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Found 7 results

  1. View File [Event] Wheel of fortune Wheel of fortune Fun event, this particular version is set to accept Zeny as a payment for gambling. Would like to thank a lot @Myriad for Improving my code! Package contains: data.zip data folder to put into your GRF file or straight into data folder. wheel_of_fortune.txt the script itself. WheelOfFortune.psd the Photoshop source file, you can edit the prizes pictures if you like. This event can be configured to run automatically OnClock0800: OnClock1200: OnClock1600: OnClock2000: OnClock2200: just change this part of the script, at what time you want the script to run. Or, a GM can start this event by running this command : @wheel_of_fortune start As a reference, This is a version of the script using event points as a payment (in case you would like to take a look) https://pastebin.com/wN6ZjxM0 Submitter Habilis Submitted 06/14/18 Category Events & Games  
  2. I've recently got a brilliant idea. Why not make my own version of a paid script, sold on rAthena and release it to Hercules for free!? (Not because I'm banned on rAthena ) I need a peer review before releasing the whole package. @Myriad Did a nice Peer review of my terribel kode... If anyone else would like to contribute, feel free. Otherwise, it is soon to be released UPD : I reDrew the cutins, they don't look like stolen from rAthena 1) configuration there are 2 arrays setarray .prize_id[1],-1,31024,31026,31008,31020,31017,31010,31016,0,31009; setarray .prize_qty[1],2,1,1,1,3,3,1,3,0,3; in prize_id if id is > 0, the prize is an item if id = 0 , the prize is NOTHING! if id = -1, the prizer is free spin (number of free spins set in qty array) in array .prize_qty you setup the quantity won //===== Hercules Script ====================================== //= Wheel of Fortune //===== By =================================================== //= Habilis //= Edited by Myriad //===== Description ========================================== //= Wheel of fortune something. //============================================================ - script Wheel_of_Fortune FAKE_NPC ,{ OnInit: disablenpc("Wheel of Fortune#Main"); disablenpc("Hussein#WOF"); .EventName$ = "[Wheel Of Fortune]"; end; OnMinute39: OnStart: query_sql("DELETE FROM `acc_reg_num_db` WHERE `key`='#freewheelfortunespin';"); announce(sprintf("%s : The event will begin in 1 minute, near the center of Prontera.", .EventName$), bc_blue | bc_all); initnpctimer(); end; OnTimer60000: // 1 min enablenpc("Wheel of Fortune#Main"); enablenpc("Hussein#WOF"); announce(sprintf("%s : Come to Prontera and test your luck, everyone got some free spins!", .EventName$), bc_blue | bc_all); end; OnTimer1800000: // 30 mins announce(sprintf("%s : One more minute, do your last spin!", .EventName$), bc_blue | bc_all); end; OnTimer1860000: // 31 mins OnStop: disablenpc("Wheel of Fortune#Main"); disablenpc("Hussein#WOF"); end; } prontera,159,178,3 script Hussein#WOF 1_M_MERCHANT,{ doevent("Wheel of Fortune#Main::OnTalk"); end; } prontera,155,176,3 script Wheel of Fortune#Main 2_SLOT_MACHINE,{ OnTalk: if (#freewheelfortunespin == 0) #freewheelfortunespin = .Free_Spins; if (getd(.Event_Points_Variable$) < .Points_Cost && #freewheelfortunespin < 0) { mesf("[^0055FF ::: %s ::: ^000000]", .EventName$); mes("You are out of points"); mes("and have no more free"); mes("spins! Come back next"); mes("time for more."); close(); } .@mes$ = (#freewheelfortunespin > 0) ? sprintf(", but you, my friend, have %d free spin%s!", #freewheelfortunespin, (#freewheelfortunespin == 1) ? "" : "s") : "."; cutin("aca_salim02", 2); addtimer(1, sprintf("%s::OnEnd", strnpcinfo(NPC_NAME))); mesf("[^0055FF ::: %s ::: ^000000]", .EventName$); mes("Do you want to spin the wheel?"); mesf("It costs ^FF0000%d Event points^000000 to play%s", .Points_Cost, .@mes$); next(); callsub(S_Loop); S_Loop: .@val = getd(.Event_Points_Variable$); if (.@val < .Points_Cost && #freewheelfortunespin < 0) callsub(S_End); switch (select( (#freewheelfortunespin > 0) ? sprintf("Yes! Use free spin! (%d left)", #freewheelfortunespin) : "", (.@val > 0) ? sprintf("Yes! Use Event Points. (%d remaining)", .@val) : "", "No (Leave)" )) { case 1: callsub(S_Pay, 0); case 2: callsub(S_Pay, 1); default: callsub(S_End); } S_Pay: switch (getarg(0)) { // pay with free spin case 0: if (#freewheelfortunespin > 0) { if ((#freewheelfortunespin -= 1) < 1) #freewheelfortunespin = -1; callsub(S_Gamble); } else callsub(S_End); // Pay with points case 1: default: if ((.@val = getd(.Event_Points_Variable$)) >= .Points_Cost) { setd(.Event_Points_Variable$, (.@val -= .Points_Cost)); dispbottom(sprintf("%s : You now have %d event points.", .ServerName$, .@val)); callsub(S_Gamble); } else { cutin("aca_salim02", 2); mesf("[^0055FF ::: %s ::: ^000000]", .EventName$); mes("Awww, you don't have enough to gamble..."); mes(" "); mes("Have you ever heard?"); mes("'Money isn't all that matters' Got it?"); mes("Byeeeeeeeeeeeeee ;)"); callsub(S_End); } } S_Gamble: // Actual Gambling .@sector = rand(.Sector[0], .Sector[1]); .@displayCutin = (.@sector * 2) - 1; .@Speed = .Spin_Speed; for (.@i = 0; .@i < .nbTurns; .@i++) { .@b = .Cutin[0]; while (.@b <= .Cutin[1]) { cutin(sprintf("%s%d", .cutin$, .@b), 4); sleep2(.@Speed); .@b++; .@Speed++; } } .@b = .Cutin[0]; while (.@b < .@displayCutin) { cutin(sprintf("%s%d", .cutin$, .@b), 4); sleep2(.@Speed); .@b++; } cutin(sprintf("%s%d", .cutin$, .@b), 4); if (.prize_id[.@sector] == -1) { // Free spin if (.Sound_Effects) soundeffect("wheel_jackpot.wav", 0); announce(sprintf("[%s] : Wow, %d more Free spins!!!", .EventName$, .prize_qty[.@sector]), bc_blue | bc_self); #freewheelfortunespin = #freewheelfortunespin == -1 ? .prize_qty[.@sector] : #freewheelfortunespin + .prize_qty[.@sector]; } else if (.prize_id[.@sector] == 0) { // nothing if (.Sound_Effects) soundeffect("wheel_lost.wav", 0); announce(sprintf("[%s] : Awwww, No luck in gamble, more luck in love...", .EventName$), bc_blue | bc_self); } else { // item if (.Sound_Effects) soundeffect("wheel_won.wav", 0); announce(sprintf("[%s] : Enjoy your prize!!!", .EventName$), bc_blue | bc_self); getitem(.prize_id[.@sector], .prize_qty[.@sector]); } sleep2(1000); callsub(S_Loop); end; S_End: close2(); OnEnd: cutin("", 255); end; OnInit: .ServerName$ = "[Your boring server]"; .EventName$ = "Wheel Of Fortune"; .cutin$ = "WheelOfFortune_"; .Event_Points_Variable$ = "#LROEVENTPOINTS"; // The name of your event points variable setarray(.Sector, 1, 10); // Sector range setarray(.Cutin, 0, 19); // Cutin range .Spin_Speed = 50; // What is the base spin speed? (ms) .nbTurns = 2; .Points_Cost = 100; // How many 'points' does it cost for a spin? .Free_Spins = 1; // How many free spins does a player get? .Sound_Effects = true; // Enable sound effects? (true/false) setarray(.prize_id[1], -1, 31024, 31026, 31008, 31020, 31017, 31010, 31016, 0, 31009); setarray(.prize_qty[1], 2, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 1, 3, 0, 3); end; }
  3. View File [NPC] Campfire to regenerate HP/SP Originally: There is a nice contribution from meko on that subject, Menhir (Big rock that possesses magical powers and able to restore Health and Energy of Seekers resting/meditating nearby) Thanks, meko! But, I thought to myself, well, that is wonderful, but why not make it portable? The Idea: An element of role play, a way to add functionality to the item 7035 - Matchstick, To light a Campfire. A Campfire is a portable temporary regeneration NPC. OW, and it is configurable ;). Campfire to restore / regenerate HP & SP. When you sit by the Campfire, you start feeling the warmth and the comfort, thus your HP & SP begin to regenerate. Mechanics : A phosphorus tipped stick that can be used to start a fire. (Now Indeed ) When you use the item Matchstick in your inventory, it will spawn a duplicate of the NPC called Campfire. This will help you when you are in the field, farming, grinding, starting a Campfire will help you rest. - You need to sit close to the Campfire (3 cells ) to feel the warmth. - Anyone can sit by your Campfire and rest. - Campfire lasts 2-3 minutes. - Need to sit for at least some time to begin feeling the warmth and comfort. - you cannot start a fire within 5 cells of another NPC - If you use a match one more time, old Campfire disappears and a new one appears. I think it will add an element of roleplay and romanticism to the gameplay. Installation : To be able to use this script you need a plugin npc-duplicate.c https://github.com/dastgirp/HPM-Plugins/blob/master/src/plugins/npc-duplicate.c Install & enable this plugin This script uses a relatively new NPC sprite at the moment of writing this release. 4_BONFIRE Therefore, you may have to edit the Hercules source to allow for this new NPC To the /db/constants.conf add this line: 4_BONFIRE: 10252 In the /src/map/npc.h change this line: #define MAX_NPC_CLASS2_END 10800 This will allow for way more NPCs Save and recompile Hercules. In the client, you may not have this NPC But luckily for you, I've included with this release a data.zip archive containing the NPC sprite and the sound of striking a matchstick. Just add it to your GRF or data folder if you use data folder. In the client, Lua Files make sure you have this NPC sprite LuaFiles514/Lua Files/Datainfo/NPCIdentity.lub JT_4_BONFIRE = 10252, LuaFiles514/Lua Files/Datainfo/jobName.lub [jobtbl.JT_4_BONFIRE] = "4_bonfire", In the /db/re/item_db.conf or /db/pre-re/item_db.conf find Id: 7035 and add these 3 attributes Type: 2 Delay: 3000 Script: <" callfunc("F_CreateCFDup"); "> Configuration: It is a configurable script All of the parameters are explicitly commented for a better understanding of the rules .refillHP_rate = 15; // number of HP to give every refill .refillSP_rate = 5; // number of SP to give every refill .refill_distance = 3; // max distance from fire HP/SP regeneration will work .camp_fire_delay = 5; // Skip how many ticks before feel warm ;) .refill_timer = 300; // wait rand(X) ms before refil Feel free to adjust to your server needs .@nofire_distance = 5; // How far from other NPCs allowed to make fire. .@fire_duration = 1000 * 60 * 3;// 3 minutes (How long will the Campfire last, in ms) Submitter Habilis Submitted 06/22/18 Category Utility  
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Originally: There is a nice contribution from meko on that subject, Menhir (Big rock that possesses magical powers and able to restore Health and Energy of Seekers resting/meditating nearby) Thanks, meko! But, I thought to myself, well, that is wonderful, but why not make it portable? The Idea: An element of role play, a way to add functionality to the item 7035 - Matchstick, To light a Campfire. A Campfire is a portable temporary regeneration NPC. OW, and it is configurable ;). Campfire to restore / regenerate HP & SP. When you sit by the Campfire, you start feeling the warmth and the comfort, thus your HP & SP begin to regenerate. Mechanics : A phosphorus tipped stick that can be used to start a fire. (Now Indeed ) When you use the item Matchstick in your inventory, it will spawn a duplicate of the NPC called Campfire. This will help you when you are in the field, farming, grinding, starting a Campfire will help you rest. - You need to sit close to the Campfire (3 cells ) to feel the warmth. - Anyone can sit by your Campfire and rest. - Campfire lasts 2-3 minutes. - Need to sit for at least some time to begin feeling the warmth and comfort. - you cannot start a fire within 5 cells of another NPC - If you use a match one more time, old Campfire disappears and a new one appears. I think it will add an element of roleplay and romanticism to the gameplay. Installation : To be able to use this script you need a plugin npc-duplicate.c https://github.com/dastgirp/HPM-Plugins/blob/master/src/plugins/npc-duplicate.c Install & enable this plugin This script uses a relatively new NPC sprite at the moment of writing this release. 4_BONFIRE Therefore, you may have to edit the Hercules source to allow for this new NPC To the /db/constants.conf add this line: 4_BONFIRE: 10252 In the /src/map/npc.h change this line: #define MAX_NPC_CLASS2_END 10800 This will allow for way more NPCs Save and recompile Hercules. In the client, you may not have this NPC But luckily for you, I've included with this release a data.zip archive containing the NPC sprite and the sound of striking a matchstick. Just add it to your GRF or data folder if you use data folder. In the client, Lua Files make sure you have this NPC sprite LuaFiles514/Lua Files/Datainfo/NPCIdentity.lub JT_4_BONFIRE = 10252, LuaFiles514/Lua Files/Datainfo/jobName.lub [jobtbl.JT_4_BONFIRE] = "4_bonfire", In the /db/re/item_db.conf or /db/pre-re/item_db.conf find Id: 7035 and add these 3 attributes Type: 2 Delay: 3000 Script: <" callfunc("F_CreateCFDup"); "> Configuration: It is a configurable script All of the parameters are explicitly commented for a better understanding of the rules .refillHP_rate = 15; // number of HP to give every refill .refillSP_rate = 5; // number of SP to give every refill .refill_distance = 3; // max distance from fire HP/SP regeneration will work .camp_fire_delay = 5; // Skip how many ticks before feel warm ;) .refill_timer = 300; // wait rand(X) ms before refil Feel free to adjust to your server needs .@nofire_distance = 5; // How far from other NPCs allowed to make fire. .@fire_duration = 1000 * 60 * 3;// 3 minutes (How long will the Campfire last, in ms)
  5. Yesterday, after rambles on Discord with Dastgir and Asheraf, I've got another Brilliant Idea for a Release from Habilis! The Idea: Camp Fire to restore / regenerate HP & SP. When you sit by the Camp fire, you start feeling the warmth and the comfort, so your HP & SP begin to regenerate. There is a nice contribution from Meko on that subject Menhir (Big rock that possesses magical powers and able to restore Health and Energy of Seekers) Thanks Meko! So, I thought to myself, well, that is wonderful, but why not make it portable? Because, conveniently, there is this NPC sprite : 4_BONFIREID: 10252 (0x280C) Even more conveniently, there is this item: Matchstick Item ID# 7035 (Matchstick) A phosphorus tipped stick that can be used to start a fire. http://ratemyserver.net/index.php?page=item_db&item_id=7035 Dastgir, suggested using this plugin to make this possible: https://github.com/dastgirp/HPM-Plugins/blob/master/src/plugins/npc-duplicate.c Mechanics : When you use the item Matchstick in your inventory, it will spawn a duplicate of the NPC called Camp Fire. So that when you are in the field, farming, grinding you could rest. - You need to sit close to the Camp Fire (3 cells ) to feel the warmth. - Anyone can sit by your Camp Fire and rest. - Camp Fire lasts 2-3 minutes. - Need to sit for at least 3 seconds to begin feeling the warmth and comfort. - you cannot start a fire within 5 cells of another Camp Fire. - If you use a match one more time, old Camp Fire disappears and a new one appears. I think it will add an element of roleplay and romanticism to the gameplay. (Habilis is a soft, sensitive and romantic type ). Expect the Release sometime soon...
  6. Hello, as promised here is a Trivia auto event. This script is originally way back from eA, it was adjusted on rA. (All credits in the header) And now, I decided to Enhance it. - An enhanced version of facts auto event. The Event is announced. The NPC asks 10 random - questions from a question bank. Players have to write the answer to the main chat. - Players don't need to worry about CAPITAL letters. - 1) Question is asked by the NPC. - 2) If there is no answer after 15 seconds NPC will give a hint. - 3) IF there is still no answer after a hint, the question is skipped. - 4) If the right answer is given, the player is announced and the reward is given Side notes: 1) Control If you have some kind of AutoEbent Controller, I've included the event control methods OnEventStart: OnStop: OnEventTimeOut: If you don't have a controller and just want to test this event, just setup the timers, when this event will run ex: OnMinute33: 2) Rewards I have special Event points, that I'm giving to the winners. If you like to give Items or Zeny, I Included the examples in the code // Winner gets reward in Zeny //Zeny += 1000000; // Alotta bax ;) 3) Questions definition To define more questions you need to follow this pattern DefineQuestion("<question>", "<answer>", "<hint>"); 4) Cheating I'm aware that this event can be cheated/Automated by players. Therefore only a modest reward is given
  7. Version 1.0.2


    Wheel of fortune Fun event, this particular version is set to accept Zeny as a payment for gambling. Would like to thank a lot @Myriad for Improving my code! Package contains: data.zip data folder to put into your GRF file or straight into data folder. wheel_of_fortune.txt the script itself. WheelOfFortune.psd the Photoshop source file, you can edit the prizes pictures if you like. This event can be configured to run automatically OnClock0800: OnClock1200: OnClock1600: OnClock2000: OnClock2200: just change this part of the script, at what time you want the script to run. Or, a GM can start this event by running this command : @wheel_of_fortune start As a reference, This is a version of the script using event points as a payment (in case you would like to take a look) https://pastebin.com/wN6ZjxM0
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