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LCD last won the day on February 17 2023

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About LCD

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  • Birthday August 15

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    Las Vegas, NV
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  1. for everyone stuck on number 20. you don't need to use mysql work bench, there are also other programs you can use. there is HeidiSQL, as well as the old mysql gui tools. Mysql GUI Tools HeidiSQL
  2. no? maybe useing slightly more resource usage xD? you won't feel it unless you make every mob in game have 20 drops. @@canditw
  3. it should join the main channel automatically if you have it set server side.
  4. i mean. when the server connects to the database. unless they are using root access. the username the server uses (i.e. Ragnarok) needs to have full permissions otherwise it will not work correctly
  5. make sure the ragnarok user has access to this database it needs full control of it.
  6. i know this is off topic. but what exactly does packet obsufication do?
  7. LCD


    Oh , i'll test that out and come back to you o.o
  8. LCD


    http://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_picker.asp, choose a color, there will be text thats in bold along the lines of #00ffff, it'll be different for whatever color you choose. so this will be the color you use for you npc chat. if you want it to be that color. follow this way mes "^00FFFFThis is Aqua Text^000000"; don't forget to change the color back otherwise all the text will be that color.
  9. File Name: Custom Aura Compilation File Submitter: lilcooldude69 File Submitted: 01 May 2016 File Category: Maps & Textures This is just an Aura Compilation that I made from the many aura's ive collected over the many years from older projects. IDK who the origional author's are for all of these but if one of you would like to go through them and possibly send me a pm so I can give credit where do I'd be more than happy to change this post. Click here to download this file
  10. 1859 downloads

    This is just an Aura Compilation that I made from the many aura's ive collected over the many years from older projects. IDK who the origional author's are for all of these but if one of you would like to go through them and possibly send me a pm so I can give credit where do I'd be more than happy to change this post.
  11. omg malufett ily <3<3<3<3 :* :* :* :*
  12. lol yeah i talked to ind about it, the color thing is actually client sided, but the level next to username is full on server sided so just stick to that i guess. if possible :3
  13. hey Ind/dev people, i have a perm request for the server, Showing the players Current level next to their players name like done on other mmos :3, with like changeable format like lets say the default format would be like [Lv:99]Username, instead make it so people can change whether it says [Lv:99]Username, or [99]Username this idea i stole from a request on rA , i tried to do it myself but i r a noob ;_;, also if its possible to make it by every 10 levels the color of the number changes for instance like, lvl 1-10 is gray, 11-20 is blue, 21-30 is orange, etc make that customizeable as well via source tho .
  14. i thought u needed to uhh, change the jobs maximum via source didnt you? did you check your db, lol job_db2.txt :X, pretty sure a client cant read a new class without it being in the database also if skills are disable, this is usually skill_db, what i think is going on here is, you have all this setup, but you have no job set for these classes, as well as no skills set for this job.
  15. we always seem to have @feelreset but never @hatereset, well fear no more i have a solution to your worry! @hatereset, what this command does is reset the mobs you deem hatred on via Star Gladiator :DDDD couple things to know about this diff, the way it displays a message to the server is via message_conf so if your using this mod, and its been a super duper long time since it was posted, i suggest you check your message_conf because the id of the message display might be different, so make sure you change that accordingly. hatereset.diff
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