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About joaominhoto

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  1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm new around here then if I'm posting this in the wrong area, excuse me! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Guys I'm doing a server with a friend to be a project of our vacation. He take care of the part "server" (because he knows much more than me) and I take care of the part "client". Its all right in these procedures: -We redefine the IP in cientinfo with the connecting IP that he created. -And then we established a connection via putty. Then when I start the client that I made using the nemomaster, it opens normally and appears the white square with the server name to select (in this case, our server's name). But when I press enter to continue and go to the login and password window, the client closes. Does anyone know the reason?
  2. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Este será o meu primeiro tópico, então se estiver na área errada, me desculpem! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Galera eu to fazendo um servidor com um amigo para ser um projeto nosso de férias, ele configura a parte "server" (pois ele manja mto mais que eu) e eu configuro a parte "client". Ocorreu tudo certo nestes procedimentos: -Redefinirmos o IP no cientinfo com o IP da conexão que ele criou. -E estabelecermos uma conexão via putty. Aí quando eu inicio o patch que eu fiz usando o nemomaster, ele abre normalmente e aparece o quadrado branco com o nome do servidor a ser selecionado (no caso, o nosso). Porém quando eu dou enter para prosseguir e ir para a janela de login e senha, o client fecha. Alguém sabe o motivo disso? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This will be my first topic, then if I'm in the wrong area, excuse me! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Guys I'm doing a server with a friend to be a project of our vacation. He take care of the part "server" (because he knows much more than me) and I take care of the part "client". Was all right in these procedures: -We redefine the IP in cientinfo with the connecting IP that he created. -And then we stablished a connection via putty. Then when I start the client that I made using the nemomaster, it opens normally and appears the white square with the server name to select (in this case, our server's name). But when I press enter to continue and go to the login and password window, the client closes. Does anyone know the reason?
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