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Found 6 results

  1. View File Medieval Tavern - [FREE MAP] Hi. I am Tio Akima. This is one of my works in creating maps / graphs. Available to the community. (free) Medieval Tavern Map Map made in Browedit (Thanks Borf) 3d models made in 3D Max Any error / bug let me know so I can fix it. Submitter Tio Akima Submitted 05/18/20 Category Maps & Textures  
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Hi. I am Tio Akima. This is one of my works in creating maps / graphs. Available to the community. (free) Medieval Tavern Map Map made in Browedit (Thanks Borf) 3d models made in 3D Max Any error / bug let me know so I can fix it.
  3. Hi ... I've finished a series of maps recently, inspired by a horror story theme. The main map is a modern city, freely inspired by Raccon City (RE) with classic places such as the famous Mansion of RE1 and also the raccon city police station. A map made for RO, but the idea was to remove all the medieval elements, to maintain a modern aesthetic, to approach our present world. I've posted here the city and also the mansion ... I recently finished the police department RPD - Raccoon City Police Department B01 first floor with several rooms B02 second floor with several other rooms Now there are 3 huge maps The city, the mansion and the police department RPD MANSION CITY
  4. Bonjour! I finished another map of the Gaia Series, totally customized, and with that touch of fantasy. The Enchanted Village! The idea of this map is to be the main city of the Gaia project, an idealized instance created by TioAkima, where there will be PVP, dungeons, fiefdoms, items, NPCs, Mobs, VIP Room, etc ... All this theme. (Below are some prints and video of the Map) One more touch of fantasy of TioAkima ... VIDEO SHOWING THE MAP MORE DETAIL LOOK THE MOVIE! Leets'rooock For those who have not seen yet, the PVP with the same theme, Look the video! LOOK THE MOVIE! GO! Leets'plaaaaaaaay guys This is GAIA PVP End! Thanks
  5. Maps in Arena format "The Sacred Blood" (O sangue Sacro) Hii Guys, New maps in arena format, no obstacle in the arena, focused strictly on pvp (beating vs beating) ... This is the right map for you to decide who is the grandmaster in the best x1 style. Sacred or Blood? "Choose your side, release your essence, and come to the fight!"
  6. Hii Guys! plus a map made with the GAIA theme! I've already done a pvp on this subject, and I'm thinking of making a GAIA map pack! With lots of green, lots of nature, lots of earth, lots of LIFE, lots of fantasy of course. Below are the images of VIP ROOM [GAIA] Print in game part of the project
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