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Posts posted by dfabsgwapings

  1. Hi everyone


    How can I use the kafrapoints as a currency to buy an item?


    like for example


    To use Cashpoint the NPC shop should be cashshop

    To use Zeny the NPC should be shop only


    How about the kafrapoints what NPC shop should it be?

  2. can anyone share there working vote for point? the one that's here in hercules is not working. I mean when the player clicked the vote image it directs them to voting site that you added but the player will not get any points and they're getting an error message that says 


    Unable to vote for the server. Err no. 3

  3. i really dont want to write any comment for PonyVPS but I am starting to experience an issue with this provider, Yes at first they will really going to assist you but now when I need them they're not responding to the tickets I submitted.


    My dev cant finish the one he is doing to Flux because the website keeps on giving us error 502 which means theres an issue with the webhost. I tried to call and text JMariano but he is not responding, not even one text or call i didn't received anything from him. I started to report this kind of issue in the morning but still it was not resolve. the website sometimes will work but after a couple of hours or minutes the same issue will occur again.


    I am starting to believe that the bad comments to this provider is true because I myself is starting to experience it as well.


    JMariano or PonyVPS, if you think that you are really a good provider, I suggest that please give us importance. We value our time and money. You should take care of our concerns and issue ASAP because we are your customers and we are paying YOU for the service that we purchase from you.


    For your referrence JMariano or PonyVPS my RO name is RebornRO.

  4. hi everyone,

    can anyone make me a script like this

    The Daily Quest NPC: Will give you a fairly easy quest which consist of 10~20 cards and a few hundreds miscellaneous items, it was designed to be completed in less than 24 hour. Each quest is completely different for everyone, and chances are that you will never repeat the same quest again. The NPC Can be found in Prontera  and it will assign a a new quest once every 24 hours (1 Quest per account). The NPC quests reset at 23:59 Server Time, you will need to either complete your quest before this time or wait until after this time to start your new daily quest. There will be a broadcast at this time which announces globally that there are new quests available.
    Rewards: Every time you complete a Daily Quest you will receive a Token.

    anyone please?

  5. @Garr


    please help me fix these



    Im getting this error

    [Error]: script error in file 'npc/mycustom/Hunting_EN.txt' line 128 column 26
        parse_line: need ';'
       125:                 .@Mission_Rank = min(.@Mission_Rank + .@Mission_Bonus,99);
       126:                 Mission_Ended = 0;
       127:                 for( .@i = 1; .@i < 6; ++.@i ) {
    *  128:                         .@MobID = getmobrandid(.@Mission_Rank, 14);
       129:                         // Mission Index - Mob ID - Mob Amount
       130:                         callfunc("mission_sethunting",.@i, .@MobID, 75 - (.@Mission_Rank / 2) + (.@Mission_Bonus / 2));
       131:                 }

  6. Here's the script


    prt_in,90,72,4	script	Zeph::HuntingSystem	4_M_JOB_HUNTER,{
    	mes "[^FFA500Zeph^000000]";
    	if( Mission_Tick < gettimetick(2) )
    		if( Mission_Tick == 0 )
    			mes "Hello...";
    			mes "Are you interesting in a job?";
    			mes "[^FFA500Zeph^000000]";
    			mes "I've to explain, I find many peoples interesting in ^0000FFHunting Missions^000000 every day.";
    			mes "The missions consist of monsters to kill.";
    			mes "[^FFA500Zeph^000000]";
    			mes "There are different difficulty Missions.";
    			mes "But don't worry, you can work with your friends in groups or in any team.";
    			mes "[^FFA500Zeph^000000]";
    			mes "You will have exactly 24 hours to complete a mission, if you finish in time then come back to me for the premium.";
    		else if( Mission_Ended )
    			mes "Your new mission is ready, and I've looked over the documents.";
    			mes "Are you ready to take on it?";
    			mes "You've failed your last mission, you didn't finish within 24 hours or doesn't eliminated the total requested monsters.";
    			mes "[^FFA500Zeph^000000]";
    			mes "There is your today's Mission.";
    			mes "Are you ready to take on it?";
    		if( select("Yes, what is my job?:No thanks, not today.") == 2 )
    			mes "[^FFA500Zeph^000000]";
    			mes "Okay, come back if you've changed your mind.";
    		mes "[^FFA500Zeph^000000]";
    		mes "I let you reading...";
    		// Building Mission...
    		// =======================================================================================================
    		mission_settime gettimetick(2) + 86400;
    		// Mission Difficulty
    		set .@Mission_Rank, ((Mission_Rank % 45) * 2) + 1;
    		// Bonus Difficulty
    		set .@Mission_Bonus, (Mission_Rank / 45) * 5;
    		// Final Difficulty
    		if( set(.@Mission_Rank, .@Mission_Rank + .@Mission_Bonus) > 99 ) set .@Mission_Rank, 99;
    		set Mission_Ended, 0;
    		for( set .@i, 1; .@i < 6; set .@i, .@i + 1 )
    			set .@MobID, getmobrandid(.@Mission_Rank, 14);
    			// Mission Index - Mob ID - Mob Amount
    			mission_sethunting .@i, .@MobID, 75 - (.@Mission_Rank / 2) + (.@Mission_Bonus / 2);
    		callfunc "MissionInfo";
    		mes "[^FFA500Zeph^000000]";
    		mes "Good luck, and remember that you have 24 hours to complete it.";
    		mes "Come back if you're finished.";
    		mes "Hello, already here?";
    		mes "Let's see how you completed the mission...";
    		if( Mission_Count1 + Mission_Count2 + Mission_Count3 + Mission_Count4 + Mission_Count5 < 1 )
    			mes "[^FFA500Zeph^000000]";
    			if( Mission_Ended == 0 )
    				mes "Great! You did it ahead of schedule.";
    				mes "Let me pay you for the job.";
    				set .@Mission_Lvl, 0;
    				set .@Mission_Exp, 0;
    				set .@Mission_Job, 0;
    				for( set .@i, 1; .@i < 6; set .@i, .@i + 1 )
    					set .@MobID, getd("Mission_ID" + .@i);
    					set .@Mission_Lvl, .@Mission_Lvl + strmobinfo(3, .@MobID);
    					set .@Mission_Exp, .@Mission_Exp + (strmobinfo(6, .@MobID) * 10);
    					set .@Mission_Job, .@Mission_Job + (strmobinfo(7, .@MobID) * 10);
    				set .@Mission_Zeny, .@Mission_Lvl * 150;
    				if( .@Mission_Lvl < 125 )
    					set .@Mission_Points, 5;
    				else if( .@Mission_Lvl < 250 )
    					set .@Mission_Points, 10;
    					set .@Mission_Points, 15;
    				// Mission Rewards...
    				// =====================================================================
    				getexp .@Mission_Exp, .@Mission_Job, 100;
    				set Zeny, Zeny + .@Mission_Zeny;
    				set Mission_Points, Mission_Points + .@Mission_Points;
    				if( Mission_Rank < 449 ) set Mission_Rank, Mission_Rank + 1;
    				set Mission_Completed, Mission_Completed + 1;
    				if( Mission_Completed > $TMission_Score )
    					npctalk "Congratulations, you're the new Top Hunter of the day!!";
    					set $TMission_Score, Mission_Completed;
    					set $TMission_CharID, getcharid(0);
    					set $TMission_Name$, strcharinfo(0);
    					set $TMission_Job$, jobname(Class);
    				if( $TMission_CharID == getcharid(0) )
    					set #CASHPOINTS, #CASHPOINTS + 100;
    					set #CASHPOINTS, #CASHPOINTS + 75;
    				getitem 8996,1;
    				// =====================================================================
    				// Clear Mission Data
    				for( set .@i, 1; .@i < 6; set .@i, .@i + 1 )
    					mission_sethunting .@i,0,0;
    				set Mission_Ended, 1;
    			mes "[^FFA500Zeph^000000]";
    			mes "Your today's Mission is now complete.";
    			set .@Time_Left, Mission_Tick - gettimetick(2);
    			if( .@Time_Left > 3600 )
    				mes "You can get a new mission in ^0000FF" + (.@Time_Left / 3600) + " hours^000000.";
    			else if( .@Time_Left > 60 )
    				mes "You can get a new mission in ^0000FF" + (.@Time_Left / 60) + " minutes^000000.";
    			else if( .@Time_Left > 0 )
    				mes "You can get a new mission in ^0000FF" + (.@Time_Left) + " seconds^000000.";
    				mes "Let me sort out my papers to your new assignment.";
    		mes "[^FFA500Zeph^000000]";
    		mes "You're still not completed the mission, your missing monsters will be removed.";
    		mes "Look at the poster on my left to see the status of your job.";
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