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Script Work On rA but not work On Hercules


hi guys , i have a script like event , healer and other . but all of my script work 100% in rA , but itsnt work in Hercules.somebody can help me what should i do? maybe change something or...


help me please :)

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hi guys , i have a script like event , healer and other . but all of my script work 100% in rA , but itsnt work in Hercules.somebody can help me what should i do? maybe change something or...


help me please :)

Post the error, I mostly doubt its case sensitive thing.

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hi guys , i have a script like event , healer and other . but all of my script work 100% in rA , but itsnt work in Hercules.somebody can help me what should i do? maybe change something or...


help me please :)

Just saying this WITHOUT providing the error shown in your console does NOT help the community one bit. How would you expect to get support if you don't show us the error ?

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//===== Athena Script =====================================//= Cluck! Cluck! Boom!//===== By Keale of VoidRO ================================//= http://voidro.com//===== Description =======================================//= Click the chicken and try retrieve the item at a low//= chance. If you fail he will nuke, freeze, stone,//= stun, or make you fall asleep.//= The prize is configurable and triggered by the NPC.//===== Credits ===========================================//= LuTze for his 'Chicken of Punishment' script.//= BrianL for suggesting the 'switch' command.//===== Version ===========================================//= v1.1//=========================================================//= v1.0 - First release.//= v1.1 - Using 'switch rand' instead.//=========================================================prontera,156,178,4    script    Cluckers    800,{if (getgmlevel() >=60) goto cluckadmin;if ($@startcluck == 1) goto L_playcluck;cluckcluck:if (getgmlevel() >= 60) goto cluckadmin;mes "[Cluckers]";mes "Cluck cluck! Cluuuuuck?";mes "Cluck....";close;GM:mes "[Cluckers]";mes "Cluck cluck! Cluuuuuck? ^FF0000~Hi GM " + strcharinfo(0) + ", Wanna stop the event?~^000000";mes "Cluck cluck... CLUCK! ^FF0000~Just tell me what to do!~^000000";next;switch(select("Stop Event","Check Prize","Cancel")) {case 1:set $@startcluck,0;mes "[Cluckers]";mes "Cluck cluck! Cluuuuuck!!";announce "Cluckers event has been stop by Admin / GM , Thanks for playing",bc_all;close;case 2:mes "[Cluckers]";mes "Cluck, cluck cluck... Cluck! ^FF0000~The current prize is^000000 ^008000"+ $cluck_item_amount +" "+ getitemname($cluck_item_id) +".^000000";close;case 3:mes "[Cluckers]";mes "Cluck cluck! Cluuuuuck?";mes "Cluck....";close;}cluckadmin:if ($@startcluck == 1) goto GM;mes "[Cluckers]";mes "Cluck cluck! Cluuuuuck? ^FF0000~Hi GM " + strcharinfo(0) + ", Wanna play today?~^000000";mes "Cluck cluck... CLUCK! ^FF0000~Just tell me what to do!~^000000";switch(select("Start Event:Check Prize:Set Prize:Not today Cluckers")) {case 1:next;mes "[Cluckers]";mes "CLUCK! ^FF0000~Sure thing!~^000000";emotion 33;close2;goto L_cluckannounce;case 2:next;mes "[Cluckers]";mes "Cluck, cluck cluck... Cluck! ^FF0000~The current prize is^000000 ^008000"+ $cluck_item_amount +" "+ getitemname($cluck_item_id) +".^000000";next;goto cluckadmin;case 3:next;mes "[Cluckers]";mes "Cluck cluck? Cluck??? ^FF0000~What should the prize for winning be? Please input the ID.~^000000";input $cluck_item_id;next;mes "[Cluckers]";mes "Cluck? cluuuck? ^FF0000~How many if this item should I give away?~^000000";input $cluck_item_amount;next;mes "[Cluckers]";mes "Cluck cluck..? Cluck. ^FF0000~So, the prize is^000000 ^008000"+ $cluck_item_amount +" "+ getitemname($cluck_item_id) +"^000000? ^FF0000Great.~^000000";emotion 33;next;goto cluckadmin;case 4:next;mes "[Cluckers]";mes "Cluck cluck cluck...";close;}L_cluckannounce:announce "[Cluck! Cluck! Boom!] Cluckers Events The Stealing Chicken Has Been Start At Prontera!",bc_blue;initnpctimer;Set(.starer$, Escape_SQL(StrCharInfo(0)));end;OnTimer10000:announce "Go to Prontera now!!!Event will be start...",bc_blue;end;OnTimer20000:announce "Citizen of Prontera : A chicken has eaten my stuff!!!HELP....!!!",bc_all;end;OnTimer30000:announce "Click Cluckers the stealer chicken!!If You're Lucky You Get The Prize!!Ready??",bc_blue;end;OnTimer40000:announce "GO!Click Cluckers the stealer chicken and get the prize!!!",bc_all;Query_SQL("SELECT `key` FROM `event_log` WHERE `event` = 'Cluckers' AND `won_by` IS NULL", .@key);if(.@key)Query_SQL("UPDATE `event_log` SET `started_time` = NOW(), `started_by` = '" + .starer$ + "' WHERE `key` = " + .@key);elseQuery_SQL("INSERT INTO `event_log` (`started_time`, `event`, `started_by`) VALUES (NOW(), 'Cluckers', '" + .starer$ + "')");set $@startcluck,1;end;L_playcluck:specialeffect2 2;switch( rand(24) ) {case 0:npctalk "Hahahahaha...Loe Apes Banget !!!";emotion 23;atcommand "@nuke "+strcharinfo(0);break;case 1:npctalk "Sorry kk Semua , Orang Jelek Ga Akan Dapet Hadiah~";break;case 2:npctalk "Ashh...Ngapaen Sih Colek2, Jablay Ya?:ngacir:";atcommand "@nuke "+strcharinfo(0);break;case 3:sc_start SC_Freeze,10000,0;break;case 4:npctalk "Wakwkakwkawka...Anda Belum Beruntung";emotion 23;atcommand "@nuke "+strcharinfo(0);break;case 5:sc_start SC_Sleep,10000,0;break;case 6:emotion 29;atcommand "@nuke "+strcharinfo(0);break;case 7:npctalk "Oi Kakak,Sudah Bosan Sama Manusia Ya?Kok Colek2 Ayam :ngakak";emotion 23;atcommand "@nuke "+strcharinfo(0);break;case 8:npctalk "Saya Ganteng Terima Kasih";emotion 23;atcommand "@nuke "+strcharinfo(0);break;case 9:nude;break;case 10:emotion 29;sc_start SC_Sleep,10000,0;break;case 11:npctalk "";break;case 12:sc_start SC_Stun,10000,0;break;case 13:nude;break;case 14:sc_start SC_Blind,10000,0;break;case 15:nude;break;case 16:npctalk "Kalau Colek2 Terus Saya Bunuh Terus Nih";nude;break;case 17:npctalk "";sc_start SC_Curse,10000,0;break;case 18:npctalk "";nude;break;case 19:npctalk "Kapok Bugilll.....";sc_start SC_Curse,10000,0;break;case 20:atcommand "@jump "+strcharinfo(0);break;case 21:atcommand "@jump "+strcharinfo(0);break;case 22:atcommand "@jump "+strcharinfo(0);break;default:if( rand(50) < 3 ) {npctalk "WOOF!...........";specialeffect2 72;announce "[Cluck! Cluck! Boom!] "+strcharinfo(0)+" won the Cluck Event! He won a "+ $cluck_item_amount +" "+getitemname($cluck_item_id)+" !",0;getitem $cluck_item_id,$cluck_item_amount;Query_SQL("UPDATE `event_log` SET `won_by` = '" + Escape_SQL(StrCharInfo(0)) + "', `won_time` = NOW(), `price_id` = " + $cluck_item_id + ", `price_amount` = " + $cluck_item_amount + " WHERE `event` = 'Cluckers' AND `won_by` IS NULL");set $@startcluck,0;} else {npctalk "Cluck! CLUUUCK!!";atcommand "@nuke "+strcharinfo(0);}break;}}-    script    EDCluckers    -1,{OnClock2200:    announce "Cluckers : Uda Malem Neh~ , WaktuNya Bobok..Gua Pamit Pulang Dolo",bc_all;    disablenpc "Cluckers";    end;OnClock0900:    announce "Cluckers : Petok Petok Petok , Uda Pagi~ Saatnya Saya Kerja Kembali, Morning All",bc_all;    enablenpc "Cluckers";    end;} 




sorry guys forgot about this one hehehehe...

Edited by RyokoMVP

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Wow that is one messy script.


Here. No more errors but I haven't tested it on a server.



thanks , but i want to know what should i do for script work in rA but doesnt work in Hercules. i think they have a different command or something else...because not only 1 . all my event , warper , n healer npc doesnt work in hercules but work 100% in rA .


cant clicked

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Wow that is one messy script.


Here. No more errors but I haven't tested it on a server.



thanks , but i want to know what should i do for script work in rA but doesnt work in Hercules. i think they have a different command or something else...because not only 1 . all my event , warper , n healer npc doesnt work in hercules but work 100% in rA .


cant clicked

You should really consider checking map-server for error, it would show you error(And many a times, solution for error too)

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