Hello if there's anyone here who could be generous enough to provide an NPC like this that would be greatly appreciated.
So we have a random news broadcaster that looks like this:
- script News -1,{OnInit:set .Time,60; // Announce every x Minute.setarray .News$[0], // Random Message to be Announced "Blablablablah", "Jeeejejejejejeeeh"; while( 1 ){ announce .News$[ rand( getarraysize( .News$ ) ) ],bc_all,0x99CC00; sleep ( .Time * 60000 ); }end;}
However the problem is that when we have new things to announce to the server (ex. Modified EXP rates event / drop rate / an event to happen in an hour) we'll have to do @reloadscript just to reload this file again everytime you have an update. And we all know the CONS of using @reloadscript in-game..
I have come up with an idea where there would be an NPC (only accessible by admins/gms) where you could store "News / Announcements" and configure the X number of minutes it will randomly show up all the news stored in the NPC. This way we can dynamically manage to 'Add, Edit, Delete' current news/announcement without having to reload the server.
So if we have to announce something, we just have to access that NPC maybe through an "@" command and add new announcement. And maybe configure the number of minutes it will randomly show all stored announcements. If possible, there's also a way to show the number of news currently being rolled.
For future developments:
Maybe we can allow "active/inactive" state of news so GMs/Admins can simply deactivate that announcement (without removing it in the list)
Hello if there's anyone here who could be generous enough to provide an NPC like this that would be greatly appreciated.
So we have a random news broadcaster that looks like this:
However the problem is that when we have new things to announce to the server (ex. Modified EXP rates event / drop rate / an event to happen in an hour) we'll have to do @reloadscript just to reload this file again everytime you have an update. And we all know the CONS of using @reloadscript in-game..
I have come up with an idea where there would be an NPC (only accessible by admins/gms) where you could store "News / Announcements" and configure the X number of minutes it will randomly show up all the news stored in the NPC. This way we can dynamically manage to 'Add, Edit, Delete' current news/announcement without having to reload the server.
So if we have to announce something, we just have to access that NPC maybe through an "@" command and add new announcement. And maybe configure the number of minutes it will randomly show all stored announcements. If possible, there's also a way to show the number of news currently being rolled.
For future developments:
Huhuhuu... paging @@AnnieRuru
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