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Posts posted by minx123

  1. hi. i need some help to change this script


    1 - player can enter twice a day to gold room lock by ID not char.

    2- player can farm with time limit 15min.

      //***--Topic Link :		***\( ^ ~ ^ )/***
      //***-- Script by :		***\( ^ ~ ^ )/***
      //***-- Emistry
      //***-- Contact Info :	***\( ^ ~ ^ )/***
      //***-- My Email : [email protected]
      //***-- Messages :		***\( ^ ~ ^ )/***
      //***-- Drop me a private message or email if you are looking for my helps ^^.
      //***-- Beside that, I am looking for a Server to work with ^^ .  
      //***-- I will do my best to help you ^^.
      //***-- More Details ? PM Me ^^.
      //***Although these scripts might not suit or follow with what you have requested completely. But i still wish you can give it a try before reject the works.
      //-------------------------NPC [ Warper + Exchanger  ]  --------------------------------------------------------------------
      prontera,150,164,3	script	Gold Room Manager	100,{
      	mes "[ Gold Room Manager ]";
      	mes "How may I serve for you ?";
      	mes "I can warp you to a Gold Mine.";
      	mes "[ Gold Room Manager ]";
      	mes "I need you to give me";
      	mes "100,000 Zeny to Enter.";
      	switch(select("Enter to Gold Room:Cancel")) {
      case 1:
      	if(Zeny < 10000) goto nomoney;
      	set .@a,rand(50);
      	set .@b,rand(50);
      	mes "[Gold Room]";
      	mes "Before you enter, you need to answer the question  ";
      	mes "for security check.";
      	mes "If A = "+.@a+"   B = "+.@b;
      	switch( rand(1) ){
      	set .@answer,.@a + .@b;
      	mes "How many is A + B ?";
      			input .@input;	
      		if( .@input!=.@answer ) {
      		atcommand "@kick " + strcharinfo(0);
      		else if (.@input==.@answer) {
      			set Zeny,Zeny-10000;		
      			warp "ordeal_3-2",0,0; 	
      case 2:
      			mes "[ Gold Room Manager ]";	
      			mes "Owh....";
      			mes "Nevermind..since it is your decision.";
      			mes "It is all up to you.";
      			mes "Come back to me if you changed your mind.";
      		mes "[Gold Room Manager]";
      		mes "Sorry you need 100,000z to enter";
      //-------------------------MONSTER SPAWN--------------------------------------------------------------------
      // Duplicados Warps v1.0
      ordeal_3-2.gat,130,193,0	warp	goldroomwrp#1	3,3,ordeal_3-2.gat,154,154
      ordeal_3-2.gat,106,154,0	warp	goldroomwrp#2	3,3,ordeal_3-2.gat,154,154
      ordeal_3-2.gat,201,129,0	warp	goldroomwrp#3	3,3,ordeal_3-2.gat,154,154
      ordeal_3-2.gat,177,193,0	warp	goldroomwrp#4	3,3,ordeal_3-2.gat,154,154
      //ordeal_3-2,24,228,0	warp	prontera	1,1,prontera,156,172;
      //ordeal_3-2,25,58,0	warp	prontera	1,1,prontera,156,172;
      //ordeal_3-2,289,130,0	warp	prontera	1,1,prontera,156,172;
      //ordeal_3-2,283,230,0	warp	prontera	1,1,prontera,156,172;
      //ordeal_3-2,210,203,0	warp	prontera	1,1,prontera,156,172;
      // Natural Monsters v1.0
      ordeal_3-2,154,154,0,0	monster	Gold Savage	1840,15,0,0,0
      ordeal_3-2,0,0,0,0	monster	Gold Savage	1840,50,0,0,0
      ordeal_3-2,0,0,0,0	monster	Gold Savage	1840,50,0,0,0
      ordeal_3-2,0,0,0,0	monster	Gold Savage	1840,50,0,0,0
      // Map Flags v1.0
      ordeal_3-2	mapflag	nowarp
      ordeal_3-2	mapflag	nobranch
      ordeal_3-2	mapflag	nomemo
      ordeal_3-2	mapflag	nowarpto
      ordeal_3-2	mapflag	nopenalty
      ordeal_3-2	mapflag	pvp_noparty
      ordeal_3-2	mapflag	noskill
      ordeal_3-2	mapflag	nosave
      ordeal_3-2	mapflag	novending
      ordeal_3-2	mapflag	noteleport


  2. hello..

    i need some help, i found this script to recall guild mate but

    i want make

    if that guild win, leader will talk to npc at town and bring him to other map.

    then leader will recall all guild mate to that map.

    when leader already recall, all guild mate can claim to the npc beside it and send them to town back.


    prontera,150,150,5	script	Fokker	56,{
    	set .@guild_id, getcharid(2);
    	if ( !.@guild_id ) {
    		mes "You are not in a guild";
    	else if ( getguildmasterid(.@guild_id) != getcharid(0) ) {
    		mes "I only talk to the guild master";
    	mes "Recall your guild now?";
    	if ( select( "Yes", "No" ) -1 ) end;
    	warpguild "prontera",150,151,.@guild_id;
    	set .click, .click +1;
    	if ( .click % 2 ) end;
    	disablenpc strnpcinfo(3);
    	enablenpc "your npc";


  3. iv'e search some bypass.. but i only found a video of bypassing harmony

    im not sure if it's still working now .. or maybe they are updating the tools or whatever they are using to bypass harmony or adelay protection..

    i don't know why people want this kind of game style..

    are they enjoying playing Ragnarok using a hacks?.. 

    just watch this video.. i found this video in elitepvpers


    yup.. i also saw this thread before... most hacking tool provide from elitepvpers.

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