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Found 2 results

  1. File Name: Restock System File Submitter: Dastgir File Submitted: 10 Jan 2015 File Category: Plugins It is a restock system(which I apparently made 5-6 months ago) [Also its a Plugin - Yay] So I am just releasing it, as I feel its been useful for many servers. Though there can be some optimizations on script-side(will be applied later on). You need to enable plugin as well as script provided in the download. 2 commands: @restock - Enables/Disables Restock System @restock2 - To Add/Remove item Usage:@restock2 <itemid> <quantity> <type1> <type2>Type 1:1 = Storage2 = GStorageType 2:1 = Add2 = Remove3 = Help4 = List5 = Empty The List@restock2 x y z 3 For Help@restock2 x y z 4 For Current Restocking List@restock2 x y z 5 For Removing All Items From Restockx,y,z Can be any number, e.g: @restock2 0 0 0 3 will give you help option,@restock2 x y z 5 will Empty your list It Support Restocking of All Kinds of Item. Click here to download this file
  2. Version 1.1


    It is a restock system(which I apparently made 5-6 months ago) [Also its a Plugin - Yay] So I am just releasing it, as I feel its been useful for many servers. Though there can be some optimizations on script-side(will be applied later on). You need to enable plugin as well as script provided in the download. 2 commands: @restock - Enables/Disables Restock System @restock2 - To Add/Remove item Usage:@restock2 <itemid> <quantity> <type1> <type2>Type 1:1 = Storage2 = GStorageType 2:1 = Add2 = Remove3 = Help4 = List5 = Empty The List@restock2 x y z 3 For Help@restock2 x y z 4 For Current Restocking List@restock2 x y z 5 For Removing All Items From Restockx,y,z Can be any number, e.g: @restock2 0 0 0 3 will give you help option,@restock2 x y z 5 will Empty your list It Support Restocking of All Kinds of Item.
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