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About Nagad

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  1. No, stop pushing/asking for that! Are you able to read or what??
  2. Ahahahaha poor Dastgir xD At least is cool to see people really interested in your projects
  3. You mean ALL the BGs like in eAmod?? The entire project is almost done?? In this case I'm ready to give you a generous donation for your hard work!! Can't wait to try everything *-* I'm checking this topic every day xD
  4. @@Dastgir Honestly talking, do you think this project will be 100% completed by the end of 2015?
  5. Thanks to all the developers and contributors!! <3
  6. Apparently I'm not the only one experiencing the issue with NEMO and errors ignoring: https://github.com/MStr3am/NEMO/issues/50 I will try an older version of NEMO then EDIT: Issue solved using the latest NEMO version!!
  7. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ROClientSide/Translation/master/Pre-Renewal/System/itemInfoClassic.lua Goibne's items have renewal description, for example: ID: 2354 (58 defense) @@zackdreaver
  8. Can someone adapt this old source code for eAthena that implements the timestamp for chat messages (for party/guild chat)?? Would be really cool to have it for any chat (even the normal one) clif.c Party Chat: void clif_parse_PartyMessage(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd){ char *mes; int len, prefixlenparty; // ++ char prefixparty[255]; // ++ time_t t = time(NULL); // ++ strftime(prefixparty, 10, "[%H:%M] ", localtime(&t)); // ++ len = RFIFOW(fd,2) - 4; mes = (char*)RFIFOP(fd,4); mes_len_check(mes, len, CHAT_SIZE); if (is_charcommand(fd, sd, mes) != CharCommand_None || is_atcommand(fd, sd, mes) != AtCommand_None) return; if (sd->sc.count && ( sd->sc.data[SC_BERSERK].timer!=-1 || (sd->sc.data[SC_NOCHAT].timer!=-1 && sd->sc.data[SC_NOCHAT].val1&MANNER_NOCHAT) )) return; if (battle_config.min_chat_delay) { //[Skotlex] if (DIFF_TICK(sd->cantalk_tick, gettick()) > 0) return; sd->cantalk_tick = gettick() + battle_config.min_chat_delay; } strcat(prefixparty,mes); //++ prefixlenparty = strlen(prefixparty)+1;// ++ party_send_message(sd, prefixparty, prefixlenparty); // ++} Guild Chat: void clif_parse_GuildMessage(int fd,struct map_session_data *sd){ char *mes; int len, prefixlenguild; //++ char prefixguild[255]; // ++ time_t t = time(NULL); // ++ strftime(prefixguild, 10, "[%H:%M] ", localtime(&t)); //++ len = RFIFOW(fd,2) - 4; mes = (char*)RFIFOP(fd,4); mes_len_check(mes, len, CHAT_SIZE); if (is_charcommand(fd, sd, mes) != CharCommand_None || is_atcommand(fd, sd, mes) != AtCommand_None) return; if (sd->sc.count && ( sd->sc.data[SC_BERSERK].timer!=-1 || (sd->sc.data[SC_NOCHAT].timer!=-1 && sd->sc.data[SC_NOCHAT].val1&MANNER_NOCHAT) )) return; if (battle_config.min_chat_delay) { //[Skotlex] if (DIFF_TICK(sd->cantalk_tick, gettick()) > 0) return; sd->cantalk_tick = gettick() + battle_config.min_chat_delay; } strcat(prefixguild,mes); //++ prefixlenguild = strlen(prefixguild)+1; // ++ guild_send_message(sd, prefixguild, prefixlenguild); //++}
  9. @@zackdreaver Tried your solution, it fixed the problem but even patching my exe with: I still get all the Resource error messages... I did many test for about 2 hours
  10. But for example there is a character that is 99/69 with 0% job exp and in the database under the column job exp there is 0, so I believe is correct right?
  11. lol... I have to admit it, this time panic > me
  12. I'm the only GM and administrator actually.... This is how the Ranking page looks like:
  13. I just noticed on my database that there are characters 99/70 with low exp. How is it possible?? My server has 20x rates, everything is official so you have to kill mobs to level up. So even the Ranking chart on fluxcp has wrong values and people think that are chars created by GMs, but is not true! :S
  14. @@zackdreaver Yeah I was thinking to do exactly the same thing, I think is the best solution actually... I'm a bit reluctant to do that because in this way I can not use my users as "testers" ahahahaha because they will never notice any error message again, so they will not report possible problems/bugs that I missed during the testing phase. Anyway, I think sometimes we can not have everything we want, right? I will find a compromise between all the possible solutions proposed by you guys
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