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About Miyaa

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  1. yes i agree, i have seen cms, homunculus ranking etc .. but that's just addition.. i want to know what difference ? why rathena and herc is been sold differently ?
  2. Hello community,.. i always had this question, .. what is the difference between rathena and herc FluxCP ? now when i am trying to make my own server, i decided to buy a website from some designer.. he asked me which emulator ? well, i am not sure on it, but isn't both fluxcp the same ? i don't understand what is the difference between FluxCP rathena and FluxCP herc. i would really be glad if community answers my question. why does a designer makes 2 different copies of same design 1 for rathena and 1 for herc ?
  3. Miyaa

    Guild Buffer NPC

    @melv0 zeny doesnt deducted after player uses the skills. at line 54 Zeny -= price; i replaced it with Zeny -= .@price; its working as intended i guess, didn't check it completely with other classes etc.
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