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Buenas, disculpen si esto esta respondido pero no encontre un post igual resusta que mi server volvio de un cierre y al ponerlo denuevo on encontre un "error" no se pueden equipar cartas en los escudos (las demas si funcionan bien) e buscando por varios lados como solucionar esto y no me sale nada el cliente lo actualizamos del 2012 al 2013 para asi poder tener rebellion, si me pudieran ayudar con eso se los agradeceria mucho soy admin nuevo y estaria 10/10 si me explicaran con pasos :T
Version 1.0.1
Hi guys! Seeing that rAthena is down and the time I uploaded the file it got deleted, Here's the cards that I have currently for the Sealed MVP Cards! More power to Hercules! If you have more pictures to be added in, do let me know and I'll add them in! Right now these are what I have only. Anyways the names are the same as the item_db so it should be working fine! I have 22 cards here. It's not fully done yet though! Pictures such as Sealed Valkyrie aren't in yet and I can't get them through our grf files. So if someone does have the files, do let me know! -It seems that Hercules does not supports RAR files therefore I can't place all the files together. Sorry guys) -
File Name: Sealed MVP Cards File Submitter: ToiletMaster File Submitted: 24 May 2013 File Category: Other Graphics Hi guys! Seeing that rAthena is down and the time I uploaded the file it got deleted, Here's the cards that I have currently for the Sealed MVP Cards! More power to Hercules! If you have more pictures to be added in, do let me know and I'll add them in! Right now these are what I have only. Anyways the names are the same as the item_db so it should be working fine! I have 22 cards here. It's not fully done yet though! Pictures such as Sealed Valkyrie aren't in yet and I can't get them through our grf files. So if someone does have the files, do let me know! -It seems that Hercules does not supports RAR files therefore I can't place all the files together. Sorry guys) Click here to download this file