665 ; 		sleep2 500 ; 		//specialeffect2 437 ; 		setarray .@card[1], getequipcardid ( .slot, 0 ), getequipcardid ( .slot, 1 ), getequipcardid ( .slot, 2 ), getequipcardid ( .slot, 3 ); 		set .@refine, getequiprefinerycnt ( .slot ); 		delitem .@e, 1 ; 		getitem2 getd ( ".a1"+ .@w +"_"+ ( .@id + 1 ) ) , 1, 1, .@refine, 0, .@card[1], .@card[2], .@card[3], .@card[4] ; 		equip getd ( ".a1"+  .@w +"_"+ ( .@id + 1 ) ) ; 		setd "evo"+ .@e, 0; 		announce "Congratulations, your weapon have leveled to "+ getitemname ( getd ( ".a1"+ .@w +"_"+ ( .@id + 1 ) ) ) +"." , bc_self , "0x"+ .c$[2] ; 	} 	end; }

  7. Hey guys, since @adjgmlvl is gone,

    is there another way to make an item that can make player a GM level?

    this was the script i was using before


    {},{ atcommand "@adjgmlvl 1"+strcharinfo(0); },{ atcommand "@djgmlvl 0 "+strcharinfo(0)+""; } 
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