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About almarket23

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  1. Sir KirieZ thank you so much. This is what I am looking for. One more thing sir I just forgot, is it possible for the player to get random item exchange? Example if the player has ID:2321 he will get Red Potion random of 1 or 2 Red potion if the player has ID:2403 he will get White Potion random of 5 or 7 White potion
  2. KirieZ sorry but I am a bit confuse. Can you please put the items in you script? I dont know exactly the format sorry.
  3. thanks KirieZ. Its working that way I like it however this script is getting all the equipment in players inventory. How can I make this script get a certain type of equipement in players inventory? Like when a player has a 3 Silk Robe (ID:2321) and 5 Shoes (ID:2403) in his inventory. When the player clicks this NPC, all of his 3 Silk Robe and 5 Shoes in his inventory will be removed and he will get an item in exchange. 1 Silk Robe (ID:2321) = 1 Red Potion 1 Shoes (ID:2403) = White Potion Only Silk Robe (ID:2321) and Shoes (ID:2403) is the one that will be removed. not included the other equipments in players inventory.
  4. Hi everyone. Does anyone know how to do this? Basically what I need is a script that can check the item equipment of a player which is not equip and remove it all from the players inventory. example: A player has a 3 Silk Robe (ID:2321) and 5 Shoes (ID:2403) in his inventory. When the player clicks this NPC, all of his 3 Silk Robe and 5 Shoes in his inventory will be removed and he will get an item in exchange like Red Potion. I am tying to use this one but I cant seem to make it work. It can only remove an item one at a time which is not what I want. if( countitem(2321) == 1 ){ getinventorylist; for (set .@i, 0; .@i < @inventorylist_count; set .@i, .@i + 1 ) if ( @inventorylist_id[.@i] == 2321 ) set .count01, @inventorylist_amount[.@i]; delitem 2321, .count01; getitem 501,.count01; } if( countitem(2403) == 1 ){ getinventorylist; for (set .@i, 0; .@i < @inventorylist_count; set .@i, .@i + 1 ) if ( @inventorylist_id[.@i] == 2403 ) set .count01, @inventorylist_amount[.@i]; delitem 2403, .count01; getitem 501,.count01; } I hope someone can help me with this one...
  5. @Ragno actually there is no issue with the script, I mean its working fine 100%. however this error is appearing in the map server but its not affecting anything. Im just a little worried about this error that might cause an issue in the future.
  6. actually here's what I did and its very simple and working fine set PC_HATE_MOB_MOON, 0; set PC_HATE_MOB_STAR, 0; set PC_HATE_MOB_SUN, 0;
  7. how am I suppose to do that? sorry noob question
  8. Hi everyone. I am doing a custom Instance but I am having a problem with this one. "@" - A temporary variable attached to the character. They disappear when the character logs out. Is there a way to remove this variable to a specific character when he/she go inside a map? let say for exaample "prontera", instead of logging out to remove this variable can it be possible to remove this when they go to a specific map?
  9. Hi everyone. I've been searching this one but I can't really find it. How can the script identify that all party member is dead? Cause this is what I am trying to do. The whole party will enter an instance. If the whole party member is dead the script will trigger it and the whole party will be warped out from the map after 2 mins. I hope some knows how to do this. Thanks in advance
  10. Hi everyone does anyone knows how to fix this? Cause here what happened. I made a script and its working fine for the first attempt. I am getting what I want it to do. However after if I will be doing it again for the second time I am getting the error [Error]: Memory manager: freed-data is change. (freed in npc.c line 2359) and seems the NPC is not following what I want it to do. If I tried to restart the server it will working again for the first attempt and if Ill be doing the second attempt it will give me an error and the NPC is not following the right flow. This only happens for the second attempt. Help me out guys...
  11. after i download the kRO im getting this error. i cant login anymore Exception Type: 0xe06d7363 0x7504b727 KERNELBASE.dll 0x727adf60 MSVCR90.dll 0x727b3efd MSVCR90.dll 0x004023b6 NexusRO.exe 0x00403c46 NexusRO.exe 0x02b20000 eax: 0x0018f5e8 ebx: 0x0f7724df ecx: 0x00000003 edx: 0x00000000 esi: 0x727ec164 edi: 0x00000001 ebp: 0x0018f638 esp: 0x0018f5e8 stack 0018f5e8 - 0018f9e8 0018F5E8 : 63 73 6D E0 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 27 B7 04 75 0018F5F8 : 03 00 00 00 20 05 93 19 80 F6 18 00 E4 D5 7D 72 0018F608 : F4 1D BC 02 F4 1D BC 02 01 00 00 00 DF 24 77 0F 0018F618 : 64 C1 7E 72 28 F6 18 00 2B 2E 77 72 D0 BA 7E 72 0018F628 : 68 F6 18 00 E7 21 77 72 08 00 00 00 75 CE 7B 72 0018F638 : 70 F6 18 00 60 DF 7A 72 63 73 6D E0 01 00 00 00 0018F648 : 03 00 00 00 64 F6 18 00 63 73 6D E0 01 00 00 00 0018F658 : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 20 05 93 19 0018F668 : 80 F6 18 00 E4 D5 7D 72 8C F6 18 00 FD 3E 7B 72 0018F678 : 80 F6 18 00 E4 D5 7D 72 10 2A 75 72 04 1E 75 72 0018F688 : 00 00 00 00 E4 F6 18 00 B6 23 40 00 10 16 A9 19 0018F698 : 82 A0 D1 62 FE FF FF FF 3A 3C 7B 72 23 32 40 00 0018F6A8 : 61 91 9A 01 DF 8A B5 10 30 64 25 54 24 07 5E 06 0018F6B8 : B0 60 48 09 20 64 25 54 24 07 5E 06 B0 60 48 09 0018F6C8 : B8 F6 18 00 00 F9 18 00 61 91 9A 01 AC F6 18 00 0018F6D8 : 00 F9 18 00 C0 E8 73 00 FF FF FF FF E4 F7 18 00 Launch Info 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Job : High Wizard
  12. the above error is fixed however when I start the quest or enter this map 1@pop1 47 133, i am getting this error and logs me out Exception Type: 0xc0000005 0x005ca330 NexusRO.exe 0x706f7040 0xa0c75763 eax: 0x04af4cb0 ebx: 0x00000000 ecx: 0x00000000 edx: 0x00b392f8 esi: 0x094dafe0 edi: 0x094dafe0 ebp: 0x094db04c esp: 0x0018fb28 stack 0018fb28 - 0018ff28 0018FB28 : E0 AF 4D 09 4C B0 4D 09 8C FC 18 00 BF E2 75 00 0018FB38 : FF FF FF FF 30 34 5E 00 F0 BD 8A AE 40 D5 7E 00 0018FB48 : 10 D5 7E 00 18 D5 7E 00 00 00 00 00 10 05 8E 02 0018FB58 : 00 00 00 00 F0 FA 18 00 C8 29 61 09 90 7C 60 09 0018FB68 : E0 AF 4D 09 6D 31 5A 00 E0 1D 21 05 6C E3 29 77 0018FB78 : D2 E0 29 77 00 B2 4D 09 20 00 00 00 2F 00 00 00 0018FB88 : 6D 31 5A 00 FE FF FF FF 6C E3 29 77 D2 E0 29 77 0018FB98 : 00 B2 4D 09 0C 00 00 00 26 E0 29 77 E0 AF 4D 09 0018FBA8 : E0 AF 4D 09 DB AF 4D 09 00 00 00 00 18 ED 20 00 0018FBB8 : 00 00 9F 02 00 00 00 01 08 FB 18 00 01 00 00 00 0018FBC8 : B4 FC 18 00 CD 1E 2E 77 45 2B 5A 00 FE FF FF FF 0018FBD8 : 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 28 00 00 00 88 06 00 00 0018FBE8 : 08 FC 18 00 B8 3D 7B 72 00 00 9F 02 00 00 00 00 0018FBF8 : 1C 00 00 00 00 B2 4D 09 00 00 00 00 34 B2 4D 09 0018FC08 : 20 FC 18 00 B8 3E 7B 72 1C 00 00 00 0C 00 00 00 0018FC18 : 5C FC 18 00 94 5E A0 74 00 00 00 00 B0 B5 4D 09 Launch Info 018E 018D 016A 016A 00A4 00A4 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Job : High Wizard
  13. why am I receiving this error? the npc to this script is not using the ID number, its using the npc name but still i am having this error. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '139' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '45' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '936' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '647' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '922' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '936' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '45' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '926' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '926' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '936' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '936' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '916' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '926' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '916' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '926' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '917' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '927' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '920' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '935' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '916' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '926' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '916' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '926' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '936' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '916' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '916' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '10046' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '927' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '935' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '936' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '936' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '917' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '927' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '936' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '917' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '920' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '45' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '936' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '45' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '936' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '139' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '45' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '936' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '139' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '647' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '975' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '914' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '81' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '922' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '111' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '922' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '647' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '914' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '81' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '86' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '918' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '66' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '82' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '922' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '647' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '101' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '919' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '996' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '932' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '915' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '931' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '81' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '922' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '93' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '880' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '928' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '846' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '10046' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '975' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '111' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '647' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '81' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '922' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '936' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '139' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '647' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '943' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '927' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '917' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '701' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '809' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '50' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '808' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '929' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '979' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '927' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '55' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '914' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '703' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '66' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '922' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '647' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '703' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '975' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '914' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '81' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '936' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '139' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '936' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '139' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '45' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '139' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '647' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '139' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '922' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '647' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '932' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '647' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '922' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '934' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '139' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '10046' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '922' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '647' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '1779' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '925' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '647' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '936' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '647' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '936' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '647' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'. [Warning]: npc_parseview: Use of numeric NPC view IDs is deprecated and may be removed in a future update. Please use NPC view constants instead. ID '45' specified in file 'INSTANCING', line '1'.
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