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Found 9 results

  1. Hi there! It's been a while since i last set up Hercules. Already read and followed some of the existing Guides. (but it's obsolete) Anyone, can you walk me through the CONF files Set up? i'm kind of stuck in the "inter-server.conf" and the MySQL set up. By the way, i'm using Visual Studio 2017, Can i Build any of the Hercules-11,12,14.sln (solution) files using it? Thank you for checking my post!
  2. Good afternoon friends, I need to configure the login table and loginlog in a different database, for example: Myserver_login: login, loginlo Myserver_1: char, storage ..... etc Myserver_2: char, storage ..... etc I did this with rAthena using the "inter_athena.conf" // MySQL Login server Login_server_ip: Login_server_port: 3306 Login_server_id: *** Login_server_pw: *** Login_server_db: *** // MySQL Character server Char_server_ip: Char_server_port: 3306 Char_server_id: *** Char_server_pw: *** Char_server_db: *** Etc ... I can do the same in Hercules? Thank you : )
  3. Olá pessoal, Venho aqui tirar duvidas referente a item_db.conf. Minhas duvidas são: 1º - Qual melhor maneira de editar itens da item_db? Converte ele para TXT e editar? Ou edita pelo arquivo .conf mesmo? 2º - Caso a melhor opção seja editar a item_db em .TXT, qual programa eu uso para converter o .conf para .txt? 3º - Caso a melhor opção seja editar a item_db em .CONF, qual programa eu utilizo para abrir/editar e salvar esses arquivos .conf? Agradeço pela ajuda.
  4. Greetings, Regarding Hercules' almost demanding way of using text-based database files. Having developed mainly item and mobs in SQL on rAthena, is there's no swift way to import SQL queries to convert them to text? Because of that I have been working on the database conversion, which I have said in the past and you can find the information in this topic. Getting stuck on two aspects so far in (successfully) converting the databases if I have to stick with SQL due to the above not being (currently) possible: equip_locations at rA is set to mediumint(7) and at Herc to smallint(4), which prevents conversion due to certain values being out of range, at least as far as I've researched. ✓ Solved this one, had to use CHANGE instead of MODIFY and re-state the column name. The type of item where rA and Herc have opposite values for Weapon and Armor/Garment/Boots/Headgear/Accessory, updating the query to switch them yields either all weapons or all armor/etc. Is anyone able and willing to push me in the right direction? Naturally I'll publish the modifications I've done to jaBote's rA > Herc convertor when I get things are working the way it is intended to. Finally, I still haven't solved/received the answer I wanted from the topic I quoted above. It doesn't affect me or the server I'm working on, but it is for the sake of completion for the convertor for those who are affected by that specific table. Kind regards, Tranquility
  5. Hi~ I wanna hide the 'group' name for one specific group. but I don't wanna use hide_session for I want them to appear on the @who command, I just want them to look like other players~ and not display the groupname: Quake (Police)
  6. Good day all.. just a quick question.. these lines of inter-server.conf "use_sql_mob_db & use_sql_mob_skill_db" what does it do? // == SQL item, mob, mob skill databases// =====================================// Note: the following databases may get out of date at times, or not be// thoroughly tested (if at all, since they're auto-generated). As such it is// not advisable to rely on them other than for informative reasons (Control// Panels, websites, etc.)// Unless you know what you're doing, please consider using their txt version.// Note2: It is perfectly legit (and recommended) to use txt databases in// Hercules, while still loading the SQL tables we provide to be used// exclusively by your Control Panel or Website.// Use SQL for item_db? (not recommended)use_sql_item_db: no// Use SQL for mob_db? (not recommended)use_sql_mob_db: no /* If yes? what does it do? */ // Use SQL for mob_skill_db? (not recommended)use_sql_mob_skill_db: no /* if yes? what does it do? */ import: conf/import/inter_conf.txt
  7. File Name: Item DB Converter File Submitter: Jhedzkie File Submitted: 22 Nov 2013 File Category: Client Resources A tool that converts the old Athena item_db format to the new Hercules format. [instructions] 1. Select item_db.txt or item_db2.txt file to convert. 2. Press 'Process' button. 3. You may Copy-Paste the output to your existing item_db/2.conf or you may choose to save the output as a file. [Requirements] * .net Framework 4.0 Click here to download this file
  8. Is there any toggle to disable the whole battleground system including the npcs, items, maps? I looked into conf/battle folder but could not find one.
  9. Version 1.0


    A tool that converts the old Athena item_db format to the new Hercules format. [instructions] 1. Select item_db.txt or item_db2.txt file to convert. 2. Press 'Process' button. 3. You may Copy-Paste the output to your existing item_db/2.conf or you may choose to save the output as a file. [Requirements] * .net Framework 4.0
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