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Everything posted by daim

  1. daim

    harmony client

    r u manage install harmony to latest hercules?
  2. daim

    eAthena - The End?

    mircle things happens.
  3. daim

    Player Status Check

    Thats great, but we also need to check buff.
  4. daim

    Player Status Check

    for (i = 0; i < (SC_MAX); i++) { if (sd->sc.data[i] != NULL) { sprintf(output, "Status ID - %d", i); clif->message(fd, output); } } or maybe we need to make variables for sc name on the code manually? off corse there will be huge line.
  5. daim

    Player Status Check

    yeah, we need this, sometime there suspicious player need to look at.
  6. Hi all, Could anyone code this features? same like @itemlist but with @statuscheck we can check all status (agi,str,hp,sp,matk,atk and etc) from player including buff. Is this posibble?
  7. daim


    ok thanks, so i have to alter mvp spawn script from mobs spawn, instead alter spawn it from deadbranch. Thanks for the idea Angelmelody
  8. Hi there, Is there a way to reconize a mvp than spawned naturaly or by dead branch? I would like to do something like this, if player kill MVP from dead branch or other spawn items it wont get rewarded, but if they hunt and kill the mvp naturally then they will get reward some prize. Thanks
  9. daim

    @item item_deny

    maybe ...accessing sql takes time ... if you execute a long query, then it might lag your server well ... in this case, where it only retrieve a single line, it seems fast enough I think so shouldn't be a problem ... for some reason after I made maintenance mode plugin, this one seems ... too easy create table item_deny (itemid smallint(6) primary key,`level` tinyint(4)) engine = innodb; http://upaste.me/34c789 let me test what happen if do this as plugin ... I got a feeling that @item will be execute twice I think mod the @item command is enough, and also this command needs to be implimented to other @item commands, such as @produe and @bounditem
  10. After doing some google i think i found the solutions. This is the rite command. git diff origin > patch.patch
  11. the problem is: 1. I install all my mods on Hercules version 1xx (the version just example) 2. I updated Hercules to version 2xx which it require to me to commit my change ang merge with hercules. 3. I tried apply git difff > filename.patch (it not found my mod as i treat it as no diff coz i merge on version 2xx any idea to help me? Thanks
  12. Hi there, I there any proper way so i can make my own diff or patch file using git? could u guys give an example how to do it. I already browse the internet unfortunetly if my GIT FOLDER updated then i cant make diff files (the one i commit/modify) Thanks.
  13. daim

    @item item_deny

    Hi annie, thanks for your support. Is there any problem if we use e sql access every time we issue @item command?
  14. Sorry, found the error. I need to put IDitemid : true instead im using itemid: true
  15. Hi there, I just play around with server. With renewal setting it seem no problem no warning. But when i compile with --disable-renewal i got this warning when launching map server. Any help much appriciate.
  16. hi there, in rAthena there is option to ON or OF autotrade persistence. Is there any such setting with hercules? I already browsed and find the setting in config. But didt find anything regarding this enable / disable features for autotrade persistence.
  17. got it, but how do i know that what version currently in HERCULES master version?
  18. Hi there, Im very new with git. I would like to know, how do we know that our current version of repo and current version of hercules repo. thanks
  19. daim

    @item item_deny

    Hi there, i would like to add this to hercules. Unfortunetly there so much error appear. Please helpme @item patch Index: atcommand.c===================================================================--- atcommand.c (revision 14843)+++ atcommand.c (working copy)@@ -1576,6 +1576,7 @@{ char item_name[100]; int number = 0, item_id, flag;+ int itemid, level; //To Check the item_deny from sql [Vengence] struct item item_tmp; struct item_data *item_data; int get_count, i;@@ -1602,6 +1603,27 @@ } item_id = item_data->nameid;+ //To Check the item_deny from sql [Vengence]+ if(SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(mmysql_handle, "SELECT * FROM `item_deny` WHERE `itemid` = '%d'",item_id))+ {+ Sql_ShowDebug(mmysql_handle);+ }+ else+ {+ while( SQL_SUCCESS == Sql_NextRow(mmysql_handle) )+ {+ char *data;+ Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 0, &data, NULL);+ itemid = atoi(data);+ Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 1, &data, NULL);+ level = atoi(data);+ }+ }+ if (item_id == itemid && pc_isGM(sd) < level) {+ clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "You are restricted from creating this item.");+ return -1;+ }+ get_count = number; //Check if it's stackable. if (!itemdb_isstackable2(item_data)) could anyone make fix for this?
  20. I hope that this will come with the mega ultra patch that they are going to release =) If it doesn't and if no one wants to work on it I'll try and add the last bits after my quest log overhaul. OMG, thanks. This will be great news for all Hercules user
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