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Found 45 results

  1. View File Special Room - 1.0 [FREE MAP] Special Room (s_room) Map created by TioAkima and distributed (without any cost) by the author himself. It is a customized room that can have several functions, such as room for Quest's, Market (shop's), VIP room, meetings, etc ... The trade in this map is permanently prohibited. [I have not yet tested the map .. I have finished recently so .. Any mistake, please let me know.] Att, TioAkima Submitter Tio Akima Submitted 02/02/18 Category Maps & Textures  
  2. As of Release v2018.03.13, the method to generate mapcache for Hercules has changed. A lot of people. myself included, were confused as to how it works. In this thread, I will do my best to explain the new way to generate your cache. This guide is intended to help people using the old system, not to aid new people (i.e. never generated mapcache before), so if you are new, some of it may seem like alien talk. Old (your source predates [is older than] Feb 18, 2018) In the old system, there were two ways to generate mapcache You could run the mapcache executable in Hercules root folder. Or use a program such as WeeMapCache to edit in your required mapcache. These two methods would generate or alter your required mapcache located in db/[pre-re or re]/map_cache.dat. However, they are no longer supported. New (your source is using Release v2018.03.13 or newer) The new system involves the use of the new 'mapcache' plugin to generate files. Some quick points: db/[pre-re or re]/map_cache.dat has been dropped (no longer supported). In its place are individual .mcache files for every map located in maps/[pre-re or re]/ Mapcache executable has been removed. Replaced with the mapcache plugin (src/plugins/mapcache.c). How to generate the mapcache? Same as before, check conf/map/maps.conf and db/map_index.txt have all the maps you want to cache. Your maps need to exist somewhere in your repository! There are two ways for the plugin to find them: a. Place all your maps, including resnametable.txt, inside the data folder of your Hercules repo. I.e. Hercules/data/prontera.gat/gnd/gnd/rsw (note: I forget if all three files are needed). b. OR Configure your conf/grf-files.txt to tell it where to find your GRF(s) which contains your maps. Build the mapcache plugin. On linux, this can be done by running the following command: make plugin.mapcache If using MSVC, compile as you would any other plugin. Execute plugin. This can be done using the following command: ./map-server --load-plugin mapcache [param] In windows, just remove the './' and run the commands in your command prompt. The params: The first thing you should do is run ./map-server --load-plugin mapcache --help A list of usable parameters will appear. Here are the ones you need to know for mapcache: [Info]: --convert-old-mapcache Converts an old db/pre-re/map_cache.dat file to the new format. [Mapcache] [Info]: --rebuild-mapcache Rebuilds the entire mapcache folder (maps/pre-re/), using db/map_index.txt as index. [Mapcache] [Info]: --map <name> Rebuilds an individual map's cache into maps/pre-re/ (usage: --map <map_name_without_extension>). [Mapcache] [Info]: --fix-md5 Updates the checksum for the files in maps/pre-re/, using db/map_index.txt as index (see PR #1981). [Mapcache] ./map-server --load-plugin mapcache --convert-old-mapcache Rebuild all the .mcache files using your old db/[pre-re or re]map_cache.dat file. NOTE: You should only run this command when you have an old map_cache.dat file you need to convert. ./map-server --load-plugin mapcache --rebuild-mapcache Rebuild all the .mcache files using your map files specified in step 2 of generation. NOTE: You should only run this command in special circumstances. This erases ALL the existing mapcache and rebuilds it with whatever files you provide it. If you don't have the required files, the build will fail and you will be left with missing mapcache files, meaning you won't be able to access those particular maps. ./map-server --load-plugin mapcache --map <name> Rebuild the .mcache file for the map name you specify. E.g. if you replace <name> with prontera, the maps/[pre-re or re]/prontera.mcache file will be rebuilt. NOTE: This is the best command to run, as it only caches a single map at a time. ./map-server --load-plugin mapcache --fix-md5 I don't know what checksum is for. The End Feel free to ask for help here. I'll try to answer questions re: mapcache if possible. And if you think anything needs correcting or added, let me know. Hope this helps!
  3. Hi ... I've finished a series of maps recently, inspired by a horror story theme. The main map is a modern city, freely inspired by Raccon City (RE) with classic places such as the famous Mansion of RE1 and also the raccon city police station. A map made for RO, but the idea was to remove all the medieval elements, to maintain a modern aesthetic, to approach our present world. The second map is MANSION (freely inspired) This map has 4 floors (two extremely large 2 floors (150x150), 1 small floor and basement. The maps are well detailed and with the possibility to compose a series of quest's and events. There are many possibilities. It can be used as an instance, as main city, map for events (such as zombie invazion, undead, savior, vips events, hunter), quests, etc. just be creative. Tell me your opinion, maybe you can help me improve. Thank you. ps: The police department is not ready yet.***** (Some images to better illustrate) THE CITY Now some images of the Mansion with 4 floors I like it when the maps are well filled, with no empty spaces, and with many details, something that suggests that there is life there, with dirt and trash on the floor, etc ... 01F and 02F 03F and basement
  4. View File Town of Beginnings from SwordArtOnline Town of Beginnings from SAO I'm releasing this map that I made a while ago for a SAO-RAG project that has been put on hold, and i felt like it's too good of a map to put it on a shelf ;] Hope you guys enjoy the release. ;] Some files inside include the color changes on some texture files, so keep that in mind, and delete them if you want. Here is a video that I also posted in my showcase topic Submitter raPalooza~ Submitted 04/16/19 Category Maps & Textures  
  5. Version 1.4.0


    Special Room (s_room) Map created by TioAkima and distributed (without any cost) by the author himself. It is a customized room that can have several functions, such as room for Quest's, Market (shop's), VIP room, meetings, etc ... The trade in this map is permanently prohibited. [I have not yet tested the map .. I have finished recently so .. Any mistake, please let me know.] Att, TioAkima
  6. Sora



    Askald This mas is public so don't try to sell it or make it your property. It is my first map, i am pretty happy with the result and i will probably make some more. Contact You can found me on discord : Sloth#6226 Github : https://github.com/SlothBM/ Crédit I would like to thank the Borf discord community for helping me with a few issues. Want to support my work ?
  7. View File Medieval Tavern - [FREE MAP] Hi. I am Tio Akima. This is one of my works in creating maps / graphs. Available to the community. (free) Medieval Tavern Map Map made in Browedit (Thanks Borf) 3d models made in 3D Max Any error / bug let me know so I can fix it. Submitter Tio Akima Submitted 05/18/20 Category Maps & Textures  
  8. Version 1.0.0


    Hi. I am Tio Akima. This is one of my works in creating maps / graphs. Available to the community. (free) Medieval Tavern Map Map made in Browedit (Thanks Borf) 3d models made in 3D Max Any error / bug let me know so I can fix it.
  9. Sora


    View File Askald Askald This mas is public so don't try to sell it or make it your property. It is my first map, i am pretty happy with the result and i will probably make some more. Contact You can found me on discord : Sloth#6226 Github : https://github.com/SlothBM/ Crédit I would like to thank the Borf discord community for helping me with a few issues. Want to support my work ? Submitter Sora Submitted 05/15/20 Category Maps & Textures  
  10. Good day guys! Just downloaded the latest newbie pack. I'm having issues in izlude. I can't walk in certain areas, there's like invisible barricades. Newbie here. Every help is appreciated.
  11. Hi ... I've finished a series of maps recently, inspired by a horror story theme. The main map is a modern city, freely inspired by Raccon City (RE) with classic places such as the famous Mansion of RE1 and also the raccon city police station. A map made for RO, but the idea was to remove all the medieval elements, to maintain a modern aesthetic, to approach our present world. I've posted here the city and also the mansion ... I recently finished the police department RPD - Raccoon City Police Department B01 first floor with several rooms B02 second floor with several other rooms Now there are 3 huge maps The city, the mansion and the police department RPD MANSION CITY
  12. Version 1


    Town of Beginnings from SAO I'm releasing this map that I made a while ago for a SAO-RAG project that has been put on hold, and i felt like it's too good of a map to put it on a shelf ;] Hope you guys enjoy the release. ;] Some files inside include the color changes on some texture files, so keep that in mind, and delete them if you want. Here is a video that I also posted in my showcase topic
  13. Hello there, Do you guys have an idea what is causing this visual error? I'm not sure if it's cause by: corrupted map files bad client configuration some other client file that i haven't configured Issue Black spots show up in only certain parts of the map. It appears to be some kind of tiling issue, or resource problem. Client in use 2014-02-05bRagexe.exe Completely updated client using rsu-kro-rag-lite.exe as of December 14, 2018. Hercules Server version Hercules 32-bit for Windows Git revision (src): '6b3a70adefd5eea89ad4144a48c24501e4cdfa52' Git revision (scripts): '6b3a70adefd5eea89ad4144a48c24501e4cdfa52' Operating system Windows 8 Enterprise (build 9200) [x86_64] If there's missing information I need to provide, please let me know what I need to share. Thanks in advance!
  14. Bonjour! I finished another map of the Gaia Series, totally customized, and with that touch of fantasy. The Enchanted Village! The idea of this map is to be the main city of the Gaia project, an idealized instance created by TioAkima, where there will be PVP, dungeons, fiefdoms, items, NPCs, Mobs, VIP Room, etc ... All this theme. (Below are some prints and video of the Map) One more touch of fantasy of TioAkima ... VIDEO SHOWING THE MAP MORE DETAIL LOOK THE MOVIE! Leets'rooock For those who have not seen yet, the PVP with the same theme, Look the video! LOOK THE MOVIE! GO! Leets'plaaaaaaaay guys This is GAIA PVP End! Thanks
  15. Maps in Arena format "The Sacred Blood" (O sangue Sacro) Hii Guys, New maps in arena format, no obstacle in the arena, focused strictly on pvp (beating vs beating) ... This is the right map for you to decide who is the grandmaster in the best x1 style. Sacred or Blood? "Choose your side, release your essence, and come to the fight!"
  16. Hii Guys! plus a map made with the GAIA theme! I've already done a pvp on this subject, and I'm thinking of making a GAIA map pack! With lots of green, lots of nature, lots of earth, lots of LIFE, lots of fantasy of course. Below are the images of VIP ROOM [GAIA] Print in game part of the project
  17. Hii Guys... I finished another map for RO, the idea is to be a pvp thematic map, but it can be used for many other things, it goes from the creativity of the person, it can be map for events, gvg, dungeon, quest room, vip room, adm room , gold room, etc ... etc ... etc ... The theme is gaia, mother earth. then the map is all green with plenty of foliage, trees, grass, dirt floor, water around, etc. usually pvp maps are dark, indoors. So the idea was a more open, clearer environment with more sunshine ... LET'S GIVE A FANTASY TOUCH IN THE SCENE OF THE BATTLES. att, Tio Akima VIDEO
  18. Hello, Can someone help me make a "bmp" file that fits to the movement of character on the mini map? I have attached the poblacion map files and the bmp i have that doesn't fit to the movements on the character. Please help me Thank you! poblacion.7z poblacion.bmp
  19. Version 1.0.0


    ARENA Four Fight! (4fight) - PVP MAP 3 colors available (GREEN, BLUE AND RED) (It's been some time since I started to make this map, but I did not have time to finish it ... It's a basic room, I intend to complement it in other versions in the future!) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -It is a custom room with 4 arena for PVP, but can have several functions, such as room for Quest's, Market (shop's), VIP room, meetings, events, etc ... Map created by TioAkima and distributed (without any cost) by the author himself. The trade in this map is permanently prohibited. - AUTHOR RIGHTS - Credits must be given. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- att, Tio Akima Contato/contact Dicord - @TioAkima#0636 DeviantArt- http://tioakima.deviantart.com/
  20. View File Arena 4fight - by Tio Akima ARENA Four Fight! (4fight) - PVP MAP 3 colors available (GREEN, BLUE AND RED) (It's been some time since I started to make this map, but I did not have time to finish it ... It's a basic room, I intend to complement it in other versions in the future!) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -It is a custom room with 4 arena for PVP, but can have several functions, such as room for Quest's, Market (shop's), VIP room, meetings, events, etc ... Map created by TioAkima and distributed (without any cost) by the author himself. The trade in this map is permanently prohibited. - AUTHOR RIGHTS - Credits must be given. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- att, Tio Akima Contato/contact Dicord - @TioAkima#0636 DeviantArt- http://tioakima.deviantart.com/ Submitter Tio Akima Submitted 07/26/18 Category Maps & Textures  
  21. I got it, now I m looking how to close the Topic kkk Hi everyone! First my apologies for my bad English and I'm having trouble to ADD a custom map on my Hercules Server I found this topic
  22. View File soularena BG Map (free) It is a small gift from me to the Ragnarok Community soularena is created for SoulRO and anyone can use it This map is created by me (caspe) & it is 100% free Request to users Do not claim other's work as yours Do not sell this map Give credit to the original creator all texture and models which are used in this map are created by Gravity. Submitter caspe Submitted 02/09/18 Category Maps & Textures  
  23. Version 1.0.0


    It is a small gift from me to the Ragnarok Community soularena is created for SoulRO and anyone can use it This map is created by me (caspe) & it is 100% free Request to users Do not claim other's work as yours Do not sell this map Give credit to the original creator all texture and models which are used in this map are created by Gravity.
  24. Bom, estou aqui para informar um problema no mapa de izlude,morocc,alberta, estou usando um Hexed 2014-03-05, e o teletransporte de izlude parece que está errado, esta no meio da agua... pessoal quem pode me ajuda...por favor... pode ateh mandar um Hexed com os mapa mas novo que eu uso.... por favor... a meu servidor é um RE
  25. I was thinking, how about a disabled_status mapflag or map zone conf? How it would work is whenever 'SC_STATUS' is specified in that mapflag (or map zone?), it will automatically end or not allow that status to take place. Example hypothetical mapflag: prtg_cas01 mapflag nostatus SC_ASSUMPTIO In this instance, when on the map prtg_cas01, even if a player can use a skill which does this status (i.e. Assumptio, High Priest Skill), the status will not take effect. And any new players entering this map will automatically lose SC_ASSUMPTIO. Or it could work in map_zone_db.conf. This example would do the same as above for Blessing and Assumptio statuses. disabled_status: { SC_ASSUMPTIO: true SC_BLESSING: true } Erm, just throwing an idea I thought of out there. Let me know what you guys think. Even if it's not suitable for official herc, maybe it will inspire someone
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