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Everything posted by avahdon

  1. how to make custom cs? is it hard? thanks btw.
  2. hi, is it possible to make usable item that give unfrozen status for 5mins? thanks
  3. it try it in rathena, when i used it, the item gives the effect but still in my inventory and i know it didnt just give me a new one because i dont see item receive in chat
  4. Hi, how can I fix this issue, I'm using the latest version of hercules and client 2013 08 07. 1.The vellum items are not working, it only gives 1 attack even if the refine is +20. 2. How can I make rent usable items like Infinite Berserk Potion, it s here is the code from rathena db. 12886,Infinite_Berserk_Potion,Infinite Berserk Potion,11,10,,0,,,,0,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{ sc_start SC_ASPDPOTION2,1800000,9; },{},{} 3. about enchantment, there is an enchant that give % of attack. is there a way to show it in status window? thanks
  5. hi, i combine the two, but still have the same error, cant find sprite? how to fix it? and how can i convert ascii to korean or korean to ascii? thanks
  6. hi, can you help me, I change my data folder from rathena to data folder from the link in the first page, I follow every step but when I try to login my account, I recieved this error before going to character select. I notice that there is no sprite in the data folder. I follow every step in the first page. Working find when using data folder with sprite, but why my client is not getting the sprite from data.grf?
  7. hi, i'm looking for basic pvp ladder script. nothing to fancy, just record the top 10 player with highest kill, show their death. i search around i cant find anything simple, I want the basic so I can learn on how the script works. thanks
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