raPalooza~ 103 Posted October 22, 2015 So....Is there a way of calling an NPC without setting a specific ::OnLabel?Does it need to be a function in order to call it?What I want is to attach the invoker Character to another npc as it has been clicked...o/ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
0 Dastgir 1246 Posted October 23, 2015 Make a label in that npc at the very start line, and call that label, as simple as that. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
0 raPalooza~ 103 Posted October 23, 2015 Yeah there's this option but i meant to call any npc at the server, so i was looking for a way of calling a npc as it was clicked, starting at the top of npc's script like a OnClick: or something like it... ie: attach(NPCNAME,RID)(adding a OnClick on the first line of every npc script seems a little too much) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
0 jezznarRox 3 Posted October 23, 2015 (edited) Make a floating npc then use diplicate //edit on the other this will not work if you want just any npc. Edited October 23, 2015 by jezznarRox Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
0 Lord Ganja 5 Posted October 24, 2015 Up for this. I was looking for something like this too. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
0 raPalooza~ 103 Posted October 26, 2015 (edited) Found a missleading information on the script commands xDDon't know if it meant to say that when the scripts runs it attaches the RID as it was clicked by the player or it means that the "::OnRun" supposedly runs the npc script as it was clicked (from the start);Righ now the "OnRun" is just a misleading interpretation, because it doesnt work ;[ *addtimer <ticks>,"NPC::OnLabel";*deltimer "NPC::OnLabel";*addtimercount "NPC::OnLabel",<ticks>;These commands will create, destroy, and delay a countdown timer - 'addtimer' to create, 'deltimer' to destroy and 'addtimercount' to delay it by the specified number of ticks. For all three cases, the event label given is the identifier of that timer. The timer runs on the character object that is attached to the script, and can have multiple instances. When the label is run, it is run as if the player that the timer runs on has clicked the NPC. When the label is run, it is run as if the player that the timer runs onhas clicked the NPC. Edited October 26, 2015 by raPalooza~ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
0 AnnieRuru 958 Posted October 28, 2015 prontera,156,180,5 script qwer 1_F_MARIA,{ npctalk "I'm qwer"; doevent "asdf::OnClick"; end;}prontera,158,180,5 script asdf 1_F_MARIA,{OnClick: npctalk "I'm asdf"; end;}what are you trying to do actually ? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
0 Lord Ganja 5 Posted October 31, 2015 @@AnnieRuru, I think raPalooza~ and me are looking for the same kind of answer. I was thinking this is possible? Please take a look at this topic coz I explained it here. http://herc.ws/board/topic/10844-how-do-i-get-of-an-error-like-this-npc-event-event-not-found/?p=64038 Thanks in advance! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Is there a way of calling an NPC without setting a specific ::OnLabel?
Does it need to be a function in order to call it?
What I want is to attach the invoker Character to another npc as it has been clicked...
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