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Found 5 results

  1. File Name: Extended Vending System v1.8.1 File Submitter: dastgirpojee File Submitted: 16 May 2013 File Category: Source Modifications Original topic and code here: http://ea-support.ru/index.php?/topic/525-vending-za-ljuboi-lut/page__p__5382"]link[/url] Idea: http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=274111"]link[/url] rAthena: http://rathena.org/board/topic/60817-extended-vending-system-18/"]link[/url] You can enable or disable the cash / item in file db/item_vending.txt Vending title can be looks like: "[ITEM_ID] name" Modify your client data files: idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt idnum2itemresnametable.txt Enjoy. New: v1.8.1: 08 April 2013: 03 May 2013: 15 May 2013: Created by Lilith, Modified by Dastgir Click here to download this file
  2. Version v1.8.1


    Original topic and code here: link Idea: link rAthena: link You can enable or disable the cash / item in file db/item_vending.txt Vending title can be looks like: "[ITEM_ID] name" Modify your client data files: idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt idnum2itemresnametable.txt Enjoy. New: v1.8.1: 08 April 2013: 03 May 2013: 15 May 2013: Created by Lilith, Modified by Dastgir
  3. Hello Hercules! I am interested in removing this button from my client. Does anybody know how? Thank you in advance.
  4. Can anyone please tell me how to edit the "Sales List" message shown when vending, it looks like this: I want to change the text like so, ~~~~~~~~~~Shop List~~~~~~~~~~ <Item Name> : <Price> Points ea Current Points : <#CASHPOINTS> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I tried looking for that in msgstringtable.txt, all the lua files, vending.c, clif.c, and messages.conf but I just can't seem to find it.
  5. So I tried modifying my vending skill to use Cashpoints instead of Zeny and coded it like this: vending.c at "vending_purchasereq" /*==========================================* Purchase item(s) from a shop*------------------------------------------*/void vending_purchasereq(struct map_session_data* sd, int aid, unsigned int uid, const uint8* data, int count) { int i, j, cursor, w, new_ = 0, blank, vend_list[MAX_VENDING]; double z; double cashPoints; struct s_vending vend[MAX_VENDING]; // against duplicate packets struct map_session_data* vsd = map->id2sd(aid); nullpo_retv(sd); if( vsd == NULL || !vsd->state.vending || vsd->bl.id == sd->bl.id ) return; // invalid shop if( vsd->vender_id != uid ) { // shop has changed clif->buyvending(sd, 0, 0, 6); // store information was incorrect return; } if( !searchstore->queryremote(sd, aid) && ( sd->bl.m != vsd->bl.m || !check_distance_bl(&sd->bl, &vsd->bl, AREA_SIZE) ) ) return; // shop too far away searchstore->clearremote(sd); if( count < 1 || count > MAX_VENDING || count > vsd->vend_num ) return; // invalid amount of purchased items blank = pc->inventoryblank(sd); //number of free cells in the buyer's inventory // duplicate item in vending to check hacker with multiple packets memcpy(&vend, &vsd->vending, sizeof(vsd->vending)); // copy vending list // some checks z = 0.; // zeny counter w = 0; // weight counter for( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { short amount = *(uint16*)(data + 4*i + 0); short idx = *(uint16*)(data + 4*i + 2); idx -= 2; if( amount <= 0 ) return; // check of item index in the cart if( idx < 0 || idx >= MAX_CART ) return; ARR_FIND( 0, vsd->vend_num, j, vsd->vending[j].index == idx ); if( j == vsd->vend_num ) return; //picked non-existing item else vend_list[i] = j; z += ((double)vsd->vending[j].value * (double)amount); /*if( z > (double)sd->status.zeny || z < 0. || z > (double)MAX_ZENY ) { clif->buyvending(sd, idx, amount, 1); // you don't have enough zeny return; }*/ cashPoints = pc_readaccountreg(sd,script->add_str("#CASHPOINTS")); if( z > cashPoints || z < 0. || z > (double)MAX_ZENY ) { clif->buyvending(sd, idx, amount, 1); // you don't have enough zeny return; } cashPoints = pc_readaccountreg(vsd,script->add_str("#CASHPOINTS")); if( z + (double)vsd->cashPoints > (double)MAX_ZENY && !battle_config.vending_over_max ) { clif->buyvending(sd, idx, vsd->vending[j].amount, 4); // too much zeny = overflow return; } w += itemdb_weight(vsd->status.cart[idx].nameid) * amount; if( w + sd->weight > sd->max_weight ) { clif->buyvending(sd, idx, amount, 2); // you can not buy, because overweight return; } //Check to see if cart/vend info is in sync. if( vend[j].amount > vsd->status.cart[idx].amount ) vend[j].amount = vsd->status.cart[idx].amount; // if they try to add packets (example: get twice or more 2 apples if marchand has only 3 apples). // here, we check cumulative amounts if( vend[j].amount < amount ) { // send more quantity is not a hack (an other player can have buy items just before) clif->buyvending(sd, idx, vsd->vending[j].amount, 4); // not enough quantity return; } vend[j].amount -= amount; switch( pc->checkadditem(sd, vsd->status.cart[idx].nameid, amount) ) { case ADDITEM_EXIST: break; //We'd add this item to the existing one (in buyers inventory) case ADDITEM_NEW: new_++; if (new_ > blank) return; //Buyer has no space in his inventory break; case ADDITEM_OVERAMOUNT: return; //too many items } } //pc->payzeny(sd, (int)z, LOG_TYPE_VENDING, vsd); pc->paycash(sd, (int)z, 0); /* if( battle_config.vending_tax ) z -= z * (battle_config.vending_tax/10000.); */ //pc->getzeny(vsd, (int)z, LOG_TYPE_VENDING, sd); pc->getcash(vsd, (int)z, 0); for( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { short amount = *(uint16*)(data + 4*i + 0); short idx = *(uint16*)(data + 4*i + 2); idx -= 2; // vending item pc->additem(sd, &vsd->status.cart[idx], amount, LOG_TYPE_VENDING); vsd->vending[vend_list[i]].amount -= amount; pc->cart_delitem(vsd, idx, amount, 0, LOG_TYPE_VENDING); clif->vendingreport(vsd, idx, amount); //print buyer's name if( battle_config.buyer_name ) { char temp[256]; sprintf(temp, msg_txt(265), sd->status.name); clif_disp_onlyself(vsd,temp,strlen(temp)); } } // compact the vending list for( i = 0, cursor = 0; i < vsd->vend_num; i++ ) { if( vsd->vending[i].amount == 0 ) continue; if( cursor != i ) { // speedup vsd->vending[cursor].index = vsd->vending[i].index; vsd->vending[cursor].amount = vsd->vending[i].amount; vsd->vending[cursor].value = vsd->vending[i].value; } cursor++; } vsd->vend_num = cursor; //Always save BOTH: buyer and customer if( map->save_settings&2 ) { chrif->save(sd,0); chrif->save(vsd,0); } //check for @AUTOTRADE users [durf] if( vsd->state.autotrade ) { //see if there is anything left in the shop ARR_FIND( 0, vsd->vend_num, i, vsd->vending[i].amount > 0 ); if( i == vsd->vend_num ) { //Close Vending (this was automatically done by the client, we have to do it manually for autovenders) [Skotlex] vending->close(vsd); map->quit(vsd); //They have no reason to stay around anymore, do they? } else pc->autotrade_update(vsd,PAUC_REFRESH); }} Everything is working fine, when I buy items it costs Cashpoints and the vendor gets Cashpoints too but the problem is, when You drag and drop items you want to buy it checks the price as Zeny instead of Cashpoints, so if you have 0 zeny when you try to buy something, the message "You do not have enough Zeny" shows at the chat and it wont transfer to the "Buying box". How do I make it so that It checks #CASHPOINTS instead of Zeny when I drag and drop items to the "Buying box".
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