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About dnote98

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  1. What you can do is remove every option besides "left hand" or "right hand" EX. // Build the Menu. setarray(.@position$[1], "상단", "갑옷", "왼손", "오른손", "걸칠것", "신발"); /// << Leave only right hand or both if you want to add to shields too. .@menu$ = ""; for (.@i = 1; .@i <= 6; ++.@i) /// <<<< Here you change 6 to 1 OR 2 depending on if you want right hand or both. .@menu$ += ((getequipisequiped(.@i)) ? getequipname(.@i) : .@position$[.@i] + "-[착용하지 않음]") + ":"; // Select the part. .@equip_index = select(.@menu$); So change to : // Build the Menu. setarray(.@position$[1], "오른손"); .@menu$ = ""; for (.@i = 1; .@i <= 1; ++.@i) .@menu$ += ((getequipisequiped(.@i)) ? getequipname(.@i) : .@position$[.@i] + "-[착용하지 않음]") + ":"; // Select the part. .@equip_index = select(.@menu$);
  2. where is the externalsettings file lol like what is the file location.
  3. Anyone ever figure this out? im triyng to do the same
  4. is a working broadcaster npc still available? i used the one from Tokei and i get stuck after broadcasting. prontera,157,180,3 script Broadcaster#1::BC 894,{ .@npcname$ = "^FF9300 Broadcaster ^000000"; .@header$ = "[^0000ff" + .@npcname$ + "^000000]"; mes .@header$; mes "Hi, I'm the Broadcaster."; mes "I can Broadcast a message for you."; mes " "; mes " "; mes " "; mes "It costs ^ff0000" + .broadcastfee + "^000000 zeny."; next; mes .@header$; mes "Would you like to Broadcast?"; next; switch (select("Yes:Nevermind:Auto-broadcast:")) { case 1: if (Broadcast > gettimetick(2)) { mes .@header$; mes "Sorry you have to wait for 1 min."; close; } if (Zeny < .broadcastfee) { goto L_NotEnoughZeny; } mes .@header$; mes "Please input your message."; next; input .@broadcast$; Zeny -= .broadcastfee; announce "Broadcast From " + strcharinfo(0) + ": " + .@broadcast$ + "", 0, 0x5AFF00; // Edit 5AFF00 for color code HTML Color Code Broadcast = gettimetick(2) + 60; //Timer 60 = 1 minute/s dispbottom "Broadcaster: Please wait for 1min until next broadcast to avoid flooding."; end; case 2: mes .@header$; mes "Suit yourself."; close; case 3: mes .@header$; mes "Hi, I can automatically broadcast messages for you!"; mes "It will cost you ^ff0000" + .auto_broadcastfee + "^000000 zeny per broadcast."; next; .@aid = getcharid(3); switch(select("Proceed:Check status:Exit")) { case 1: if ($bc_announces_delay[.@aid]) { mes .@header$; mes "You already have an auto announce for this account."; close; } mes .@header$; mes "Please input your message."; next; input .@broadcast$; mes .@header$; mes "How many times do you want to broadcast?"; mes "Min: 1"; mes "Max: 100"; next; input .@repeat, 1, 100; if (.@repeat < 1 || .@repeat > 100) { mes .@header$; mes "Suit yourself."; close; } .@delay = 3; mes .@header$; mes "Delay between announces?"; mes "Min: 3"; mes "Max: 20"; next; input .@delay, 3, 20; if (.@delay < 3 || .@delay > 20) { mes .@header$; mes "Suit yourself."; close; } .@cost = .auto_broadcastfee * .@repeat; mes .@header$; mes "You want to broadcast:"; mes "^ff0000" + .@broadcast$ + "^000000"; mes "Every 3 minutes for ^00ff00" + .@repeat + "^000000 time(s)?"; mes "It will cost you a total of ^ff0000" + .@cost + "^000000 zeny."; next; switch(select("Proceed:Cancel")) { case 2: mes .@header$; mes "Suit yourself."; close; } if (Zeny < .@cost) { goto L_NotEnoughZeny; } Zeny -= .@cost; $bc_announces_timer[.@aid] = 0; $bc_announces_repeat[.@aid] = .@repeat; $bc_announces_delay[.@aid] = .@delay * 60; $bc_announces_mes$[.@aid] = "Shout from " + strcharinfo(0) + ": " + .@broadcast$; $bc_announces_aid2idx[.@aid] = $bc_announces_count; $bc_announces_idx2aid[$bc_announces_count] = .@aid; $bc_announces_count++; close; case 2: if ($bc_announces_delay[.@aid] == 0) { mes .@header$; mes "You currently have no auto announces."; close; } mes .@header$; mes "Your current announce is as follow:"; mes "^ff0000" + $bc_announces_mes$[.@aid] + "^000000"; mes "It will be announced again in " + $bc_announces_timer[.@aid] + " second(s)."; mes "It will repeat " + $bc_announces_repeat[.@aid] + " more time(s)."; next; switch(select("Okay:Cancel announce:")) { case 1: mes .@header$; mes "..."; close; case 2: mes .@header$; mes "Your zeny will not be refunded, are you sure you want to cancel?"; next; switch(select("No:Yes")) { case 1: mes .@header$; mes "Suit yourself."; close; } if ($bc_announces_delay[.@aid] == 0) { // It already ended? end; } callsub L_RemoveAutoAnnounce, .@aid; mes .@header$; mes "All done."; close; } end; case 3: mes .@header$; mes "Suit yourself."; close; case 4: close; } close; } end; L_NotEnoughZeny: mes .@header$; mes "You don't have enough zeny."; close; OnTimer1000: freeloop(1); for (.@i = 0; .@i < $bc_announces_count; .@i++) { .@aid = $bc_announces_idx2aid[.@i]; $bc_announces_timer[.@aid]--; if ($bc_announces_timer[.@aid] <= 0 && .@didannounce == false) { announce $bc_announces_mes$[.@aid], 0, 0x5AFF00; $bc_announces_repeat[.@aid]--; $bc_announces_timer[.@aid] = $bc_announces_delay[.@aid]; if ($bc_announces_repeat[.@aid] <= 0) { callsub L_RemoveAutoAnnounce, .@aid; .@i--; } .@didannounce = true; // Prevents overlapping of announces } } freeloop(0); initnpctimer; end; L_RemoveAutoAnnounce: .@aid = getarg(0); .@idx = $bc_announces_aid2idx[.@aid]; $bc_announces_timer[.@aid] = 0; $bc_announces_repeat[.@aid] = 0; $bc_announces_delay[.@aid] = 0; $bc_announces_mes$[.@aid] = ""; .@last_aid = $bc_announces_idx2aid[$bc_announces_count - 1]; $bc_announces_idx2aid[.@idx] = .@last_aid; $bc_announces_idx2aid[$bc_announces_count - 1] = 0; $bc_announces_aid2idx[.@last_aid] = .@idx; $bc_announces_count--; return; OnInit: .broadcastfee = 3000000; .auto_broadcastfee = 500000; initnpctimer; end; }
  5. Can this method be used for example manually adding 4th jobs?
  6. Nice thank you i was looking for a guild storage npc.
  7. Hello im having an issue, on my local server everything works fine but on my public server hosted on my vps is having issues with certain skills. increase agility and blessing arent working and i dont know how to fix this problem, it will cash but not take effect. Players are getting discouraged.
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