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About zonesef

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  1. zonesef

    int16 problems

    how to convert int16 to plain int? tried casting but wont work. i have plain or minimal language in C. thanks.
  2. used PE explorer on latest IRO client and saw that date.
  3. May I request a client download link for this client date? Thanks.
  4. are there tutorials here on how to use screen? i want to resume my server logs after i logout or disconnected from my vps. Thanks.
  5. may this patch be officially committed to hercules source?
  6. no i mean global public message not whisper (OnWhisperGlobal) more like OnGlobalPublicMessage edit: not with NPC:<npc_name>
  7. How to trigger an npc event/label on a public message on any map (not only on the vicinity of the npc) NPC is floating and doesn't have a map (-<TAB>script<TAB>globalmes<TAB>-1,{) if plugin, how to hook globalmes with a label on an npc script Thanks.
  8. can someone post an unpacked/undiff 2014-10-22 client?
  9. is suggestion denied? https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/blob/master/src/map/HPMmap.c
  10. do we need a launcher for this? i only have small blank dialog box after executing it
  11. how to include/bind wsproxy with athena-start? how do i run ws proxy on the background? it does not retain or spawn another process everytime i run wsproxy with '&'
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