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• TSilver •

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About • TSilver •

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  • Birthday 05/20/1997

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    Hell's Gate
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    Im interested in knowledge. That's all.
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  1. News : Will be releasing some binaries later.
  2. Nope im just fixing some major issues. Update atm is not possible. I was downloading 3.3GB and my ISP Sucks so i can't release an exact date of release of v0.2 Sure , testers are some kind helpfull.
  3. @@magic2938 you're out of topic sir. Updating my Visual Studio atm , can post the dl link since i have found an major bug .
  4. why does the hooking need client to be undiffed? does any patch overwrite a function the dll looks for? Dunno or its just mine , 2013-08-14aRagexe.exe( Undiffed can be hooked , then i diffed it it works fine. But the file integrety would be messed up causing errors.) but in 2010-12-28aRagexeRE.exe (undiffed i can't hook it automaticaly. dunno whats the problem) Nvm , got a fix for it. It just need to be on a newer version of hooker so it can read all memory lines.
  5. As i have tested , the hooking needs the client to be undiffed then just rediff it. Damn this sure alot of work. XD
  6. • TSilver •

    ERROR !

    Incomplete coding in source can cause such problems , or that guild 2 have exceed the member limit so it got an error.
  7. Updating the download link today.
  8. @@zackdreaver Its not and emulator , its a game called "Ran Online" i do still have complete ep10 source code of it. @all thank you very much.
  9. Hello , i was from Ran Online developments just gonna share some tricks i learned there. And gonna shift into ragnarok now too.
  10. TProtect <-- Prioritize

  11. Yes im thinking of that but coding the server side will be a different console application and the problem is im coding c++ in Microsoft Visual Studio 2003 so it will be hard time to implement it into an linux systems .
  12. Hello everyone in Hercules , Im Kiri/TSilver (formerly Ran Online Developer) , i was here to make my gameguard better and ofcourse this gameguard will be free. TProtect is an GameGuard coded in C++ and C# , i have two versions of it in alpha stages in ragnarok one is the dll version (you can hook this directly to exe.exe/game.exe so it will be unbypassable and the exe version (but alot don't want to use this even me) . Okay lets get straight to the point here's some features Features : Easy to use CRC Scanning the Game files Easy to configure (Fixing this atm , found alot of bug here) Process Hider (Hides Game.exe/exe.exe process) Server side logging system (Currently in alpha) Many scanning method , so no cheats can go thru Hack Detected Splash (Web type & windowed type) BANNING System (Currently Coding PHP for this) And more to come Current Developers : TSilver/Quiirex (TProtect Coder) IYS-Security (Dragon Shield Coder) Download Links : Version 0.2 (Alpha) : Releasing tommorow , messed up the source. Updates : Version 0.2 : - Splash Screen on start.- Hack Detected Splash Screen On www.linked-host.com/detects/ (Disabled ATM)- Window Name Scanning (Added)- Class Name Scanning (Added)- Bad Words Scanning (Added) - Bad Words Windows Scanning (Added)- Hide Tools Scanning (Added) - Detect generic Hide Tools like Cheat engine and many more.- Vitrual Memory Scanning (Added) - Memory changing blocking Suggestions (To be implemented) : Dastgir : Suggestion: make it send Mac and hardware Id. (Implementing ATM) Requests : Can you detail me about list of cheats/hacks for ragnarok online to be blocked. For those who want to work with me , hit up the message button must have atleast great knowledge in c++.. Donations are alot of help for the development though.
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