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Posts posted by Angelmelody


    nope, tested, this modification only stop gain exp normally

    it doesn't stop MVP exp


    also, the one who should stop gaining exp,

    can still gain exp by having other party member kill the monster for him/her with party share exp enabled






    LOL, what a coincidence! i didn't know that some of the user here is already requesting.

    Wow, plugin~ Thank you for this :P


    Can i request a mapflag nightmap?

    Credits: Masao


    already exist  https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/blob/master/npc/mapflag/night.txt

  2. 1.2


    - no need to clean too much LOL

    - now OnPCUseSkillEvent.conf can use more whitespace

    - unsupported inf type will now display which skill ID properly

    - fix a bug that inf type friend(16) when cast on self, will spam error message

    wow~ nice, but you forgot herc emu dont have  OnPCStatCalcEvent



    someone help me please!!


    help me to make mdef won't affect freeze duration/freeze status

    and every 40 luk there will be a 10% reduce of freeze duration.



    case SC_FREEZE:

       sc_def = st->mdef*100;

       sc_def2 = st->luk*10 + SCDEF_LVL_DIFF(bl, src, 99, 10);

       tick_def2 = status_get_luk(src) * -10; //Caster can increase final duration with luk


    case SC_FREEZE:        sc_def = st->mdef*100;        sc_def2 = st->luk*10 + SCDEF_LVL_DIFF(bl, src, 99, 10);	tick_def = st->luk*25;        tick_def2 = status_get_luk(src) * -10; //Caster can increase final duration with luk        break;

    helllo! thanks for this but i haven't seen any mdef changes



    does mdef will still affect the freeze chance/freeze duration?

    sorry , I didn't read the topic well. If you want mdef not affect  freeze status

    you can try to comment out this line 'sc_def = st->mdef*100;' ,

    so it should look like

    case SC_FREEZE:        //sc_def = st->mdef*100;        sc_def2 = st->luk*10 + SCDEF_LVL_DIFF(bl, src, 99, 10);	tick_def = st->luk*25;        tick_def2 = status_get_luk(src) * -10; //Caster can increase final duration with luk        break;

  4. someone help me please!!


    help me to make mdef won't affect freeze duration/freeze status

    and every 40 luk there will be a 10% reduce of freeze duration.



    case SC_FREEZE:

       sc_def = st->mdef*100;

       sc_def2 = st->luk*10 + SCDEF_LVL_DIFF(bl, src, 99, 10);

       tick_def2 = status_get_luk(src) * -10; //Caster can increase final duration with luk


    case SC_FREEZE:        sc_def = st->mdef*100;        sc_def2 = st->luk*10 + SCDEF_LVL_DIFF(bl, src, 99, 10);	tick_def = st->luk*25;        tick_def2 = status_get_luk(src) * -10; //Caster can increase final duration with luk        break;



    An easier method , change your account  group from 99 to 100

    [Warning]: pc_authok: AnnieRuru (AID:2000000) logged in with unknown group id (100)! kicking...
    nope, the server kick me
    {	Id: 501	AegisName: "Red_Potion"	Name: "Red Potion"	Type: 0	Buy: 50	Weight: 70	Trade: {		override: 99		nodrop: true		notrade: true	}	Script: <" itemheal rand(45,65),0; ">},
    weird, I tested my GM99 can drop and trade items, but normal player can't

    Change gm level to 100 not group, and it will be bypassed.

    in hercules  seems  player's group cant be changed to 100 , read the 6th post of this thread

    seriously ? have you test it ?

    my map-server gone crazy with errors

    I dont have tested before you tell me there are a lot of warnings(lazy XD)


    but tested now and don't have any warnings,server load item_db.conf successfully



    An easier method , change your account  group from 99 to 100

    [Warning]: pc_authok: AnnieRuru (AID:2000000) logged in with unknown group id (100)! kicking...
    nope, the server kick me
    {	Id: 501	AegisName: "Red_Potion"	Name: "Red Potion"	Type: 0	Buy: 50	Weight: 70	Trade: {		override: 99		nodrop: true		notrade: true	}	Script: <" itemheal rand(45,65),0; ">},
    weird, I tested my GM99 can drop and trade items, but normal player can't

    I think that's normal  coz 99 group player can by pass that limitation,

    if account group cant be changed to 100 and don't wanna edit src,

    insert  all item the limitation with 'override: 99'  is needed



  7. I recommend you learn Map Zone DB ,its better than running a while loop


    example, go to the bottom of map_zone_db.conf and add BEFORE the last ) the following:


    ,{    name: "Custom"        disabled_skills: {        SA_ABRACADABRA: "PLAYER"    }        mapflags: (        "noknockback",    )} 

    now go to any npc script file and add this:


  8. Perfect. You can't use @restock in those maps and when you are in those maps the command wont restore a specific item that you chosen before.


    But I'm getting this error in console when the command tries to restore the item when you are out of it.


    [Debug]: Source (NPC): Restock at prontera (140,140)



    prontera,140,140,5 script Restock 999,{

    change  into

    -  script  Restok  -1,{


    @@Angelmelody - Thanks again! Anyway the script doesn't show the last entry if the player is offline..


    It was displayed like this:

    Top 1 - Points: 1214> Lord GanjaTop 2 - Points: 68> [Offline]Top 3 - Points:45// And it is now blank here// If they player is only the char name is displayed. but if not online, it's just blank

    ok updated :)

    	.@nb = query_sql("select `name`, r.value, `online` from `char` as c INNER JOIN( select `account_id`, `value` from `acc_reg_num_db` WHERE `key` ='#PK_Points' AND `value` > 0 GROUP BY `account_id` order by `value` desc limit 10) as r on c.account_id = r.account_id order by r.value desc,char_num asc", .@name$, .@value, .@online);	if(.@nb) mes "Top "+( ++.@j)+" - Points: "+.@value[.@i];	for( .@i = 0; .@i < .@nb; .@i++ ) {		if(.@i ) {			if(.@value[.@i] != .@value[.@i-1] ){				if(!.@k){					mes " > [Offline]";				}				mes "Top "+(++.@j)+" - Points: "+.@value[.@i];				.@k = 0;			}			if(!.@k && .@i == (.@nb-1) ) {				mes " > [Offline]";			}		}		if(.@online[.@i]) {			mes " > "+ .@name$[.@i];			.@k++;		}	}
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