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Found 13 results

  1. //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= Find the Mushroom //===== By: ================================================== //= Mysterious //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 3.6a //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena Project //===== Description: ========================================= //= Find the Mushroom - random amount of Mushrooms spawns in random maps. //= Players need to find these mushrooms and kill them to gain prizes! //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= 3.0 Fully Functional with Rewritten script. [Mysterious] //= 3.6a Slightly edited. [Euphy] //============================================================ prontera,142,228,6 script Find the Mushroom 1084,{ mes "[ Find The Mushroom ]"; if (.status == 1) { .@count = mobcount( .event_map$, strnpcinfo(0) + "::OnMobKilled" ); if (.@count > 0) { mes "There are " + .@count + " Mushrooms left in " + .event_map$ + "!"; mes "Find and kill the mushrooms to gain " + getitemname(.prize) + "!"; close; } .event_map$ = ""; .status = 0; mes "All the mushrooms are killed?"; } mes "There is no event at the moment!"; if (.status || getgmlevel() < .GM) close; mes "Start the event?"; next; if (select("- No:- Yes") == 1) close; donpcevent strnpcinfo(0) + "::OnMinute10"; mes "[ Find The Mushroom ]"; mes "Event started!"; close; OnInit: .prize = 512; // Reward item ID .amount = 10; // Reward item amount .GM = 60; // GM level required to access NPC setarray .maps_list$[0],"izlude","geffen","morocc","prontera"; // Possible maps end; OnMinute10: // Start time (every hour) if (.status) end; .status = 1; .@spawn = rand(1,10); // How many Mushrooms should spawn? .event_map$ = .maps_list$[ rand(getarraysize(.maps_list$)) ]; .@label$ = strnpcinfo(0) + "::OnMobKilled"; killmonster .event_map$, .@label$; monster .event_map$,0,0,"Please don't kill me!",1084,.@spawn, .@label$; announce "Find the Mushroom : Total of " + .@spawn + " Mushrooms have been spawned in " + .event_map$ + "!",0; sleep 2500; announce "Find the Mushroom : Every Mushroom you kill will give you " + getitemname(.prize) + "!",0; end; OnMobKilled: if (playerattached() == 0) end; getitem .prize, .amount; .@spawn = mobcount( .event_map$, strnpcinfo(0) + "::OnMobKilled" ); if (.@spawn > 0) announce "[ " + strcharinfo(0) + " ] has killed a Mushroom. There are now " + .@spawn + " Mushroom(s) left.",bc_map; else { announce "The Find the Mushroom Event has ended. All the Mushrooms have been killed.",0; .status = 0; .event_map$ = ""; } end; } ^ This is the whole script. Can we have an option to set time limit for this quest? Because it wont re start until all the mushroom has been slain. I am thinking to have 30 minutes for every event. Thanks!
  2. this script gets in the way when I editing the wiki, so I have to dispose here ops, I mean, release here Download: script simple script, the npc announce the name of the card it wants if the player having this card, can give to this npc for a reward found this idea from rathena script request
  3. Version 0.9.1


    (as originally requested in this topic) What is it? As the download name says, it's an automatic event that will change the drop rate on a set of mobs. Each roll is made every Monday at 00:00 (also at server startup or using reloadscript). It also has custom announces on each roll and a nifty @command that informs the users of the current active set. You can fully customize its behavior easily on the configurations, starting from the amount of sets (which have to follow a pattern on the variable that carries them) and the name to assign to them, the amount of mobs the sets have (you may have sets of different amount of members), the drop rate multiplicator and so on. Have a peek on the configurations as of v 0.9.1. As you can see, it's fully customizable! // Add in mob IDs (or SpriteNames if you want) where the numbers are. // You can virtually have an unlimited sets, and an unlimited amount of // members for each set. Just remember that you each array member has to // follow this pattern: member1, member2, (...), memberN; setarray .set_0[0], 1001, 1002, 1004, 1005, 1007; // Neutral setarray .set_1[0], 1001, 1002, 1004, 1005, 1007; // Water setarray .set_2[0], 1001, 1002, 1004, 1005, 1007; // Earth setarray .set_3[0], 1001, 1002, 1004, 1005, 1007; // Fire setarray .set_4[0], 1001, 1002, 1004, 1005, 1007; // Wind setarray .set_5[0], 1001, 1002, 1004, 1005, 1007; // Poison setarray .set_6[0], 1001, 1002, 1004, 1005, 1007; // Holy setarray .set_7[0], 1001, 1002, 1004, 1005, 1007; // Shadow setarray .set_8[0], 1001, 1002, 1004, 1005, 1007; // Ghost setarray .set_9[0], 1001, 1002, 1004, 1005, 1007; // Undead //setarray .set_10[0], 1001, 1002, 1004, 1005, 1007; // You may add more sets here in this fashion. // Set to the name of the type of each set of $@set_X // BEWARE! Number of members on this array MUST be the same as the total // amount of sets (which is quite obvious). This is VERY IMPORTANT. // Remember that strings should be enclosed in double quotes: "" setarray .names$[0], "Neutral", "Water", "Earth", "Fire", "Wind", "Poison", "Holy", "Shadow", "Ghost", "Undead"; // Set to the multiplication rate of drops (should be >= 1) // Examples: 100 = x1 (useless); 200 = x2; 50 = x0.5 // Based on final drop rates after battle conf calculations. .multiplicator = 200; // Force change of element each week? (1 = Yes; 0 = No) .force_change = 1; // Text message. You can change or translate it if you want, but be careful // not to touch the %s since you'll screw the dynamic formatting. .announce_format$ = "The element %s has been doubled for this week!"; // Atcommand name you want to use for keeping your users informed. .atcommand$ = "ddw"; That's not all it has to offer. This script is also extensively commented and well formatted as an effort of mine to encouraging their users to try reading it, editing it and adding features to it or integrating with other scripts. It's not optimized to work fastest on execution (if it was I'd have to remove most of the configurations and all of the middle steps I've took to make it more readable for newbies). It's designed so that most people could easily extract the maximum knowledge of it as if it was an example from a manual while causing the minimum harm to its run speed. What does it come with, by default? It comes with an event that doubles the mob drop rate on sets based on he element of the mobs. Sadly the sets are filled with placeholders because original requester didn't specify its contents but it'd be nice if somebody else came with suitable mobs for it since I'm not good at events. Any reasonable proposal to show up the script will be welcome and help for releasing a fully functional script out of the box for next users. Warnings! While I would like this script to be perfect, there are a some issues it has you should take into account: addmonsterdrop/delmonsterdrop script commands don't work well with mobs that drop the same item more than once. It means that if a monster has 2 drop slots occupied by a same item ID, the design flaw these script commands have is that they'll attempt to modify the first item whose ID matches, leaving the second and later drop slot which has that item intact (and having the first one be modified to the rate of the last drop slot found with that item ID). Reloadscript or server restart will make the script choose another set. If the multiplied rate of a drop is more than the equivalent to 100%, you'll get a warning on the server console. While you can avoid this by capping the value script side, you can safely ignore it since the script comand caps it for you. Works fine with more than a single set. I don't know if you're doing good if you specify only one, but in that case keep at least the .force_change parameter set to 0 to avoid infinity loops and warnings on the map server console you should totally not ignore. While last 2nd, 3rd and 4th ones can be fixed script side (be wary 2nd one is a mess to fix I preferred not to do myself), you're welcome to try fixing 3rd and 4th yourself to help your scripting since they are very easy to fix. Finally! I hope you all enjoy the script! P.S.: Reminder, I'd really appreciate if someone lent me out any help to fill out the dummy spaces to provide version 1.0.0. Thanks on advance!
  4. File Name: iRO Christmas 2016 File Submitter: KirieZ File Submitted: 03 Jan 2017 File Category: Events & Games Quite late, but here is iRO's Christmas Event of 2016. It was scripted while I played, so probably some things aren't perfect, like the monster and item data. This file contains: Santa Klaus giveaway (christmas_giveaway.txt): This NPC seems to be enabled every christmas on iRO. Santa Klaus is at the center of Prontera giving a gifts, players can choose between three gifts and allows warping to guild dungeons. The gifts are: Skill and Status reset Seal Status reset Gifts: 3x Enriched Elunium 3x Enriched Oridecon 5x Red Envelope 3x Yellow Butterfly Wing 30 minutes Job EXP bonus (Job Battle Manual effect) [*]Christmas Quest (christmas_2016.txt): This is the quest. It starts at Eden Group HQ, then you have to do some deliveries to get Sprig of Holly and then turn them into a Costume headgear. It contains a daily quest. In the zip file you'll find both scripts and client/server changes. One script doesn't depend on the other one, that's why they're in separate files. Known Differences: The Santa's giveaway sets a quest in the client, but this ID is out of Hercules ID Range, so I changed it In Christmas Quest, the first NPC on the quest line shows a message over her head to the player only, I couldn't find a command to do this, so it shows to everybody. On iRO, the daily quest is reseted everyday at 4AM, but Hercules seems to not have a command to set time limit explicitly (instead we use quest_db) so I set it to 23h time limit. If something is wrong, let me know and I'll try to fix as soon as possible. Click here to download this file
  5. Version 1.0


    Quite late, but here is iRO's Christmas Event of 2016. It was scripted while I played, so probably some things aren't perfect, like the monster and item data. This file contains: Santa Klaus giveaway (christmas_giveaway.txt): This NPC seems to be enabled every christmas on iRO. Santa Klaus is at the center of Prontera giving a gifts, players can choose between three gifts and allows warping to guild dungeons. The gifts are: Skill and Status reset Seal Status reset Gifts: 3x Enriched Elunium 3x Enriched Oridecon 5x Red Envelope 3x Yellow Butterfly Wing 30 minutes Job EXP bonus (Job Battle Manual effect) [*]Christmas Quest (christmas_2016.txt): This is the quest. It starts at Eden Group HQ, then you have to do some deliveries to get Sprig of Holly and then turn them into a Costume headgear. It contains a daily quest. In the zip file you'll find both scripts and client/server changes. One script doesn't depend on the other one, that's why they're in separate files. Known Differences: The Santa's giveaway sets a quest in the client, but this ID is out of Hercules ID Range, so I changed it In Christmas Quest, the first NPC on the quest line shows a message over her head to the player only, I couldn't find a command to do this, so it shows to everybody. On iRO, the daily quest is reseted everyday at 4AM, but Hercules seems to not have a command to set time limit explicitly (instead we use quest_db) so I set it to 23h time limit. If something is wrong, let me know and I'll try to fix as soon as possible.
  6. File Name: Poring Summoner File Submitter: Mysterious File Submitted: 05 Mar 2014 File Category: Events & Games Hey everyone, I thought I should re-introduce my Poring Summoner event script from back in the eAthena days... however, I took down the script in eAthena for certain reasons but when rAthena came along... I decided to re-introduce it again... but then, again, I removed it D: Anyways, I'm here once again to release it to Hercules and I think it'll stay now for the Public. You can find it on eAthena (only if you're a moderator): [*]http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=236779 Or, see the commotion from rAthena when I took it down: [*]http://rathena.org/board/topic/62248-mysterious-collection/?hl=+poring++summoner#entry100805 Anyways, here is some information regarding this lovely event! Description: [*]Basically the event is on an hour-based schedule, you can change the time you wish for the event to start in the script. [*]The game basically is controlled by the server staff. [*]Staff put a certain amount of Special* Porings and Normal Porings [*]* Special Porings drop the prize set by the staff [*]The map chosen is hard-coded in the script and can't be controlled VIA NPC In-game Known Issues: [*]There's an issue where there's no set number of special and normal porings when the script is loaded... thus, if you don't set the number of special porings and normal porings before the event starts, the script won't summon anything. [*]Also, there's no set prize when the script is loaded. [*]Don't forget to set these when you load the script! Optimization: [*]I know there are ways to optimize the script and fix the above issues, but the above issues isn't such a big concern so I didn't really bother to adjust it Redistribution: [*]If you wish to redistribute the file, please be polite and let me know where you plan on doing so ;3 [*]You may not redistribute this file for selling purposes. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License Click here to download this file PS: If you used this event before and liked it, don't forget that +1 ;3!
  7. Description : Drop certain amount of items on the floor on a certain map with random coordinates Download : http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=aCAbAM1E https://raw.github.com/Patskie/Scripts/master/item_shower.txt
  8. ok another script that should deserve in the script release section ... after having countless fix in script request ... Download: 2.3a script Make sure your hercules server is compile after 2015-11-15 ok what this event do ... Run ! or you gonna DIE ! this event will keep spawning Bomb Poring and BOOM and KABOOM every player they came across until the last player who are still alive on the map will be declare winner this should be a simple script ... hope you guys know how to edit by your own ... original topic in eathena it was just a simple script request ... however it went popular for some reason
  9. This is a very simple event script I created for the GM's of my server. Basically, you type one command and it spawns 5 "Wandering Porings" on the map of your choosing. You will want to customize the prizes that you receive from the event (it gives Red/Yellow/Orange/White/Blue Potions by default). It's also extremely easy to add in additional prizes. // Syntax: Item ID / Quantity if(.@prize == 1) { getitem 501,1; } if(.@prize == 2) { getitem 502,1; } if(.@prize == 3) { getitem 503,1; } if(.@prize == 4) { getitem 504,1; } if(.@prize == 5) { getitem 505,1; } // 25 Poring Coins Base Prize getitem 7539,25; Below is the code; After you change the values noted above in red, you should be able to just save this as a .txt, load it in-game, and voila. Questions, comments? Post as a response to this thread! If you find it useful, please +1 this thread and rate me five stars. Thanks! - script poringbind -1,{OnInit: unbindatcmd "poring"; bindatcmd("poring","poringbind::OnAtcommand",20,90); end; OnAtcommand:if(getgroupid() < 20) { end; }set @map$,.@atcmd_parameters$[0]; if(@map$ == "") {dispbottom "Syntax: @poring <mapname>";dispbottom "Five Porings will spawn on the map you choose. Recommended usage for this event is 3-5 times per day.";dispbottom "NOTE: Do NOT use capitals in the map name otherwise no Poring will spawn!";end;} monster @map$,0,0,"Wandering Poring",1002,5,"poringbind::OnKill";announce "[Wandering Poring] : 5x Wandering Porings have been sighted on the map: "+@map$+". The first person to find and kill each will receive an award!",0;end; OnKill:// Update Here!set .@prize,rand(1,5);announce "[Wandering Poring] : "+strcharinfo(0)+" has captured a Wandering Poring on the map "+strcharinfo(3)+"!",0;// Syntax: Item ID / Quantityif(.@prize == 1) { getitem 501,1; }if(.@prize == 2) { getitem 502,1; }if(.@prize == 3) { getitem 503,1; }if(.@prize == 4) { getitem 504,1; }if(.@prize == 5) { getitem 505,1; }// 25 Poring Coins Base Prizegetitem 7539,25;end; }
  10. Event: Hercules Invasion Description: A completely revamped and optimized variation of the widely popular Poring Invasion event. Configuration settings are dynamic and easily modifiable. Customizable parameters include normal monsters, "prized" monsters, each respective monster amounts, monster tiers, invasion map,NPC name, and server name. NPC can be triggered by staff using the command @invasion. Download: https://github.com/datmumbles/Scripts/raw/master/event/invasion.txt
  11. File Name: multiple drops on user-defined sets File Submitter: jaBote File Submitted: 15 Jun 2014 File Category: Events & Games (as originally requested in this topic) What is it? As the download name says, it's an automatic event that will change the drop rate on a set of mobs. Each roll is made every Monday at 00:00 (also at server startup or using reloadscript). It also has custom announces on each roll and a nifty @command that informs the users of the current active set. You can fully customize its behavior easily on the configurations, starting from the amount of sets (which have to follow a pattern on the variable that carries them) and the name to assign to them, the amount of mobs the sets have (you may have sets of different amount of members), the drop rate multiplicator and so on. Have a peek on the configurations as of v 0.9.1. As you can see, it's fully customizable! // Add in mob IDs (or SpriteNames if you want) where the numbers are. // You can virtually have an unlimited sets, and an unlimited amount of // members for each set. Just remember that you each array member has to // follow this pattern: member1, member2, (...), memberN; setarray .set_0[0], 1001, 1002, 1004, 1005, 1007; // Neutral setarray .set_1[0], 1001, 1002, 1004, 1005, 1007; // Water setarray .set_2[0], 1001, 1002, 1004, 1005, 1007; // Earth setarray .set_3[0], 1001, 1002, 1004, 1005, 1007; // Fire setarray .set_4[0], 1001, 1002, 1004, 1005, 1007; // Wind setarray .set_5[0], 1001, 1002, 1004, 1005, 1007; // Poison setarray .set_6[0], 1001, 1002, 1004, 1005, 1007; // Holy setarray .set_7[0], 1001, 1002, 1004, 1005, 1007; // Shadow setarray .set_8[0], 1001, 1002, 1004, 1005, 1007; // Ghost setarray .set_9[0], 1001, 1002, 1004, 1005, 1007; // Undead //setarray .set_10[0], 1001, 1002, 1004, 1005, 1007; // You may add more sets here in this fashion. // Set to the name of the type of each set of $@set_X // BEWARE! Number of members on this array MUST be the same as the total // amount of sets (which is quite obvious). This is VERY IMPORTANT. // Remember that strings should be enclosed in double quotes: "" setarray .names$[0], "Neutral", "Water", "Earth", "Fire", "Wind", "Poison", "Holy", "Shadow", "Ghost", "Undead"; // Set to the multiplication rate of drops (should be >= 1) // Examples: 100 = x1 (useless); 200 = x2; 50 = x0.5 // Based on final drop rates after battle conf calculations. .multiplicator = 200; // Force change of element each week? (1 = Yes; 0 = No) .force_change = 1; // Text message. You can change or translate it if you want, but be careful // not to touch the %s since you'll screw the dynamic formatting. .announce_format$ = "The element %s has been doubled for this week!"; // Atcommand name you want to use for keeping your users informed. .atcommand$ = "ddw"; That's not all it has to offer. This script is also extensively commented and well formatted as an effort of mine to encouraging their users to try reading it, editing it and adding features to it or integrating with other scripts. It's not optimized to work fastest on execution (if it was I'd have to remove most of the configurations and all of the middle steps I've took to make it more readable for newbies). It's designed so that most people could easily extract the maximum knowledge of it as if it was an example from a manual while causing the minimum harm to its run speed. What does it come with, by default? It comes with an event that doubles the mob drop rate on sets based on he element of the mobs. Sadly the sets are filled with placeholders because original requester didn't specify its contents but it'd be nice if somebody else came with suitable mobs for it since I'm not good at events. Any reasonable proposal to show up the script will be welcome and help for releasing a fully functional script out of the box for next users. Warnings! While I would like this script to be perfect, there are a some issues it has you should take into account: addmonsterdrop/delmonsterdrop script commands don't work well with mobs that drop the same item more than once. It means that if a monster has 2 drop slots occupied by a same item ID, the design flaw these script commands have is that they'll attempt to modify the first item whose ID matches, leaving the second and later drop slot which has that item intact (and having the first one be modified to the rate of the last drop slot found with that item ID). Reloadscript or server restart will make the script choose another set. If the multiplied rate of a drop is more than the equivalent to 100%, you'll get a warning on the server console. While you can avoid this by capping the value script side, you can safely ignore it since the script comand caps it for you. Works fine with more than a single set. I don't know if you're doing good if you specify only one, but in that case keep at least the .force_change parameter set to 0 to avoid infinity loops and warnings on the map server console you should totally not ignore. While last 2nd, 3rd and 4th ones can be fixed script side (be wary 2nd one is a mess to fix I preferred not to do myself), you're welcome to try fixing 3rd and 4th yourself to help your scripting since they are very easy to fix. Finally! I hope you all enjoy the script! P.S.: Reminder, I'd really appreciate if someone lent me out any help to fill out the dummy spaces to provide version 1.0.0. Thanks on advance! Click here to download this file
  12. Version 1.2


    Hey everyone, I thought I should re-introduce my Poring Summoner event script from back in the eAthena days... however, I took down the script in eAthena for certain reasons but when rAthena came along... I decided to re-introduce it again... but then, again, I removed it D: Anyways, I'm here once again to release it to Hercules and I think it'll stay now for the Public. You can find it on eAthena (only if you're a moderator): http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=236779 Or, see the commotion from rAthena when I took it down: http://rathena.org/board/topic/62248-mysterious-collection/?hl=+poring++summoner#entry100805 Anyways, here is some information regarding this lovely event! Description: Basically the event is on an hour-based schedule, you can change the time you wish for the event to start in the script. The game basically is controlled by the server staff. Staff put a certain amount of Special* Porings and Normal Porings * Special Porings drop the prize set by the staff The map chosen is hard-coded in the script and can't be controlled VIA NPC In-game Known Issues: There's an issue where there's no set number of special and normal porings when the script is loaded... thus, if you don't set the number of special porings and normal porings before the event starts, the script won't summon anything. Also, there's no set prize when the script is loaded. Don't forget to set these when you load the script! Optimization: I know there are ways to optimize the script and fix the above issues, but the above issues isn't such a big concern so I didn't really bother to adjust it Redistribution: If you wish to redistribute the file, please be polite and let me know where you plan on doing so ;3 You may not redistribute this file for selling purposes. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
  13. http://pastebin.com/m4HhakjX i just edit prontera,x,x,x script Find the Baphomet 736,{ edit coor for npc edit this for prize! getitem .7227,10; set .Event,0; end; }
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